Global Sage Era

Chapter 137

Chapter 136 The Third in Xihua District (seeking subscription!)

Battle after battle.

Fight after battle.

Huntuo Practitioner’s spirit is changing rapidly.

The grind between Life and Death is always the most powerful. The current Huntuo Practitioners, although Realm has not improved, will surely be able to easily kill them if they encounter themselves before the selection.

Yin Lotus Position was sitting on the square, the Spirit Power in his body was running much more freely than before, and in a faint sense, he felt the way to the Gold Core.

This made him a little sigh. He thought that the cultivator only needs to practice, but he didn’t expect that this kind of high-intensity fighting technique can also make him progress quickly.

It is a pity that the strength Ascension gained here cannot be brought back to Minor World.

Next to Yin, is Kuang Yuan. After entering the Martial Master Realm, Spirit Power’s cultivation is also indispensable. He needs to invest a lot of time every day to condense Spirit Power to make the spirit crystals in Dantian become Bigger so that you can break through to the next Realm as soon as possible.

In the base camp, the cultivator and the Practitioner are in the Lotus Position and are cultivating.

Although we all understand that the Cultivation Base here cannot be taken back, this kind of experience is precious. One way to practice is to tolerate the slightest slack, and you need to go all out at all times.

Located behind everyone, Xu Sheng, who was the only one standing in the base camp but no one could see, also had a lot of insights at this time.

Dozens of consecutive battles kept his brain running rapidly all the time.

If he played more farming games in high school, now the farming achievements have become real-time strategies.

Like the change from 1800 BC to the red alert in the previous century.

The star map is vast, and the Galaxy is infinite.

One Star after another revolves around the huge star stele in the center.

The central black hole in the normal Universe does not exist here, and the star stele replaces its role, allowing the entire star map to revolve.

On the ranking monument at this time, the ranking has already undergone substantial changes.

Those who can stay in the forefront are all powerful ones.

[Ranking at the end of the first round of selection]

First place, Lu Shan, with 56 points.

Second place, Wei Hang, with 56 points.

Third place, Chen Yuruo, 56 points

Fourth place, Wu Su, 56 points

Fifth place, Shen Shi, 56 points

Sixth place, Kong Yan, 56 points

Seventh place, Zhang Ziyou, 56 points

Eighth place, Xiao Yalin, 56 points

Ninth place, Lu Ba, 56 points

Tenth place, Xu Sheng, 56 points

11th place, Li Fangkun, 56 points

Twelfth place, Chen Manyan, 56 points


Xu Sheng finally entered the top ten.

There are still less than 50 people who have maintained a record of victory, and as time goes by, the number of people who have won will definitely become less and less.

The first place is still firmly occupied by Lu Shan, Baihe Jianxiu’s combat power, when facing people who are not as strong as his own, it is simply crushed, and the speed at which the occupying ends is too fast.

Wei Hang, who was second in the back, was a blood clan, and his ranged attack ability was too strong, and his recovery ability was extremely strong, so he quickly occupied the second place.

The third place Chen Yuruo and the fourth place Wu Su are both of the Wu clan. As Xiantian’s extremely powerful race, the Wu clan does not develop well. Once it develops, the strength is too superior.

Shen Shi’s race is the shark in the fifth place. The Xiantian race is average, but his own tactics are very strong, and he won the fifth place.

The seventh-placed Zhang Ziyou race is the ghost tribe. Its ghost Practitioner has stealth ability and has a great advantage in stealing home…

There are too many strong players.

After all, it is a collection of more than half of the geniuses in the Wuhua District, and everyone is not a good match.

Among these people, half of the people are not human races, they are all kinds of strange races.

This is not a weird thing, but a normal development.

In any case, Human Race is the power of a family, and it can resist everything else, so it doesn’t affect it.

Like the three strongest people from Donghua District this time, all of the people are not Humans, and there are more than one hundred students from the entire Donghua District, even less than one-third of the people are Humans. .

As long as there is a complete victory record, the current rankings can’t explain much.

Many students are arguing about who is better than who.

Just like Lu Shan, who is now ranked number one, he is not really the strongest.

It is true that he is strong, but there are also many people who are not weaker than him.

Of course, ranking first naturally attracts the most sights, which is equivalent to the existence of a target.

All those who are aspiring to be the first have listed him as a key research object, simulating how to defeat him in a battle with him.

In this respect, first place is not only a bad thing, it may also be a stressful thing for yourself.

Taking Xu Sheng himself as an example, he has studied Lu Shan the most. Although the strength of the posters and others is good, he ranks behind him in terms of importance.

“First place.”

Lu Shan looked at own ranking, with a smile on his lips.

He is very satisfied with the result.

He not only wants to be number one now, but also for the next ten days, to be number one every moment!

As for the pressure?

Haha, as long as the vulgar can feel the pressure, that position belongs to own!

The others are certainly not weak, but he is confident that they will be defeated in battle!

