: Beast Control Bureau! (1/1)
And hearing Wen Ning say this, Wu Di immediately realized: “I must have remembered, you are the champion of Yicheng.”
“No wonder I said your name is so familiar. I know about this matter now, but since you have appeared now.”
“Then it just so happens that you can deal with this matter directly. I won’t say much about other matters. At least there is no problem with this matter.”
“If we can really do something else, then of course it’s the best thing, but if you really want to do something.”
“Then nature is the best thing. If we can look at this situation now, then nature is also the best thing, so there is nothing to say about this matter.”
“In short, we saw such a thing this time, so we just have to do it according to this kind of thing.”
“As for other things, that’s not something we should consider.” Wen Ning said.
After hearing Wen Ning’s words, Wu Di nodded and said, “What you said is not wrong, since this is the case.”
“Then do as you said, but what should we do now to save this panda?” Wu Di said~.
And after hearing Wu Di’s words, Wen Ning also said directly at this time: “Actually, it’s not such a troublesome thing. These guys are trading royal beasts in private.”
“According to the management regulations, this matter is absolutely not allowed. Since it is not allowed, is there anything else to say?”
“This is the case now, and there is no need to do other things that can be done. This is the case with other issues.”
“This is what we need to do in this matter. We don’t need to make so many twists and turns. We just need to go straight and defeat these guys.”
“Either send it to someone from the Administration, and the matter will be resolved,” Wen Ning said.
And after hearing Wen Ning’s words, Wu Di also said directly at this time: “There is no problem with this matter, and you are right.”
“But firstly, I’m not a great beast master, I’m afraid I can’t help you, and secondly, even if you are the champion, you may not be their opponent, right?”
And Wen Ning said with a smile: “You call the people in the management office first, and tell them that someone here is doing private transactions.”
0···Ask for flowers···········
“Let’s just rush down and delay the time, or capture them all, anyway, this is the way it is now.”
“It’s the best if you can do other things. If you can’t, forget it.” Wen Ning said.
But after hearing Wen Ning’s words, Wu Di said with a smile at this time: “Since this is the case now, then follow what you said.”
“Then let’s go down and clean up these guys,” Wen Ning said.
After finishing speaking, Wu Di also called the people from the Beast Familiar Administration first. After explaining the situation clearly, the people from the Beast Familiar Administration will arrive soon.
At this time, Wen Ning brought Wu Di directly to the front of the people on both sides.
After seeing Wen Ning and Wen Ning, the people on both sides immediately asked, “Who are you?”
“You are here to trade royal beasts in private. I’m afraid it’s not that simple. If I were you, I’d either just grab it or just grab it.” Wen Ning said cheerfully. Spoon.

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