Global Sage Era

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Two Overlords Come Back Again

“The previous speeches were very level.”

When the whole mobilization meeting was over and they walked from the stage to the office together, Lu Yuan and Xu Sheng walked together and expressed their affirmation.

Xu Sheng smiled and said, “Yours is also good.”

Later, Cheng Chuxue rolled her eyes, who wouldn’t know how to talk to each other in business.

Pragmatically speaking, Xu Sheng’s speech is actually average, and it’s not as provocative as other people. The only thing that can be praised is truth.

But why do the students in the audience react and resonate so much?

It is purely because of Xu Sheng’s own existence, which is the best proof of his speech!

An excellent student said on stage, don’t be afraid of poor grades, as long as you work hard, you will always catch up.

Ghost letter!

Only Xu Sheng is the best example and the source of motivation in the hearts of countless people.

Not long after the ten people returned to the office, the principal Xiao Sihai walked in from outside.

Everyone hurriedly got up.

“From now on, your high school career will really come to a complete end. In the coming days, you will adjust your mentality and demand yourself in accordance with the standards of prospective college students.”

Xiao Sihai smiled and said to everyone.

“I want to feel the life of the university a long time ago!”

“I can’t wait to get into university right now!”

“I don’t know what a university is like.”

Everyone babbled, at this moment they are no longer the top students in the third middle school, but ordinary graduates, with a longing for the university.

“University is completely different from high school. There are so many resources in it that will make you stun your tongue… Your three-year high school, the development of the people is almost only up to the cultivator stage, while the four-year university , The development of cultivator will formally become a system, and there will be Sect… in any case, you learn it!” Xiao Sihai said as he said, there was a bit of gloat in his tone.

Xu Sheng and Lu Yuan looked at each other, and both felt the momentum in each other’s eyes.

For example, Qianjing University and Kunhai University, the graduation standard of these two schools is the quasi-sage.

Although they don’t know much about the quasi-sage’s strength level, one thing is certain, there must be a Mahayana cultivator among the people of the quasi-sage.

From Qi training to Mahayana…The gap in this cannot be calculated with reason, anyway, as of now, they can’t think of how to do this in just four years.

Unexpectedly, it does not mean doubting. The perfection of the earth’s education system has been tested for more than a hundred years. You only need to follow the school arrangements when you are in college.

After returning home from the Third Middle School, Xu Sheng sat on the sofa and sat quietly for a long time.

His mood could not be calm for a long time.

As the principal said, at the moment the speech ended, his high school career was truly over, and what he had to face next was the world of ‘adult’.

Although the earth is strong, it is not stable. Every year, people die in extraterritorial wars.

Xu Sheng had always imagined what it was like outside the domain.

He has no concept, he can only imagine a big battlefield, which is full of blood and fire.

“In the next time, I don’t need to go to school. I can concentrate all my energy on conquering the monster clan world. This time there are two months, which should be enough.”

Before, I naively thought that the monster world could be solved in a month, and Xu Sheng had already been severely beaten by reality.

Now, with a full estimate, he feels that two months should be almost the same.

“I hope Kuangyuan can break through quickly. The Martial Master Realm above Qi Sea realm belongs to the second Realm of Lian Xuan. Although it is far inferior to the second Realm Foundation Building of the cultivator, it has barely gained strength. The strength of the cultivator.”

Xu Sheng whispered, full of expectation in his heart.

The so-called Martial Master Realm sounds very low, but the strength is very strong. The cyclone above the Qi Sea turns into a Spiritual Qi tornado, and the force of hundreds of thousands of kilograms can be used in every move, and it can rely on the powerful Spiritual. Qi Tornado forcibly possesses the ability to stay in the air for a short period of time.

Similarly, this Realm has the means to damage the Foundation Building cultivator-it can break through the protective body Spiritual Qi.


The knock on the door broke Xu Sheng’s thinking.

“Why is anyone still looking for me at this time?”

He opened the door in a puzzled mood, and the people he saw afterwards made him a little speechless.

“Hello, student Xu Sheng, I took the liberty to interrupt again.”

“Student Xu Sheng, I haven’t seen you for a few days, I feel you are in a better spirit!”

Outside the door, the head of Qianjing University and the head of Kunhai University stood there with all smiles.

The dignified two quasi-sages, facing a high school student with such an attitude, can’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

But the two of them couldn’t help it. After learning that they had not made any progress, the school gave a death order. If Xu Sheng was not won over, then the position of the head of the admissions office would have been done.

A mere quasi-sage is a great existence among ordinary people, but it is nothing in a dominant university.

The quasi-sage can graduate, which means that there are more than thousands of students at the quasi-sage level in the school.

Not to mention the thousands of teachers and professors in the real sacred realm.

Xu Sheng really didn’t know what to say at this time, but the two of them didn’t say hello to him at all.

In the past two days, they had to make five or six calls every day, which made him a little irritable.

But no matter how he expresses the meaning of own, these two people are not at all discouraged.

This posture is that if he doesn’t make choices every day, they won’t give up every day.

“The two teachers please come in. I don’t have any tea here. I can only entertain you with boiled water.”

Xu Sheng still knew the basic etiquette, let the two of them in, and then went to pour water.

“It’s okay, plain water is fine.”

Both of them waved their hands quickly.

After pouring the water, Xu Sheng sat down opposite the two of them. He smiled bitterly at the two of them, “Don’t look at me like this, two teachers. Both Qianjing University and Kunhai University are very good. In two days, I There is really no way to make up your mind.”

His words made the two of them feel a little relieved, but they were also a little bit awkward, because there was no certainty to win Xu Sheng over.

When the two looked at each other, they could feel the ‘killer’ in each other’s eyes.

In fact, the two of them don’t want to meet each other, but no matter how much attention is paid to each other, any disturbance on one side will be immediately noticed by the other side.

Originally, this time it was the person in charge of Kunhai University who found an opportunity to try to contact Xu Sheng secretly without the person in charge of Qianjing University.

The person in charge of Ganjing University has a more urgent personality.

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