Global Sage Era

Chapter 147

Chapter 146 North China No. 1 Chen Yuruo (please subscribe!)

Xu Sheng looked at Mo Fei, whether he liked or agreed with what the other party said, but at least this person must not be weak.

“Wu Su of Donghua District.” Mo Fei said solemnly, asking him who is most afraid of everyone, then he will answer this name without hesitation.

In his mind, whether Qianjing’s Lu Shan or Kun Hai’s Xiao Feng are strong or strong, they are still inferior to Wu Su after all.

“Wu Su?”

Xu Sheng frowned, and a girl with an indifferent expression appeared in his mind in a witch costume.

He had very little contact with Wu Su, such as Lu Shan and others. He also exchanged a few words with Wu Su. This girl only had eye contact.

“She is Donghua, you are Nanhua, you are so far away, how do you know her situation?”

Mo Fei smiled bitterly: “Just last month, I met her once… at her eighteenth birthday party, and later played against her… Although it was only the end, she The demonstrated strength made me unable to calm down for a few days after returning.”

At this point, Xu Sheng understood that Mo Fei’s elders and Wu Su’s elders should have met each other. It is normal for two top geniuses in the area to collide together.

Obviously, Wu Su was even better in the end, otherwise Mo Fei would not take the initiative to admit it.

“I see, thank you for your reminder.” Xu Sheng nodded at him.

Mo Fei also nodded subconsciously, but immediately reacted, and he pointed out Wu Su, which was not entirely a reminder!

But… forget it, it doesn’t seem to be interesting either.

Below, at this time, the fighting also proceeded to the last moment.

With the explosion of the energy crystal, the result was set.

“Congratulations on your victory in the battle with your opponent, and one point. Now your total points are: 225.”

Soon, when the seven days came, everyone’s victory was announced.

On the central star monument, the ranking is constantly changing.

Xu Sheng’s ranking is also changing, replacing Mo Fei’s ninth place, ascending one place.

The rankings between him and Mo Fei were already popular, so at the moment of change, it inevitably caused a lot of exclamations.

“Xu Sheng won!”

“Mo Fei didn’t even defeat him!”

“Xu Sheng is really stronger!”

“Hahaha, I knew Xu Sheng would definitely win.”

Both sides have their own supporters.

On the whole, people in Nanhua District basically support Murphy, and people in China support Xu Sheng. As for the other three districts, they are almost divided into half.

Xu Sheng and Mo Fei’s rankings were already very tight. After studying the strength of the two people, they were judged on the same level. Therefore, no matter who wins, they can understand. At best, they are people who are optimistic about it. It’s just a little disappointed that I didn’t win.

“You really won.” Su Linrui showed a thrilling smile when she saw Xu Sheng’s ranking ascending.

It is a pity that the opponent she met in the previous battle was relatively strong. Although she tried her best, she lost the battle in the end.

“I want to cheer! I must not be pushed farther and farther by him.” She cheered herself up. The gap between her and Xu Sheng was not that big, but in just over two months, she fell behind so much, even I can’t even see the back.

If it weren’t for her mentality has been good, I’m afraid she would have to be beaten to give up!

On another planet, Lu Shan, who was surrounded by Baihe Jianxiu, frowned slightly, “Xu Sheng actually won… It seems that his hidden strength forced me to imagine more.”

In his judgment, Murphy should have won the game by relying on lower damage, but now it is the result, which proves that more unexpected things happened in the battle.

When the result of the 226th round of the battle came out, he immediately selected the battle record of Xu Sheng and Mo Fei to watch.

Not only him, but everyone including Xiao Feng, Wu Su, and Shen Shi chose to watch it for the first time.

The battle between two enchanting geniuses is always exciting, as did the previous Chen Yuruo and Lu Ba.

In the battle record, everyone quickly knew why it turned out to be like this.

At first they were shocked by the strength that Mo Fei showed, that unstoppable talent and skills were really tyrannical.

But before the shock was over, Xu Sheng showed a new kind of pace. The power of this kind of pace is so powerful that it can superimpose the power of everyone on one person. This makes them envious. Many races are The students of Human Race can’t wait to take that pace right away, so that the own ranking will definitely be able to ascending by a large margin!

Then there was Mo Fei’s stone man’s ability to fit together, which made them think Xu Sheng was going to be cold again, and they definitely couldn’t resist it.

But subsequent developments let them know what innocence is.

Xu Sheng’s cultivator actually has Magic Treasures!

When the mark of turning over the sky appeared, whether it was an ordinary student or a student of the second, third, or fourth echelon, even Lu Shan and others took a breath, feeling that even their minds were almost unable to move.

How is this possible!