“Xu Sheng… is powerful, but the biggest shortcoming of the top cultivator is hard for you to make up. Not surprisingly, you couldn’t even get into the top ten in the end. Humanity, huh.”

Lu Shan whispered softly, his gaze moved down, and he fell to the tenth place.

Among the more than five hundred people, he cares about two most.

One is Xiao Feng from Kunhai City, and the other is Xu Sheng from Luyuan City.

The former is because of the city of Kunhai, while the latter is the top scorer with perfect score.

In his opinion, Xu Sheng’s strength can definitely be ranked in the forefront of all people if it is not counted as the top power, but once it is counted, there are too many people surpassing him.

The strength of a Gold Core Realm citizen is too strong, and it is almost difficult to kill the one with the low Realm.

His Gold Core Realm Baihe Jianxiu, if he fights with Xu Sheng’s people and can quickly kill his Foundation Building late stage cultivator, he can slowly suppress Xu Sheng’s Practitioner at that time, almost invincible.

In the fifty-seventh round, Xu Sheng met a student who was very good at defending. Thousands of people’s livelihood relied on the defense of the base camp. It took him five days before he finally blasted the energy crystal through Yin’s raid.

In the 73rd round, Xu Sheng once again encountered a strong opponent, who also maintained a record of victory.

The other party is Han Qi from Xihua District, a hot girl with a race of fire spirits.

The figures of the two appeared above the planet after the fusion of the planet.

“Xu Sheng, you are very strong, but when you meet me, your winning streak is destined to be ended.”

Han Qi was impatient and dressed very hot. The moment he saw Xu Sheng, he spoke with confidence in his voice.

“I will give you the same sentence.”

Xu Sheng didn’t feel that his attitude should change because the other party was a woman. He had been studying the other party this week. The Huo Ling race was very strong.

In terms of categories, fire spirits are energy creatures. They are like human figures made up of flames. Their energy comes from the heart core in the abdomen. As long as the heart core exists, it will not die.

In terms of law perception, Han Qi’s law perception is also at the level of 0.03%, and the highest Realm’s citizens are also equivalent to Foundation Building late stage.

In all aspects, there is not much difference with Xu Sheng.

This is what it should be, because Han Qi is second only to Shen Shi and Qian Bang among the students from the entire Xihua District.

The battle between the two began quickly.

More than 3,000 fire spirits, under the command of Han Qi, came to Xu Sheng as if they merged into a raging fire.

Han Qi’s origin is also the fire attribute, and with the characteristics of the fire spirit, his own style is extremely strong and direct, just like the impression that fire gives people, wherever he goes, it burns out.

The racial characteristics of the fire spirits make Huntuo Practitioners a little difficult to handle, and the high temperature attached to them makes Huntuo Practitioners afraid to approach.

But at this moment, the thunder and wind gathered in the sky, and the pouring rain fell, causing the fire spirits below to quickly scream.

“Don’t think about it!”

Han Qi stared at him, his own origin was also used, and the temperature rose sharply, burning the earth.

One side is water and the other is fire. The two are incompatible, and only one can stay in place in the end.

Xu Sheng and Han Qi quickly tried their best.

Neither of them wanted to lose this battle, they were doing everything they could.

“What a powerful source of fire.”

In the previous dozens of rounds of battles, the opponents were weaker than Han Qi by more than one thing. Even the origin of Thunder’s Xi Menqing did not put him so much pressure.

Among all the students, Han Qi is definitely ranked first!

The top three in Xihua District are indeed strong.

“Go ahead and follow the plan made.”

Xu Sheng spoke to Yin below.

Yin quickly left an incarnation and separated from the battlefield.

“Want to repeat the old tricks and dream!”

Han Qi over there immediately chuckled, and took a palm at the location of Yin below.

That is the real body she felt!

But what she couldn’t believe was that under her palm, the figure there turned into water vapor.

Still fake!

“Impossible! Your law comprehension is obviously the same as mine!”

Han Qi yelled to Xu Sheng, this is the conclusion she finally reached after reading countless battle records.

“Sometimes seeing is not always believing.”

Xu Sheng smiled at him slightly.

Then, looking at the Yin who entered the opponent’s base camp, it was like a tiger entering a flock, killing all the fire spirits that remained behind, and then exploding the energy crystal before the remaining fire spirit army arrived!

This battle, win!

“I’m not reconciled. If you are fighting head-on, you can’t beat me.”

Han Qi gritted his teeth, and then disappeared from above.

Xu Sheng looked at her disappearing figure and said softly: “That’s not necessarily. Exposing all your strengths too early will only make yourself more likely to fail.”

Knowing that there is a record of combat, he will naturally hide a part of his strength, and whenever he shows his strength, it is the moment when his opponent loses!

A third in Xihua District, let him expose more strength, but the strength brought by the equivalence of everything, Ascension, is far more than that!

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