Global Sage Era

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

In the valley where the Seven Great Medicines are located, there is a strange fragrance permeating, even if you smell it, you feel that the whole body is soothing and refreshing to fly.

Yixiang is restricted within the range, and there are large formations set up at the edges to keep Yixiang from being exposed. This is Chi Min’s method. As a part-time formationist, the arrangement of this small formation is quite easy.

“This time the medicine seems to be less effective than the last time.”

After picking out a few medicines, Yuhua distinguished them and made a judgment.

Things like elixir will generally change with the growth environment. In addition, the generational decline of elixir must be considered. This is normal.

The magnitude of attenuation is very low, and only a pill refining division like Yuhua can accurately distinguish it.

Not far away, the formation suddenly fluctuated again, and then Qian Min’s figure appeared from the outside.

After the two greeted, Yuhuan knew that Qianmin was here to check if there were any omissions in the formation. He would do things like this every once in a while.

“Junior Brother Min’s character is still the same as before…” Yuhua looked at Qian Min who was carefully inspecting everywhere, and couldn’t help showing a faint smile. With a junior brother like Minor Min, he feels very reliable no matter what.

“Okay, there is no problem with the formation. Sister, remember to restore those layouts to their original shape after you finish collecting the medicine.” Qian Min said flatly and walked out of the formation.

Xu Sheng still attaches great importance to the seven medicines. Although it only takes about a million incense to exchange in total, if they are taken directly, they cannot be used by many people. Only when they are slowly cultivated in this way can the effect be maximized. .

In addition to the seven medicines, some common elixir also needs to be exchanged.

From the beginning of Minor World’s development, the rules are not very complete. According to normal development, many things will take tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years to develop, and the use of incense is to greatly reduce this time.

There are hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of a kind of herbal medicine. In addition, there are various beasts and poultry. In short, the incense that Xu Sheng has put into it in the past few months has exceeded ten million incense.

Normal people are all transplanted from the outside world, but Xu Sheng dislikes that the plants, elixir, and beasts have too low potential to keep up with the development of the Huntuo tribe, so he would rather’waste’ points and redeem them from the equivalent of everything. has potential.

Yaozu world.

Terran, Tiger, and Wolf tribe are opposed across the river.

Check each other and beware of each other.

Both the Tiger and Wolf tribe realized that unless their own strength is greater than the sum of the other two parties, the current situation can only continue for a long time.

But neither of them knew it. When they both felt troublesome, the human race in the south had skyrocketed again, at least twice as high as Ascension ten years ago.

At present, there are millions of Practitioners accumulated among the human races. In addition, there are also talismans from the indigenous human races.

Young children with Spiritual Roots have also found some, but because of the short time, they are temporarily unable to become power.

Yin and Kuangyuan are very clear about this situation, desperately trying to hide the human internal strength, at this time the entire south, under their arrangement, even a bird flying in will be found, as if the demon clan can’t hide at all. Half a day.

The large cities belonging to the human race have risen one after another, from the initial scale of 30,000 to 50,000 to the following hundreds of thousands of nearly one million. In just 20 years, the indigenous human race has truly established civilization.

Even the Huntuo tribe has failed to do this. I have to feel that population and land are really too important. There are so many classics in the Huntuo tribe, but they are useless.

The human population is close to 30 million, and because its destiny level is not low, the probability of the emergence of Practitioner is extremely high, and millions of Practitioners have appeared.

Although the high-end force is far behind the Huntuo tribe, the power of the Huntuo tribe is not worth mentioning on the frontal battlefield.

Of course, this is a situation where Yin and Kuangyuan are not counted. If they both make a move, even if there are more human races.

Some of the powerful formations of the cultivator can even kill the population of an entire city.

The population of the Tiger tribe and the wolf tribe is only 30 or 40 million, so the human race does not lose even the population of them now.

The monster races pay more attention to The Weak are Prey to the Strong, and there are not so many spirits from the Aboriginal races. Many small races are still suffering from starvation, and it is extremely difficult for the population to maintain the same.

However, the maintenance of the illusion is limited after all. After repeated trials, the Tiger and Wolf tribes finally found that the strength of the southern humans ascension greatly exceeded their own. If it drags on, the less likely it is to win on your own side.

The war is coming, the tiger and wolf tribes have assembled a large army, Chen Bing the border.

Although the tiger and wolf tribes do not deal with each other, the human race and the own are more divergent, so while opposing, most of the power is directed to the humans in the south.

In terms of overall strength, Human Race is not worried. The key is top-level force. Human Race is under great pressure. Even those who have already broken through to the middle stage of the Foundation Building can at best escape their lives in the face of the two demon kings. If it weren’t for the help of the ancestor Xu Sheng on the Human Race, who had scared the two Demon Kings back many times, they might have been plundered by the Demon Tiger King and the Demon Wolf King.


