Global Sage Era

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Finally, the book arrived.

For me, this book is the last fight.

I’m not afraid you will laugh when I say it. This is the sixth year I wrote a book. In the past few years, I have earned only 10,000 yuan in total, and it is divided into more than 100 points every month.

Maybe I’m not suitable for writing books. When I opened this book, I thought, if I can’t make money anymore, I will give up writing books and give up unreachable dreams.

However, fortunately, I met my noble man and ordered Lu Ming.

He is a very enthusiastic person, even if you die on the street like me, every time you brazenly knock him to ask a question, he will always reply in time.

My level is limited, and there are a few places where poisonous spots are written in this book. Every time, the big deer helps me find a way to let me finally get through it, so that Sage can go to this day.

Now that this book has reached Sanjiang, it is considered an improvement, and it also gives the dark Life a glimmer of hope.

There is a girlfriend who has been talking for a few years. She should have talked about marriage long ago, but because I can’t earn money, this time has been procrastinated. Sometimes I think about it, I can’t sleep all night and stay here. Say sorry to her.

Hahaha, I’m done with my heart-wrenching words, and there is no need to make the atmosphere so heavy. Let me tell you what you are most concerned about.

That’s right, it’s just hit the shelves.

Here I want to say that the chapters in the public period up to the present are all 2000-word chapters, and it will become a chapter with at least 3000 words after it is put on the shelves!

The daily guarantee update is two updates of 6000 words, which is equivalent to the previous three chapters, and the speed has increased by half!

Tomorrow noon, that is, at noon on February 5th, five chapters will be uploaded on time, which is equivalent to the previous eight chapters of 2,000 words, and the amount of updates in four days!

This is just a guarantee, and it is an explosion that has always been promised to everyone.

In addition to the five chapters after the guarantee, there are more rules, as long as the conditions are met, the top is not capped!

First: All orders.

The most important thing about a book is to book evenly. It is related to the author’s income and the importance of the editor. The higher the book, the better the follow-up recommendation!

Now the book’s collection is 36,000. If the goal is not too high, it is set to 2000. As long as it reaches 2000, every 100 additional chapters will be added. This will be effective for a long time!

Second: Reward.

The reward will add one more for every 50,000 coins! The leader adds three more! ! Thirty-five more silver! ! !

As long as you dare to give a reward, I will dare to add more, even if the liver explodes!

Third: monthly pass.

Now the starting point of the monthly ticket mechanism has been changed, and there will be rewards for reaching 1000, so I decided to add one chapter for every 500 monthly tickets. If there are 500 monthly tickets in a month, then add one change, and if there are 5000 tickets, add ten changes, and there are 10,000 tickets. Just add twenty more!

Three plus more conditions, I am ready to go crazy.

Are you willing to accompany me crazy?

It’s less than 24 hours before it’s on the shelves. I’ll continue to save the manuscript now, stay up all night, and code until noon tomorrow.

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