Global Sage Era

Chapter 136

Chapter 135 Talking About Girlfriends Is Useless (Please subscribe!)

Above the planet.

Xi Menqing, who was originally arrogant and arrogant, has now become Calabash.

The direction of the war was completely different from what he expected.

In his thoughts, own’s thousand or two hundred thunderbirds are enough to tear the opponent’s camp in the front, and rely on flight superiority to continuously harass and kill.

But whether it is the other party’s Foundation Building late stage cultivator or the Martial Master Realm Practitioner, its strength is rare in the same rank.

Such strength has not been exposed in previous battles.

This made him have a wrong judgment.

And this is exactly what Xu Sheng wants to see.

In the previous nine rounds of battle, because the opponent’s strength was not strong, even though Xu Sheng allowed Yin and others to show up, it did not allow them to fully show their strength.

Yin’s powerful strength will only be revealed when facing the existence of the same rank, so the record of his strength in the previous nine games is not too much.

“Three hundred thunderbirds…”

Xu Sheng whispered and looked at Ximenqing’s base camp. At this time, the Thunderbird of the latter had not given up yet, and was still relying on the fortification subscription that had been established long ago.

But this was destined to be in vain. Under Yin’s leadership, the Huntuo Practitioner shot down three hundred thunderbirds one by one.

But after the last Thunderbird was shot down, the energy crystal burst in place with a bang before it was bombarded.

“Congratulations on your victory in the battle with your opponent, and you scored one point. Now your total points are: 10.”

The prompt sound also appeared.

The opponent’s people have all been wiped out, and it is only a matter of time before the crystal is destroyed, so there is no need to do so.

At the last second when the phantoms of both sides disappeared, Xu Sheng’s eyes were the same as before, and this victory seemed to have done an extremely ordinary thing.

Ximenqing, on the other hand, gritted his teeth and struggled.

Xu Sheng knows that people’s personalities are constantly changing in accordance with the environment in which they grew up. It is not necessarily that the top students in these provinces have good personalities.

Maybe they behave like this in front of ordinary people, but when they face similar people, their true colors will be exposed.

Simon Qing’s planet.

With the reset of the rounds, his Thunderbirds have reappeared in the base camp.

This is the first time that the Thunderbirds have been hit so hard, so there is a depressive atmosphere in the entire Thunderbirds group.

“Xu Sheng! Don’t think you are proud of winning this game by conspiracy, let alone Lu Shan later, even Xiao Yalin, Zhao Tongkai, and Nan Tan can’t make it through!”

After thinking about it, Simon was still not convinced.

Own Thunderbird is not weaker than the opponent. The opponent has some of his own. If not everyone will only encounter it once, next time he will let the opponent taste a fiasco.

“how was it?”

Suddenly a smaller figure condensed out, and Xiao Yalin looked at Xi Menqing with a weird smile.

Ximenqing shuddered subconsciously, how come this black belly Loli came so quickly!

“I lost…but it was just my carelessness!” he replied.

Xiao Yalin smiled like a silver bell: “Giggle, you lost. It seems that you are worthy of a waste. Xu Sheng is destined to lose in my hands.”

Ximen Qing gritted his teeth and said: “Xiao Yalin, don’t think I am afraid of you, if you do this again, be careful that I turn my face with you!”

“Oh~ you are going to turn my face with me…” Xiao Yalin bit her finger, then she burst into laughter, “hip hop ha ha, people are so scared!”

Then there was a sudden laughter, and her face suddenly approached Xi Menqing, her eyes were strange and said: “People are waiting for you…”

Ximen Qing’s head was broken and numb.

The battle between Xu Sheng and Ximenqing was a relatively high-profile battle in this round.

In addition to them, there are also some powerful people who have also met together.

Regarding these powerful people, the weaker students naturally have to focus on research.

In this battle, Xu Sheng’s exposed strength amazed everyone.

The nearly non-destructive annihilation of the Thunderbirds of Ximenqing also proved that Own’s strength is worthy of the name of the top scorer.

What if there is no Gold Core among the people?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that with the strength of his Practitioner and the completeness of the system, his progress will be faster and faster in the next time, and there are few people whose strength Ascension can catch up with him.

“Xu Sheng is indeed a good student.”

“I have seen his record in the college entrance examination. He is now much stronger than Ascension at that time.”

“Hehe, after all, many people above are optimistic about it. It is commendable to take the humane path to Ascension to this level.”

“Let’s take a look again, I hope he can give us more surprises.”

Several high sages are discussing with each other, and they have their own optimistic objects, and most of their attention is also placed on these people.

In their judgment, Xu Sheng’s current strength is not the best, but with the current speed of strength improvement, there are some opportunities to rush to a higher position in the final ranking.

