Global Sage Era

Chapter 120

Chapter 120-Adjacent Selection (Subscription required!)

“If you take a bite, this rabbit’s head is absolutely terrible. It tastes so hot and spicy. I think it can be carried forward.”

In the big tent, Kuang Yuan ate his hands full of red oil. In front of him, he swept away several large pots of rabbit heads. With his food intake, these were just enough.

“A cultivator has a pure heart and few desires. I don’t care about these things.” Yin smiled slightly, the fragrance of the full account was as if he hadn’t heard it, and his mood was as stable as a rock, unmoved.

“That’s it…” Kuang Yuan nodded pretentiously, and then grabbed a rabbit leg and stuffed it into Yin’s mouth in the next second.


Yin’s eyes widened for a moment, and he just thought of a magic trick to let this kid know the end of the sneak attack, but at this time, the body fluid slid down his throat into his abdomen…

Huh… it tastes good.

He subconsciously smashed his mouth twice, and then his heart chuckled.


Kuang Yuan laughed trivially, saying no, but his body was very honest.

In the end, Yin did not resist the temptation of rabbit meat and was captured.

“The cultivator… occasionally satisfying the appetite is not in the way…”

He looked at the spicy bunny head holding this, as he thought.

In the real world, Xu Sheng is also eating rabbit heads. Now that he is rich, he can occasionally be extravagant.

Rabbits are very capable of multiplying. As long as you buy four or five rabbits to go home and provide sufficient supplies, you can multiply more than one hundred in a year, so the real world price is not expensive.

“The Tiger Clan has sent out even the Rabbit Clan, and it has reached the point where it can go all out. In this case, the Human Race must be careful…”

Xu Sheng chewed on the rabbit’s head while still thinking.

The best situation for the human race is naturally to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, watching the tiger and wolf tribes suffer both.

The situation now has such a trend of development, after all, in terms of command, these formed beasts are far inferior to the human race.

However, the tiger tribe has the tiger tribe, and the wolf tribe has the embarrassed tribe. The frontal combat abilities of these two tribes are not strong. The trouble is that they are not weaker than human wisdom.

Many times, the Tiger and Wolf tribes had their eyes red. Seeing that they had to fight to the death despite the threat of the southern human race, they were persuaded by the think tanks on both sides to go back at the end.

There are too many people with high wisdom here. Whether it is Yin or Kuangyuan, they are all people who have experienced big winds and waves. Besides them, there are not a few people with foresight among Humans, and both of them can take it every day. To a lot of suggestions.

Many of these suggestions were considered by the two, but there were also many aspects that the two did not cover, which inspired them deeply and made many better arrangements.

Even Xu Sheng was a little surprised when he saw the strategies proposed. As expected, everyone was gathering firewood with high flames. Even if he was an ancestor, he was very limited in what he could think about.

“I remember there seems to be such a case record…”

The current three-legged situation is actually a bit difficult to deal with the human race, and I dare not rush to fight any side. After the surrounding small clans are eliminated, they can only rely on the border and send heavy troops to guard.

In the beginning, the mountains and rain were about to come, but then it became a limited friction, and finally it became mutual restraint.

Xu Sheng sat down in front of Guangping and began to search for information on the Internet.

Many basic textbooks are free, and there are many such three-legged situations, and they all come with solutions.

“On the best strategy for the three pillars”

“How to get the most benefit under the three-legged situation”

“Demon Race Inferiority”

“Ten Advantages of Human Race Against Monster Race”

Xu Sheng has also searched for information before, but because of the different angles, the contents of the search are also different.

This time, after entering the three-legged key word, many books came out that made him shine.

These books provide various methods, telling from various angles how to guide the people to win the final war.

“It turned out to be so… then it seems that I will change my strategy next.”

Xu Sheng moved his gaze away from the light curtain, feeling that his thoughts were opened.

Life’s advantage in the main world is really too great. For example, this kind of information is a summary of the experience of the ancestors. Don’t look at just some simple text and data records, but each one represents the death of tens of millions of lives at every turn.

So I can’t think about many things, and Xu Sheng has been in this world for a long time before getting used to it.

Otherwise, if you change to someone who has just crossed over, you will feel a kind of suffocation from your bones.

In a blink of an eye, it’s mid-July, and seven or eight years have passed since Minor World.

In the past few years, there have been constant frictions among the tiger, wolf, and human tribes. On the one hand, they are exploring the reality of the other two, and on the other hand, they are accumulating their own strength.

Because of the overall leadership of Xu Sheng, the human race has the most intelligence acquisition. The two parties have received a lot of information, and many of them are deliberately misleading, so that they do not have a correct life on the strength of the human race.

