Global Sage Era

Chapter 148

Chapter 147


It is a race that looks very similar to a human race.

Even in many cases, when the Human Race and the Witch Race are put together, no one else can tell.

But the Witch Race is not the same race as the Human Race.

This distinction comes from its own structure. The Human Race is a pure flesh and blood life, while the Witch Race has some more peculiar things in it.

The witches do not cultivate the Cultivation Technique, their ability comes from asking the gods-they can borrow the power of their ancestors.

Here in Chen Yuruo, the Wu Clan can use various means to borrow power from her.

At her level, the power borrowed by the Wu Clan is not worth mentioning.

But the Wu Clan’s own carrying capacity is limited. Even if Chen Yuruo wants to lend more strength, the end result is only to make their bodies burst.

Among the witches below, the strongest one can borrow the strength close to the Gold Core stage.

Its appearance is not much different from that of the tribe, but there are more patterns on its body. These special patterns can help them bear the pressure and make it easier to communicate with their ancestors.

“Ancestors are here, please give your children and grandchildren strength!”

Thousands of Wu Clan shouted one after another, and then powerful rays of light began to gush out of their bodies.

His own breath is also rapidly skyrocketing, and soon he has the strength of various stages.

Hun Tuo Practitioner was surprised by the fact that the power model of the Wu Clan was strange to them.

Kuang Yuan showed disdain when he saw it, “It turned out to be with external force, Xiao Daoer!”

He is a firm supporter of self-strength, and only his own strength is truly powerful!

In his opinion, the methods of these witches depend on their ancestors. If one day, their ancestors suddenly do not respond to them, would they all become useless, without any influence?

That can’t just be slaughtered!

Yin’s thoughts were different from those of Kuang Yuan. He looked at the strength of the Wu people in the distance, and he was thinking in his eyes, and he was inspired by it.

To some extent, the path of the cultivator is the process of seeking truth. As the so-called three thousand avenues, different paths lead to the same goal, the way of expressing the power of the Wu clan is actually just one kind of avenue.

The ends of the avenue are all the same, all seeking the ultimate truth.

Therefore, in the face of Wu Clan’s power method, he didn’t mean to underestimate it.


Xuan Yi on the side was even more straightforward, and ordered the Practitioners to kill them directly.


The Wu clan did not back down. When the Huntuo Practitioner came over with the Universe formation, under the leadership of the Great Wu, they greeted the Universe formation.

At this time, something happened that Ling Huntuo Practitioner didn’t expect.

When they met with the Witch Practitioner, although the opponent’s Realm was the same as himself, its strength surpassed him in every aspect!

As the light flickered, they saw a phantom appearing on every witch race. This phantom was not real, but it really gave them the same feeling as their ancestors!

This shocked the hearts of Huntuo Practitioners.

Xu Sheng, above the planet, saw this scene without the slightest surprise. The Wu Clan’s ability is extremely powerful in the Realm.

A human race with Realm fights with a witch race with Realm. If the human race does not have various means, the probability of losing is far greater than the probability of winning.

There is no way to send it. Once the Wu clan “pleases the gods”, it will be like adding a layer of the buff of the all-attribute Ascension, and each aspect of the ability has a large Ascension.

Otherwise, based on the racial quality of the Wu clan, it would not be enough to be recognized as one of the powerful Xiantian clan.

“Let your people use Magic Treasures.” Chen Yuruo said coldly towards Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng shook his head: “It’s not time yet.”

Yin used the Heaven-shaking Seal to burn his life, and it would soon exit the battlefield if it belonged to a use itself.

However, if the seal of the sky is known, if it is used rashly, Chen Yuruo may be defensive, thus putting himself at a disadvantage.

Chen Yuruo looked at Xu Sheng and sneered: “Why, worry that I will defend your Magic Treasures and lose to me?”

Xu Sheng suddenly felt something was wrong.

He glanced at Chen Yuruo, and then he saw through her purpose.

I couldn’t help sighing in my heart. I thought it was a cold girl, but I didn’t expect that her true personality was like this.

Chen Yuruo saw Xu Cheng ignoring herself, bit her lip, and didn’t simply pretend, and directly mocked: “Are you afraid of me?”

However, Xu Sheng shook his head. He wanted to affect himself with such a naive aggressive technique?

Any method can be used in the battle. For example, Chen Yuruo’s current performance was put in the online games of the previous life, and there was a special term called ‘trash talk’.

The purpose of trash talk is to make mistakes in the other party’s decision-making with his own words, and to find opportunities for himself.

With Chen Yuruo’s strength, it is not surprising that there will be such a performance, he was also changed by her appearance at the beginning.

But in addition, it cannot be ruled out that she is still disguised as she is now, and her true face is hidden deeper.

