A box! (1/1)
After Wen Ning came to the place Ji Yange mentioned, the first thing he saw was nothing else, but he saw a guy who looked like a beastmaster not far away.
It seemed that he was messing with something. After Wen Ning saw this guy, he was also a little curious, and this guy didn’t know what to do.
But Wen Ning walked over and asked, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”
The man seemed to be sneaking around so much that he didn’t know what he was doing. After hearing Wen Ning’s words, he immediately stopped frightening.
I saw that the man also patted his chest and said, “Oh, you are really scary 510. I really didn’t notice you suddenly appearing on this thing.”
“I said it’s not good for you to be so scary.” The man also said directly.
And Wen Ning said: “I said that you are really interesting. I haven’t spoken here yet, so you came up and gave me such a hand.”
“I haven’t asked you what are you doing here, sneaking around here, and you are talking about me in reverse? I said, aren’t you really stunned?”
At this time, the man said after hearing Wen Ning’s words: “I’m here to see what the following guys are doing.”
“You see these guys seem to be smuggling imperial beasts.” The man pointed to a few men in a place below.
And Wen Ning looked at the men who were making deals, and saw that one of them took out a box.
After opening it, I saw that the box was actually full of gold, and the man beside Wen Ning immediately said, “I’m going, so rich, such a box of gold.”
“Let’s say it’s worth hundreds of millions,” said the man.
And Wen Ning also said: “With such a large hand, it seems that the other party’s offering must be very good.”
Just as Wen Ning finished speaking, he saw that the person on the other side also directly pulled out a panda, and the panda was beaten all over its body.
And it seems that he has been severely abused, so this guy also has no energy on his face.
At this time, Wen Ning was the only one who saw such a guy and said, “I didn’t expect these guys to be smuggling this panda.”
“Isn’t this panda from the Green Mountain?” The man also said curiously, “I know this panda, as a B-level imperial beast, this panda is very powerful.”
“But there are not many people who can get this panda as a royal beast. If this is the case, then there is nothing to say about this matter.”
“It seems that this is the case with other things. There are not many things that can be done so naturally, and there is no need to think too much about other things.”
“If you can do such a thing, then naturally there is nothing to say, so this panda seems to be forced to open business,” the man said.
At this time, Wen Ning said, “By the way, I still don’t know what your name is,”
“My name is Wu Di, how about you?” Wu Di said.
“My name is Wen Ning, I’m a beastmaster, it seems that you are also a beastmaster.up. “Wen Ning said.
“Wen Ning?” Wu Di looked at Wen Ning with some surprise and said, “I think your name is a bit familiar, I seem to have heard your name somewhere.”
And Wen Ning said with a smile: “I am the champion of the competition in Yicheng.”

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