Global Sage Era

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Experimental building square.

When the host teacher said, “Please invite 2177 outstanding graduates to come to the stage,” clapping claps screamed crazy.

Every high school and high school student craned their necks and couldn’t wait to look to the right.

Whispering is forbidden in this kind of occasion, but the nature of the student is not to obey the discipline.

Soon, all kinds of whispering voices came out.

One or two is nothing, but when the voices of two thousand people gather, it becomes obvious no matter how small.

The respective head teacher and the student union could not stop this discussion at all, so they had no choice but to give up in the end.

In the eyes of everyone, the Class of 2177 outstanding graduates followed the passage on the right.

Walking in the front is Xu Sheng with a smile, followed by Lu Yuan and Cheng Chuxue…

The level of performance is reflected all the time.

Can you say it’s unfair?

This is precisely the greatest fairness.

Under the guidance of the girls from the Etiquette Department of the Student Union, Xu Sheng and other ten people quickly sat down in their seats.

At this time, they were not arranged in order from left to right, but Xu Sheng was sitting on the right of the two middle positions, and then on his left was the principal Xiao Sihai.

Xiao Sihai sat Lu Yuan on the left and Cheng Chuxue sat on the right of Xu Sheng, alternately seated according to the results.

“Hello principal.”

The microphone was in a closed state at this time, so Xu Sheng greeted Xiao Sihai first.

“Haha, I heard that you just went to maintain the cabin with Lu Yuan?” Xiao Sihai leaned over and said in a low voice, with a smile in his eyes.

“Well, I had a discussion with him.” Xu Sheng answered with a smile.

The voices of the two of them were so small that even Lu Yuan and Cheng Chuxue sitting next to them could not hear them.

People on the stage can’t see it, but the audience can see it clearly.

When all the students saw that Lu Yuan could have such an eager conversation with the principal as a student, they were envious again in their hearts.

Achievement is an achievement, and being able to sit on an equal footing in front of the teacher is another feeling.

Ten students, including Xu Sheng, each have three to five minutes to speak. After the speech, it is the time for the student representatives below to ask questions.

The entire process takes about one and a half hours.

Xu Sheng was naturally the first to speak.

“Okay, let’s not talk too much nonsense. I think you have all been looking forward to student Xu Sheng’s speech, and then it is up to student Xu Sheng to talk about his experience and feelings.”


The first and second high school students applauded enthusiastically one by one.

This is the loudest time.

In the end, the host teacher had to say stop, and the applause gradually stopped.

Xu Sheng looked down the stage and stared at him with more than two thousand pairs of clear eyes containing various emotions, which made his heart deeply touched.

He settled down, and then smiling, said in a chatting tone: “Hello fellow students, I’m Xu Sheng.”


Not knowing who took the lead, the people below shouted neatly.

This posture is a bit bluff, school leaders look at me and I look at you, but in the end they all shrugged.

“One year ago, today, I was sitting in the same position as you guys, watching the seniors and senior sisters on the stage talking and talking, to be honest, what I was thinking at that time was…ah, what the hell Only then can this speech be over.”

Ushered in a burst of laughter from the stage.

Xu Sheng also laughed. In fact, at first he wanted to add a ‘special’ in front of him, but the occasion was not allowed, and he could only use such a less strong tone.

“But later I discovered that what the seniors and sisters said was not all nonsense, and some things made sense.”

When it came to the word ‘nonsense’, there was another burst of laughter in the audience.

“I remember at that time, a senior sister said in an encouraging tone,’Don’t give up, the college entrance examination is only a year away, you still have a chance.’ I think so, and I spit her in my heart.”

“Hahaha!” The younger brothers and sisters were overjoyed.

The faces of Lu Yuan Cheng Chuxue and others also showed knowing smiles.

This is something that students only understand in seconds.

Things like this kind of mobilization meeting, if it’s okay once or twice, does have an effect.

But once the entire high school is down, no less than dozens of times will be carried out, and the individual will be numb.

Xu Sheng was very clear at the time that there was nothing wrong with what the seniors and sisters said, but if there were no problems, it didn’t mean it worked.

Those seniors and sisters are all self-confident, and it is natural for them to get good grades. There is always a sense of supremacy between their words-in layman’s terms, it is a ‘student tyrant’.

For the ‘scumbag’ and the ‘weak in learning’, the experience of the ‘study tyrant’ is just as good as listening to it, and can never be copied.

“But now, I’m sitting in the same position, but I want to tell them the same thing, and I will be cast aside by you in my heart… life is like a play!”

Gradually, the younger brother and younger sister stopped smiling, and had a thoughtful expression on their faces.

On the other hand, Xiao Sihai’s expression became more kind, and he was more satisfied with the best graduate in the history of the third middle school.

“Yes, there was a time when I stood at the lowest point and looked up at the senior elder sisters at a high place, feeling that there was a gap between them.”

“But life likes to joke with you. The future is never defined by the present.”

Xu Sheng’s voice was a little bit more emotional. Of course, his situation cannot be replicated, but as far as the starting conditions are concerned, everyone in the audience is stronger than him. He has an own opportunity. Others do not mean that there is no own opportunity. .

“Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.”

He said this famous sentence in his previous life and inspired others to give it to himself.

“Perhaps some of you are currently experiencing difficulties and your strengths are not advancing, but what I want to say is that for more than two years, my Minor World people are in a state of struggling.”

“I also thought about giving up at the time, thinking that even if I started again, the result could not be worse than this, but in the end I persisted.”

For Minor World, Xu Sheng gave up communication, entertainment, and rest. There were only three things in his life: eating, going to class, and developing Minor World.

“Human growth is accompanied by pain. Without painful grind, we will never be truly strong. The difficulty of the holy path is not enough to describe the difficulty of walking on a single-plank bridge with thousands of troops.”

Xu Sheng smiled again, his voice softened, his lips pressed close to the microphone, and he said the final summary.

“Finally, I would like to give you a word: Life is endless, and struggle is endless. My speech is over. Thank you everyone.”

life is long so add oil.

What a simple sentence.

After a short silence, there was thunderous applause.

The students in the first and second grades of high school, clapped with red hands, spontaneously stood up from their own seats, and expressed their sincere admiration and gratitude to the Daoist shadow on the stage.

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