Don’t talk nonsense! (1/1)
Just like that, Wen Ning put other things aside and just had a good night’s rest.
The next morning, Wen Ning also got up early. After breakfast, the three of them quickly put away the tent and everything else, and then walked straight ahead.
Along the way, Wen Ning knew in his heart that even though it didn’t look very good in the Shadow Forest.
But it is also full of many unknown things, what kind of danger is there, this is up to Wen Ning and the others to explore by themselves.
This is definitely not an easy thing to do.
But at this moment, I saw many other imperial beasts appeared around me at some point.
Some of these imperial beasts are loaches, some are water snakes, and some are eagles. Anyway, they are all relatively low-level imperial beasts.
Wen Ning originally had doubts in his heart before, but after seeing these guys now, Wen Ning has no doubts in his heart at this time.
After all, if you still can’t understand this, then you really have to die. I saw that these imperial beasts are basically controlled by some human beings?
Among other things, the loach must be controlled by a beast master.
Seeing these royal beasts like this, Wen Ning said at this time: “I said you cowards who hide behind, come out if you have the ability’ ‖.”
“What kind of beast master is hiding behind his own beast master? Is this the face of you beast masters?”
“Not much to say about other things, at least I can’t let my imperial beast fight in front, while I hide.”
“If you really still have the dignity of being a beast master, then you should also stand up and fight like men.”
“That way at least it will make you look a bit more decent, but I’m curious about one thing.”
“What are you doing, why is this happening, you’d better not be self-righteous.”
“If you come out by yourself now, then maybe I will choose to forgive you for this matter and not kill you.”
“But you continue to be sneaky like this, so sorry, I will never let you go on this matter.”
“So you can decide for yourself, do you want me to deal with you, or do you come out on your own? You can choose one.” Wen Ning said.
And after hearing Wen Ning’s words, a voice also sounded at this time: “‘ ‖Wen Ning, just stop talking nonsense.”
“If you want to get out of this Shadow Forest, then you must defeat us. If you cannot defeat us, then you must die.” The voice said.
Although he didn’t know who this person was, Wen Ning still laughed: “I said you are really good, if this is really done.”
“So to be honest, where do you think that you are my opponent? It’s not that I look down on anyone, but that I think we should pay attention to seeking truth from facts when we do (what we do).”
“Do you think you two idiots can be my opponent? If you can be my opponent, wouldn’t I be ashamed?” Wen Ning also said cheerfully.
“Stop talking nonsense, let’s see the truth.” The man’s voice sounded again.
Now that this has been covered, there is nothing more to say. Originally, Wen Ning said that there was nothing else to say about this matter. .

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