“It makes sense to be number one.”

Xu Sheng did not underestimate her because of this.

If you naively think that the first one is just so superficial on the surface, it would be a big mistake.

Even in Xu Sheng’s heart, these people, no matter who they are, are more than themselves.

Just like the Mo Fei encountered before, is it not the same as before and after the changes are obvious?

Below, thousands of Witch tribes and Huntuo Practitioner fought into anxiety.

The losses on both sides are actually not great so far.

This is entirely because the defenses of both sides are doing too well.

Huntuo Practitioner has the protection of Universe Big Formation and Small Universe Steps, it is very difficult for the Witch Clan to kill them.

On the side of the Wu Clan, it was because of the ascending strength in the state of asking the gods that Huntuo Practitioners could not speak up.

However, Yin and the others are in trouble.

The characteristics of the Wu clan make the probability of the strong among them appear far greater than that of other races.

Like Mo Fei and others, only one of the people in the Foundation Building period was barely available.

But Chen Yuruo is a great wizard with 13 Foundation Building strengths!

The reason for this situation is entirely because these great witches have adopted the same methods as Yin, using special methods, leapfrogging and borrowing, so that they have only the strength of the Qi training stage, and abruptly jumped to the Foundation Building stage!

If in Minor World, their final result would only be the bloody death of the seven orifices, but here, they would just turn into white light and disappear for a while.

Unlike Yin, their state lasts longer and can last for about a day.

Once the Yin burns, it will die out in a short time.

“I will use the seal of the sky in the final stage, and I will help you.”

Xu Sheng gave Yin a voice, facing thirteen siege equivalent to the Foundation Building Realm, Yin was under tremendous pressure and it was very difficult to resist.

But under this circumstance, he still can’t use the Heaven-shaking Seal.

Because Xu Sheng understood that Chen Yuruo must be waiting for him there. Once the Heaven-Shaking Seal is used, there will definitely be accidents!


Yin said silently in his heart, and then persisted.

Under the siege of thirteen great witches, he quickly became scarred.

This look has never appeared in previous battles.

This makes the Hun Tuo Practitioner who is paying attention heavy.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yin’s existence is like Dinghai Shenzhen, as long as he is still standing, everyone can continue to fight.

But once his situation is not good, then everyone’s will will be shaken.

Not only the Practitioners, but even Kuang Yuan is always paying attention to Yin’s situation.

He had the heart to support in the past, but what appeared in front of him were five great witches who were not weaker than him!

There are too many great witches, and when they can leapfrog and borrow their strength, each of them can explode with far beyond normal strength.

The Terran Practitioner won’t work, even if it burns itself, the one that bursts out belongs to own power, not to mention that it is not as powerful as the Witch Clan, and its endurance is not good.

So from this point of view, the characteristics of the Wu clan are very troublesome.

This is the trouble with these special races.

Each of them has this kind of ability, just like the stone people before, not only are they thick and thick, but they can also fit together, which is simply helpless.

Finally, in the face of the siege of thirteen great witches, even the late stage of Foundation Building’s Yin could not resist.

Xu Sheng above the planet sighed and gave instructions to Yin to use the Heaven-shaking Seal.

“I’m finally going to use it!” Chen Yuruo, who was on the opposite side, saw Yin offering Magic Treasures below, not surprised but rejoiced.

After Yin had used the Heaven-shaking Seal, the whole person went directly into an invincible state.

The thirteen great witches who had beaten him in an extremely embarrassed manner were quickly killed one by one.

Every great witch couldn’t even delay a little bit. Under the suppression of the Heaven-shaking Seal, he could only show fear, and then it turned into white light and disappeared.

But even if it doesn’t take long for a great witch, the total time of thirteen is not short.

After reluctantly killing the last great witch, Yin glanced down, sighed, and disappeared into white light.

In the battlefield, Huntuo Practitioner did not have any excitement.

The Wu Clan was also deterred by Yin’s methods just now. The powerful force made them shudder and made them wonder why there is such a powerful existence in this world, which almost made them even think of resistance. Not out!

“This is what you want to see, right.” Xu Sheng calmly said to Chen Yuruo who was opposite.

“Yes, this is what I want to see.” Chen Yuruo, who had never smiled, had a brilliant smile on his face.

“Let me see what you have been hiding.” Xu Sheng continued to say calmly.

It was this calm that made Chen Yuruo feel a little uneasy, but she soon threw this uneasy into her mind and gave instructions to the people below.

Xu Sheng silently looked at the battlefield below, his gaze fixed on the side of the Witch Clan camp.

He knew that Chen Yuruo’s back hand was there.

That is where all her hopes lie, that she can defeat own hole cards!

There was a sound.

Xu Sheng immediately knew what her support was!

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