: Reduced to Ashes! (1/1)
But Wen Ning himself really didn’t expect that these guys would be so unafraid of death.
This is what makes Wen Ning himself feel a little strange, but fortunately, there is nothing he can do about it, since he wants to do it this way.
Then just put this matter aside, anyway, there are some things that can’t be helped, anyway, Wen Ning knows it himself.
If it is really possible, then Wen Ning will also let these people go, after all, he still doesn’t know who is behind it.
Although Wen Ning also guessed that it might be Wang Yande, but after all he has no evidence for this matter, it is impossible for you to say that Wang Yande did it without evidence.
If things go wrong at that time, then this matter is the real thing that will make things happen, so Wen Ning knows it in his heart.
Some things must not be messed up, especially in the current 320.
For Wen Ning, this was the case. At this time, Wen Ning just put other things aside.
Then Wen Ning summoned the Mingyue Jiao.
Ji Yange and He Fanling on the side also wanted to sacrifice their imperial beasts, but Wen Ning stopped them and said, “It’s not like I’m enough for these guys.”
“Both of you pay attention to the movement around you, and see what else is going on around you,” Wen Ning said.
At this time, Ji Yange said directly: “Okay, then you should be more careful, although these guys are not your opponents.”
“But it’s very annoying that they can’t stand the large number of them.” Ji Yange said.
At this time, Wen Ning said: “No matter how many flies there are, what is the use of them other than being annoying? Other thingsNaturally, there is nothing to say. ”
At this time, the match only heard the sound of a whistle on the opposite side, and then the beasts on the opposite side rushed over.
Mingyue Jiao has been looking at these imperial beasts with disdain since he came out.
After all, these imperial beasts are simply a joke to themselves. The troops can accurately say that it can’t be called a joke to themselves. It is simply called a joke. After all, you should know it when you think about it.
In this matter, who would face such a beast that is countless times worse than himself, what kind of desire would there be to fight.
This can’t be called a battle, this is called a one-sided slaughter is correct, so for Mingyue Jiao,
Naturally, there is no other way to do this. If these things can be done well, then it is naturally the best.
On time, the current matter is here, whether it is possible to fix other things, Wen Ning himself does not know about this matter.
But at least on other things, Wen Ning knew that, as long as these things could be done well, then the rest of the things would naturally be unnecessary.
At this time, I saw Mingyue Jiao also roared directly, and then saw the Mingyue Jiao’s tail swept away.
Immediately, the group of imperial beasts that rushed up first were swept away.
Then Mingyue Jiao again spurted out a violent flame from its mouth, and many beasts turned to ashes in an instant.
During the whole process, the beasts that were turned to ashes turned into ashes without even shouting.
It was really miserable to watch the scene, but at this time, after seeing such a one-sided massacre, I only heard someone in the woods behind say:
“This can’t be done, our imperial beasts can’t die like this, we are not opponents at all, we must invite the king of the city to come.”.

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