At this stage, you have Magic Treasures. How else can we play?

This is the voice of countless people.

However, most of the students were able to regain their composure after being surprised. Lu Shan, Xiao Feng and others were very dignified, as if they were approaching an enemy. Once Xu Sheng, the Magic Treasures, came out, the advantage of the people of Gold Core Realm on his side was lost. Nothing.

“Magic Treasures… It seems that it’s not just me who underestimated him, everyone underestimated him.” Lu Shan didn’t have any lightness on his face at this time, and he kept playing back the scene of the earthshaking seal piercing the head of the stone man in his mind. , He racked his brains to think about the countermeasures, what should be done to deal with Xu Sheng’s Magic Treasures.

Although Xu Sheng didn’t know what others thought, he could predict the impact that the Heaven-shading Seal would bring to others.

His opponent in the next round was once again an ordinary student, which allowed him to take a break.

In the next battle, almost every two or three games, two enchanting-level geniuses met.

In just 20 short games, only five people have maintained a record of victory.

The five people are Xu Sheng, Lu Shan, Xiao Feng, Lu Ba, and Wu Su.

The other six were defeated in the battle with the above six.

Among them, two of the six defeated people met together. They were Mo Fei and Shen Shi. The former relied on his own stone man’s talent and combination to abruptly defeat Shen Shi, and also avoided his own connection. The result of losing two games.

In the 257th game, after thirty-two games, Xu Sheng once again ushered in a strong opponent.

The number one Chen Yuruo in Beihua District!

Seeing Chen Yuruo, Xu Sheng inevitably remembered the Wu Su who was the same Wu clan with her people.

After being’reminded’ by Mo Fei before, he paid more attention to Wu Su. He didn’t know if the other party was hiding too well or something. She did not reveal much in the battle between Wu Su and Kong Yan. .

In this battle, although both of them showed some hidden hole cards, they did not exceed Xu Sheng’s expectations on the whole.

In the end, the two fought fiercely for seven days, and finally Wu Su, who had a lower battle damage, won the victory.

In fact, the six battles between the eleven of them have basically been like this.

Relatively speaking, on the contrary, the battle between himself and Mo Fei ended fastest when he pushed down the latter’s energy crystal and declared the end of the battle.

But this is also normal. The guy Mo Fei came up with an unstoppable force. He could understand this guy’s thinking. It was too difficult to see the own Universe, and he wanted to solve this big problem.

But I didn’t expect it to be cracked by myself, and the situation of own was quickly plunged into erosion.

Xu Sheng has the advantage that everything is equivalent. After studying the characteristics of each person, he can exchange restraint items in a targeted manner. In this way, unless the opponent’s strength exceeds him too much, the final result may be that he wins. .

Of course, other people don’t know this. After all, this method is a bit shameful in it.

Chen Yuruo is a very cold girl. When her phantom appeared above the planet, she only glanced at Xu Sheng, and then withdrew her gaze.

Xu Sheng also nodded at her.

I thought she couldn’t talk anymore, but she didn’t expect that she suddenly said, “I have been studying your history of fighting with Mofei for the past seven days.”

“I’m also studying you and Lu Ba.”

Chen Yuruo’s expression was still so cold, “To be honest, fighting head-on, I don’t have any confidence in defeating you, but this is not the only way to fight.”

Xu Sheng was a little surprised. Why should this kind of thing be said before the battle? This can be regarded as own strategic planning.

“I know you are very strange in your heart, but this is my style, even when I fought with Lu Ba before.”

After saying this, Chen Yuruo shut up and stopped talking.

This made Xu Sheng shook his head in his heart. As expected, a monster like her had a mind more or less different from ordinary people.

“I expect you to give me more surprises.”

Xu Sheng was not mocking, but he hoped to see more abilities of the Wu Clan from Chen Yuruo, and infer some Wu Su’s strength from this.

Mo Fei’s words really made him care too much.

In comparison, Chen Yuruo’s strength is weak among the eleven.

This feeling has not been reflected before, but when all the enchanting students have collided and carefully screened the battle records, some subtle gaps can still be seen.

The reason why Chen Yuruo is weak is entirely because she has shown fewer cards than others.

She has already shown too much strength in the battle with the second-tier students.

He didn’t know whether Chen Yuruo knew about this, but for him, Chen Yuruo’s position was ranked tenth and eleventh.

Among the remaining nine people, there may be some people who are weaker than her, but they may all be stronger than her. This will not be known until after the battle.

The battle begins!

With the orders from Xu Sheng and Chen Yuruo, Huntuo Practitioner and Wu Clan rushed out of the base camp at the same time.

The two sides are like two black tides, quickly approaching, and soon collided fiercely!

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