“The Yaozu finally found out, how to deal with it?”

Kuang Yuan looked at Yin and asked him what he thought. He knew about himself and knew that no matter what Ascension, he couldn’t be the opponent of the two Demon Kings in a short time.

“I will make my full breakthrough to the late stage of the Foundation Building in the next time. I will leave everything to you. Don’t call me until the critical moment.” Yin’s expression was flat, but his tone was full of firmness.

Even the Foundation Building late stage is only confident that it can withstand the two demon kings. This is because of the confidence of the perfect Daoji in the body, but even so, it is almost impossible to kill the two demon.

“Okay, leave everything to me, you…I believe you.” Kuang Yuan took a deep breath and agreed.

In this way, in the next half a year, all the races found that Yin’s figure had disappeared, as if they had already left this world.

Only some high-level leaders knew that Elder was working hard for the human race, which also inspired their fighting spirit and eliminated the slackness that they had gradually produced because of their long-term stability.

In the ninth month of Yin Closed Door Training, the Monster Race finally reached a consensus, with the Tiger Race and Wolf Race each sending 300,000 troops as the vanguard to march toward the Human Race to the south.

The Human Race has already laid a pass on the northernmost Wangqiu Mountain, where 300,000 Practitioners have been stocked to stop the demon race’s offensive.

The outbreak of the war has been extremely violent since the beginning, and countless monsters and human races die in the fight every day.

Even Xu Sheng made many shots to use the origin to remove the monsters, especially the monsters above the Great Demon Realm. They were locked remotely by his Qi machine. When they wanted to move rashly, they would be frightened and let them. Can only stay in place.


On a battlefield, Kuang Yuan smashed a huge ape-like Qi-training monster, and his blood drenched him. In the sunset, the whole person was like the Devil from The Underworld, allowing the surrounding monsters to flee hurriedly. .

Even the Human Race was in awe when he saw his appearance.

Not far away, the Sylphy Silver Armor Spear has grown up, and every time a shot is shot, a powerful monster must die. He is now at the level of Qi Sea Realm’s Great Perfection. Although his strength is not as good as that of Kuang Yuan and Realm, he can still do it. It’s powerful.

Each human race is equipped with a large number of Medicine Pills, either to regain qi or blood, or to burst potential, which is enough to enable oneself to exert the strength of the original Super Realm.

The Yaozu is miserable. It doesn’t have various weapons. Medicine Pill doesn’t even say that even the daily food is often not guaranteed. Often, as long as the war is deadlocked for a few days, there will be mutiny in the camp.

The 300,000 Practitioner faced 600,000 monsters, and under the defensive superiority, they resisted.

Afterwards, the Human Race and the Demon Race continued to increase their troops. The Demon Race was regarded as a clan battle. Under the joint efforts of the two parties, the Human Race began to struggle, and finally had no choice but to retreat and give up a lot of land.

But this also bought time. When the monster race was excited to win a while, the human race hiding on their way forward suddenly shot out and taught them a painful lesson.

The two sides got red eyes, and the number of people and demons lost has exceeded one million.

The Monster Race didn’t have any hatred for the Human Race, but thought that the livestock that had been kept in captivity suddenly wanted to resist themselves, couldn’t accept it, and wanted to dispel the Human Race’s attempts.

But the amount of loss is too much, and the hatred is endless.

On the human side, there was a hearty laugh. The hatred of the monsters was regarded as an honor by everyone. The pain that those monsters gave to the ancestors, their younger generations will come back!

The subsequent battle was underway, but after all, the Human Race had a logistical advantage. When the reinforcements arrived, even if the monsters had twice the strength of the Human Race, they were hit head-on and expelled directly from the entire southern region.

“Everyone, follow me into the demon realm! Let those beasts know the price of daring to invade!”


The generals of the human race raised their whip to the north. Under their command, the human race army was like a sharp arrow, deeply inserted into the demon realm, and directly cut down the tiger race area to the west, giving them the area under their jurisdiction. Just one-fifth less!

This directly caused the Tiger Clan’s muscles and bones. Without this fifth of the land, it is even more difficult for them to support the Monster Clan in the area, and they have become the weakest of the three parties.

But this is not fatal. What’s more deadly is that the wolf clan attacked brazenly and took part of the tiger clan area bordering them into the bag.

This area is larger than that occupied by the human race, directly leaving the area of ​​the tiger race only more than half of the original area.

The three-legged situation was broken. Although the Human Race and the Wolf Race had not communicated with each other, they reached a consensus on the attack, making the situation of the Tiger Race precarious.

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