: The position of leader! (1/1)
“Since there is no one, we are all brothers now. I, Pang Yong, am not afraid to say something heartfelt to everyone today.”
“Everyone, what do you think the leader Yang Long and the deputy leader Chen Nuo did to our subordinates when they were here? To be honest, good is good or bad.” Pang Yong said.
No one spoke for a while, but Pang Yong said with a smile: “I dare not say yes, so I will say “087”.”
“These two people are definitely very bad for our brothers of the Beast Master League. It’s not that I’m here to make trouble, right?”
“Do you think so?” Pang Yong said, looking around.
No one refuted and no one agreed, obviouslyOf course this is the default.
At this time, Pang Yong said directly: “If this is the case, then there is nothing to say about this matter.”
“Let’s not say much more, at least now we all know about this matter. If it wasn’t for this matter, then naturally it would be impossible to do such a thing.”
“So think about it for yourself, even if you are making a fuss to avenge this alliance leader and deputy leader, I, Pang Yong, are not afraid to say something scolded.”
“What’s the point of this, what’s the use of it? I don’t talk about other things, at least I don’t think Pang Yong needs to avenge anyone.”
“Who has given me Pang Yong any kindness, or who saved my Pang Yong’s life? I think it’s true that I, Pang Yong, don’t have to do anything.”
“To be honest, we won’t say much about other things. At least we can feel it now, and everyone is clear in their hearts, whether it is necessary to help.”
“Actually, what I mean is very clear. Now that Yang Long and Chen Nuo are both dead, to be honest, no matter what happened in the past, it is a write-off.”
“This is what we can do now. Is there a way to solve this thing?”
“As the so-called group of dragons has no leader, this Beast Masters Alliance can’t be without a leader for a day. What we need to do now is to first clarify the position of the leader.” Pang Yong said.
Hearing Pang Yong’s words, the disciples present at this time also nodded and said: “It is not wrong to say that, in this matter, it is natural to make the position of the leader of the Master of the Beast Master League. …… …”
“Otherwise, what else can we do with this matter? We have to do some other things. In short, I won’t say more about other things.”
“This is the case for the Beast Masters Alliance now. We also have to choose a new leader.” Everyone said.
“But who will this new leader choose?” someone asked.
Many people who were present for a while fell into silence, but it is not that these people do not want to be the leader of the Master Beast Master League.
The main problem here is that the leader of the Beast Masters League is basically someone who must be strong.
If you think about 4.3, you should also know that if the strength is not strong, then if someone finds fault with this, I ask you that the main alliance can’t handle it, what should you do?
This is not something that ordinary people can figure out clearly, so naturally everyone knows about this matter, but now there is a problem.
That is whether it is the Master Beast Master League, or something else, in short, we must find a way to fix this matter. .

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