More importantly, they knew nothing about themselves, and were all deceived by the information that had been detected, thinking that the human race had limited progress in the past few years and were far from their own opponents.

But in fact, the territories that the human race has acquired through the vast new occupation have already begun to farm wildly.

Regarding farming, the source is still Xu Sheng, and Xu Sheng’s thoughts were brought over by his previous life.

When he developed the Huntuo tribe, he had a lot of thoughts on farming, and he would only consider expansion when his strength was almost developed. Just like when he first expedition to the outside world, he developed for a long time before letting the big Elder and the ancestors took Yin and the tribe Practitioner to the world of greystone spirits.

That time also made him aware of the huge Ascension brought about by the conquest of the outer world. Unfortunately, in the later time, the idea of ​​farming was haunted again. After another big farming, it took more than a month to start the second conquest of the outer world. .

“Time is faster than I thought. In a blink of an eye, the college entrance examination is over for more than half a month… The most important thing is that the selection of the top prize class is coming soon!”

Xu Sheng felt a sense of urgency. Although he became the first national full score champion, this does not mean that his strength is the strongest in so many years, but because the previous champions did not follow the’humanity’. That’s it.

The original educational strength of Baiwan Province is not very strong, and it is very reluctant to occupy the middle reaches, like some powerful provinces, where the strength of top students is not weaker than their own, and some may even be slightly stronger.

Not to mention the sons of Gao Sheng who did not take the college entrance examination.

There are only 30 places in the champion class, and 30 out of hundreds of people. There is no doubt that it is the best among the best. He does not dare to underestimate the world.

Fortunately, the situation in the Yaozu world has also entered the final stage. If the Huntuo tribe is dragged into the quagmire of war, he really doesn’t know how to get out.

Huntuo tribe.

Yuhuan wiped the sweat from her forehead in the pill refining room. Not long ago, she had just refined a middle-grade Medicine Pill.Time didn’t leave any traces on her body, and her face was still broken.

However, in her eyebrows, she can also see a trace of mature temperament, especially after Dao Tong came in and took Medicine Pill away, her gestures were even more cultivator.

“The seven major medicines will mature in a few days. Last time the Master promised me to take some to refine the medicine. This time it will definitely make my pill refining a further step. Maybe I will be able to refine the top-grade Medicine Pill!”

Thinking of this, Yuhua’s face was joyful on the road.

The seven medicines, given by Xu Sheng, were regarded by the Huntuo tribe as an important existence of the second kind of foundation. At this time, they had already experienced five or six maturities.

The scale has also changed from only enough for dozens of people to use for hundreds of people.

Every year, the tribe will plan to take the seven medicines, either pill refining or medicine, to maximize the strength of the Practitioner in the tribe.

Today, Qi Sea realm Practitioners in the tribe are not uncommon. As long as they have sufficient qualifications, they can be expected to be Qi Sea realm under the guidance of their elders.

However, the increase in strength has also brought about a negative impact. There will often be conflicts between Practitioners, not to mention each other’s swords, and eventually they will see blood.

If it’s a normal world, no one can manage them, but here is the Minor World created. As the developer, Xu Sheng could not tolerate this kind of internal friction. Disciplinary in front of people.

There was no life involved, and from Xu Sheng’s perspective, it was possible to tell who was right and wrong. After all, everything was hidden from him, so the unreasonable party would be punished more seriously.

The ancestors have all taken action, and all of the Huntuo races are silent, and those who have bad thoughts are repressed.

There are also those who are too bad in nature and have a tendency to destroy. These people Xu Sheng never feel soft. When a sky fire falls, it turns to ashes on the spot.

This seems a bit ‘humane’, but Xu Sheng is not a Virgin, he has his own concept of distinguishing right from wrong, and will respond immediately if he is touched by the people.

In the first year of high school, he even confused for a while. Isn’t this similar to a development game?

I found out later-it’s really similar to a developmental game.

Every Minor World developer has absolute control over Minor World. Although every word and deed has to consume incense, this is only for the Sages to make restrictions.

Soon the day when the seven medicines matured, the rich fragrance drifted across the entire valley, and the gatekeepers who were guarding them all showed intoxicated expressions. Many people had greed in their hearts, wanting to go in and pick the seven medicines. Then take it.

But such stupid people are still a minority after all, and the entire Minor World is so big, even if it succeeds, it won’t be able to run in the end.

Someone once fainted and did such a thing, but as soon as he took off one of the medicines, his head was taken off by the Qi Sea realm Practitioner who was guarding him.

ps: Full booking group 853, 583, 420, the author answers the story online 24 hours a day (to enter the group needs to be cut off for verification of the fan value, and you do not need to add a group if you do not plan to make a full order, because they will regularly kick people)

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