Global Sage Era

Chapter 146

Chapter 145 Magic Treasures (For subscription)

In the battlefield.

The heads of Yin and the Golem, who were in a stalemate, have changed abruptly at this time.

Originally, he used his own body to oppress Yin’s head of the stone man. At this time, a three-meter-long hole appeared in the center of his body.

This big hole runs through its entire body!

The breath of the whole body is falling at a crazy speed!

And above its head, a huge seal hangs high.

Behind this Magic Treasures, a blue shirt cultivator is standing by the wind, with a fluttering gown and a flat expression on his face.


“Big Elder is mighty!”

“Big Elder! Big Elder!”

The Huntuo Practitioners below raised their arms and cheered, looking at the figure above enthusiastically.

【Fantasy Seal】

Type: Equipment

Description: A real imitation of the Heaven-shaking Seal, with great power for the Gold Core period, one seal is pressed down, and the world can be crushed.

Exchange required: 1.45 million incense

This is a piece of Magic Treasures specially prepared by Xu Sheng for Yin. Since everything is equivalent, its high quality, even if Yin reaches the Nascent Soul period, you can still continue to use the Heaven-shading Seal.

The exchange requirement for the seal of the sky is extremely huge, up to 1.45 million incense, which is even higher than the pace of the small universe.

But there is a way to eliminate it, let alone the part-time crafting master Qianmin, is far from the ability to refine it, even if it has, the material itself of the seal of the sky is not available in Minor World and Yaozu world.

The level of the Minor World is still relatively low, and high-rank materials cannot be produced by itself. The situation in the Monster World is similar. The highest Realm is the outer world of Monster Core. It is impossible to refine Magic Treasures.

To truly exert its power, Fantianyin should have the strength of Gold Core at the minimum. Even Gold Core is barely urged, and its power is less than 1%.

Yin is able to activate the Heaven-shaking Seal now, entirely because he is burning everything, just like the time in the seventh wave of the college entrance examination.

But this time it was not as tragic as it was during the college entrance examination. Everyone knows that the Death here is not the real Death, and it will change back to the original state soon, so some desperate moves can be used as much as possible.

Before Xu Sheng was confronted by other students, he encountered such situations not a few times. It was a complete suicide attack.

“Magic Treasures, your cultivator actually has Magic Treasures!”

Mo Fei yelled in disbelief. He looked at the square seal below, feeling that his previous concept was about to be broken.

Even the six high sages behind were a little surprised.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this stage, a piece of Magic Treasures is far more precious than Gold Core cultivator!

Moreover, due to the imperfections of the Minor World rules, if it is not completely compatible, even if it can be exchanged from the outside world, it will have a strong impact on Minor World.

Don’t underestimate the influence of these tiny factors.

This is a conflict of low-level logic, just like the same computer, even if only one code is typed wrong, the final result will be a crash.

“It seems that he has more secrets than we thought.” The young Gao Sheng gave Xu Sheng a deep look, then shook his head and laughed.

“Hehe, chance is not clear, even if we can’t fully understand the time now.” The elderly Gao Sheng still stroked the beard and said.

“As soon as this Magic Treasures came out, there was no more suspense in the end. It was just like what this kid said, what he wants to call Mo Fei is truly unstoppable!” The young Gao Sheng looked at Xu Sheng with great interest. Looking at Mo Fei, especially the latter’s performance at this time made him feel very interesting.

No matter what opportunities the students have, in the eyes of Gao Sheng, they will not be allowed to delve into it.

Unlike the traditional world of cultivating immortals, the younger generation geniuses will do everything possible to grab them whenever they have an opportunity.

There is a level of issue involved here.

With Gao Sheng’s Realm, no matter how great the opportunities for students are, they won’t be moved by them.

The path of the holy way is, in the final analysis, a journey of oneself, an extremely complex process, and foreign objects are only a help for them to verify their ideas, not a decisive thing.

Just think about it, even if it is a crystal wall system, in their eyes it is nothing more than an ordinary object.

“Magic Treasures only.”

Xu Sheng said softly, as if to say a trivial matter.

Mo Fei was silent, and then gritted his teeth.

He wanted to say that Xu Sheng was talking big again, but the two previous things…

The battlefield below.

When Yin followed Xu Sheng’s instructions and burned himself to sacrifice the Magic Treasures, the Golem leader could no longer stop him, no matter how strong his body was.

In the previous blow, the head of the stone man’s heart had been directly smashed by the Heaven-shaking Seal, and now it was just a temporary flashback, and it didn’t take long for it to last.



The head of the stone man spoke, and its voice came out like two stones rubbing against each other, and it made people burst into blood.

