A better candidate! (1/1)
If this is not done, then it will definitely not work, so naturally there is nothing to say about this matter.
But at this moment, I saw someone in the crowd shouting: “Isn’t it hard to say? Isn’t this ready-made now?”
“Who is it?” Someone asked curiously.
“Pang Yong.”
Hearing Pang Yong’s name, everyone also started booing: “Yes, that is, is there anything else in this matter? Without it, isn’t it just Pang Yong.”
“Yes, no one is more suitable for the position of the leader of the alliance than Pang Yong now.” Someone shouted.
And Pang Yong directly waved his hand and said: “This is not good, how can I be the leader of the alliance, how can I be Pang Yong, this is just joking with me.”
“There’s nothing wrong with this.” One of the people in the crowd stood up and said, “To be honest, the previous leader and deputy leader were also very bitter.”
“I believe that the brothers already have the desire to change the vice leader and leader, but they are helpless, but now Wen Ning has also helped us.”
“It can be said that it is also a coincidence. Now we can choose a new alliance leader. Brother Pang Yong is usually good to everyone.”
“And his temperament is also very good. We can discuss anything about it. Our Beast Masters Alliance can’t be broken up.”
“But you can’t continue to be dominated by people like before, so naturally there is no need to say more about this matter.”
“If there are really some other candidates, then of course it is possible, but now it seems that the best candidate of ours is Pang Yong.” The man said.
“Yes, Pang Yong, Pang Yong.” Everyone also shouted Pang Yong’s name for a while.
And when Pang Yong saw that everyone was so enthusiastic, he said: “Since everyone is so enthusiastic, I will not refuse directly in this matter.”
“But before becoming the leader of this alliance, I have to make one thing clear, that is, I have to get this thing right.”
“If I am the leader of this alliance now, everyone must support me and Wen Ning in a comprehensive reconciliation. The previous matter will be written off. Our Beast Masters Alliance will not go to this Wen Ning.”
“As for Wen Ning, don’t come to trouble our Beast Masters Alliance, what do you think?” Pang Yong said.
After hearing Pang Yong’s words, a group of people from the Beast Masters Alliance also nodded: “This is a good way, and it can be figured out all at once.”
“That is, it’s all clarified. This saves a lot of things to be done in the future. It seems that we have nothing to say about this matter.” Everyone said.
And Pang Yong said with a smile: “990 If this is the case, then I, Pang Yong, will be the leader of this Beast Masters Alliance first.”
“But let’s talk about it first. If everyone thinks that there is a better candidate, they can bring it up at any time. What if I, Pang Yong, abdicate and become a sage?” Pang Yong said.
“It’s okay, Brother Pang Yong, you are the leader of the alliance, we all can rest assured. ‘ said the crowd.
In this way, by chance, Pang Yong also became the new leader of the Beast Masters League.
If you want to say what is called a pie from the sky, this is probably the so-called pie from the sky, because this thing is really interesting, so Pang Yong himself is a little surprised. .

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