Students who follow the path of sacredness are indeed more successful in their early strength development than students who follow the human nature.

Otherwise, in the cultivation of high school at present, the holy nature will not completely overwhelm human nature in this way.

The exchanges of several high sages were not known to outsiders, and while they were communicating, the fighting continued.

After the battle with Ximenqing ended, Xu Sheng fought for two more rounds. The opponents encountered in these two times were relatively weak, which was regarded as the bottom of all the students, so it did not take long to win the final victory.

This leaves him a lot of time.

At this time his ranking has reached 37.

After the twelve rounds of fighting were over, Xu Sheng thought about it and sent Su Linrui an invitation to call.

It was quickly connected over there, and then Xu Sheng’s figure appeared on Su Linrui’s planet.

“Why are you free to come and see me?” Su Linrui still has so bright eyes and teeth after not seeing me for half a year.

Her results are actually not very good. In the past twelve rounds, she has four wins and eight losses, ranking at 396. With her current performance, it is impossible to get into the top pick.

“After so many battles, I wanted to find someone to communicate. Originally, I thought that there would be a week of training and the pressure would not be too much… I only know now that I think too much.”

Two Monday rounds, it seems that the schedule is not tight.

But as long as you have more rounds, you can feel the ever-increasing sense of oppression in the dark. The battle seems to be endless. Whether you are ready or not, you will come round after round.

Let alone rest, there is not much time to think about other things.

He’s all like this, let alone Su Linrui, he wondered that they are friends now, and they have to give you comfort or something.

Su Linrui nodded hurriedly, agreeing: “Yeah, it’s too tight. Now, when I think of the next game in a few days, I feel a sigh of relief in my chest… I don’t know if I can win the next game. .”

Xu Sheng has seen Su Linrui’s opponent before, and it seems to be a student with six wins and six losses. From the point of view of the record, the strength is much stronger than Su Linrui, but it is not impossible to win. It needs more energy to arrange the battle. plan.

“Don’t worry, you can win.” Xu Sheng comforted. Sometimes white lies are very important. He remembered that there was such a section in his previous junior high school ideological and moral class.

Su Linrui smiled brightly and said: “Then I will thank you for your good words! It is you, how is the current ranking of 37, it is obviously a record of all victories, but I have seen your battles, very strong, oh you!”

Xu Sheng shook his head and smiled bitterly: “37 is not bad. The speed of the people in front is too fast. My people can’t match the attack and speed. I can only take it slowly.”

“Yeah, the people of those people are terrible. If I meet them, I probably won’t be able to hold them for a long time.” Su Linrui felt a little nervous on the faces of the people in the top rankings, and at the same time felt powerless, she really couldn’t think of anything. Can resist.

Xu Sheng chatted with Su Linrui for more than half an hour, then based on the opponent’s subjects and opponents in the next game, made some own suggestions, and then said goodbye to Su Linrui.

Looking at the place where Xu Sheng just disappeared, Su Linrui bit her lip. She really envied that kind of strength. No matter what opponent she encountered, she could deal with it calmly.

“He has the current strength because of his own hard work! The reason why I am not strong enough now is because I have not put in enough effort. The teacher said that although hard work may not be rewarding, there will be no rewards if you don’t work hard!”

Su Linrui’s eyes are firm, and she will definitely catch up with him.


the other side.

After Xu Sheng recalled the relationship with Su Linrui just now, he couldn’t help but sigh that the existence of the opposite sex really makes sense and can make people feel comfortable.

Especially compared to the guy Xi Menqing, it made the former look horrible.

However, he has no idea about Su Linrui. He only feels that it feels good for the two to get along as friends.

As for boyfriend and girlfriend…he really didn’t think about it.

He has never been in a relationship in his previous life. Sometimes although he longs for love, he also finds it troublesome.

In this life, he thinks just let it go.

Even if it’s better not to find a target, it doesn’t matter, he feels that just developing Minor World has already occupied all his energy.

Isn’t the Ascension of Yin, Kuang Yuan and others more fragrant than talking about girlfriends?

“Yes, it’s useless to think so much, and it’s nice to be alone. If you really have a girlfriend, you have to allocate time to develop Minor World with her. That would be troublesome.”

Muttering to himself, Xu Sheng threw away his thoughts and began to prepare for the next round of fighting.

The entire first day.

There were 26 battles.

In these 26 games, many powerful students have come across.

Before encountering, we will say which one is weak and which one is strong.

But after the encounter, the actual record made all the differences disappear.

Among them, there is such a small setback, and still maintain a record of victory.

Their names are remembered by everyone.

They are considered to be the place bookers for the champion class!

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