But at this time, it is not far from Death. Its huge eyes look at the tiny creature in front. I really don’t know how he suddenly burst into such a powerful force. It desperately wants to resist, but It was like being in front of his father when he was a child, without the ability to resist at all.

With the power of Magic Treasures, the strength of the foundation building period, even if it is close to the Gold Core, as long as it is hit, there is no chance of being spared.

If you want to block it, you either have the strength above the Gold Core stage, or you have the same level of item defense. Apart from these two, there is no possibility to resist.

The head of the Stone Man is indeed strong, but this strength is only below the Gold Core. Facing the Heaven-shaking Seal, it has no second result.

Yin listened closely to the leader’s speech, and then nodded gently.

His nod is to see it off.


The life of the head of the stone man came to the last moment. It took a last look at Yin, and then cracks appeared on his body. The body of tens of meters high turned into countless large and small rubbles, splashing out, and falling into pieces.

The defeat of the leader of the Golem has a fatal impact on the morale of the Golem.

The three-hundred stone men who had soared because of their combination, although the aura on their bodies did not decrease, their fighting spirit disappeared quickly.

But this is not all.

When the Golem leader is defeated, it means that Yin has no opponents to block!

Although Yin burned his life, the stone man only hit him from start to finish—to be precise, he didn’t even touch him.

Now he still has time to turn into white light and disappear.

So next, the people under the stone will know what is truly unstoppable!


Under the control of Yin, the Earthshaking Seal smashed down, and when it fell to one place, a stone man turned into powder, not to mention trying to escape, when they were locked, they had no chance to move.

In just a very short period of time, the number of stone men smashed by the Heaven-shaking Seal was close to two hundred.

“I will leave the rest to you.”

With this sound transmission, Yin turned into white light and disappeared in mid-air.

This is also his first Death in all 225 rounds of battle.

“Everyone, stand side by side! Big Elder has almost killed these big guys!”

A Practitioner yelled in excitement, then jumped up, tuned to the stone man’s knee, and looked at it desperately.

The fate of just over a hundred stone men can be imagined after facing the crowd of more than two thousand Hun Tuo.

Even though they fought back desperately, they were still unable to recover, and soon fell one by one.

Every time a stone man falls, there will be a burst of cheers in the array of Huntuo Practitioner.

This cheer spread to the sky, and every additional sound made the blue veins on Mo Fei’s forehead beat even more.

Xu Sheng has now completely given up on Huntuo Practitioner’s development, his own advantage is too great, let them do it hard!

“I admit, I said I underestimated you, I… apologize to you.”

To Xu Sheng’s surprise, when the last stone man was pushed down by the Huntuo Practitioners cheering in the frontal battlefield, Mo Fei, who had been acting very wrong, took the initiative to apologize.

“It’s okay, it’s just a battle. It’s normal to say some rubbish in the process.”

Xu Sheng said with a smile.

A smile appeared on Mo Fei’s face.

There was no grudge, but it dissipated directly.

Both of them are enchanting students, and they will be students in the same class in the future. This kind of relationship is very close. Even if there is competition between each other, it should be healthy competition and should not be too much.

Now that the result has come out, it’s useless to entangle that little thing. Not only does it seem that I’m so dull and let others look down on it, it’s also a waste of energy and contacts.

“I hope I will have another chance to fight in the future. Although I lost to you this time, I will definitely find my place next time.” Mo Fei deliberately’speaks ruthlessly’.

Xu Sheng laughed dumbly: “Next time I won’t keep my hands either. If you want to beat me, then you have to work harder.”

Mo Fei was taken aback. At this time, he would never think that Xu Sheng was talking big, then there was only one possibility…

He took a deep breath and didn’t dare to say: “You don’t know how to use your strengths yet, do you?”

“Who knows?”

Xu Sheng shrugged and did not answer directly.

Mo Fei was a little speechless. Judging from this response, the guy in front of him really didn’t do his best!

Special mother, True Qi people!

I went all out, thinking it was a fairly well-matched battle, but I didn’t expect that until the end, I didn’t force the opponent’s full strength out.

But he was angry, and curiosity was really curious. He couldn’t help but ask: “You have used a bit of strength now, are you 90%?”

“…Almost.” Xu Sheng was a little embarrassed, it was not good to say, it was not good not to say.


Mo Fei cursed directly in his heart.

Feelings have not even forced out 90% of the opponent’s strength until now.

“Forget it, the more I think about it, the more irritating… You guy is really perverted. Although I knew that China is better than the other four regions, you are too exaggerated… But even with your current strength , I think when you face the previous person, you still lose the most.” Mo Fei shook his head.


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