Global Sage Era

Chapter 149

Chapter 148 Fight with me! (Add 1/3 to the leader “Xiaojun himself”)

Just like when fighting with Mo Fei before, Yin sacrificed the Heaven-shaking Seal at a critical moment and killed the Golem leader on the spot.

At this time, in the Witch Clan’s camp, a place that no one had noticed before, an aura that was not originally strong, quickly became trembling.

Qi training, Foundation Building early stage, Foundation Building middle stage, Foundation Building late stage…

Gold Core!

In just a short period of time, a tyrannical aura that belongs to the Gold Core cultivator appeared on the battlefield!

This is a great witch!

The great witch who was hidden by Chen Yuruo before the war!

However, the state of this great witch was not good. After he quickly entered the Gold Core realm, blood oozes from all over his body, apparently also forcing the Ascension Realm.

However, his strength is undoubtedly stronger than his family who can only reach the late stage of Foundation Building before.

“I haven’t seen him.”

Xu Sheng looked at the face of the great witch below, carefully distinguished from the faces in his memory, and made sure it was not any of them.

This was also the reason he hadn’t imagined in advance. The thirteen great witches who had besieged Yin before were the thirteen strongest subjects Chen Yuruo had ever seen.

“Of course you haven’t seen him.” Chen Yuruo smiled, “Because it was this time that I synchronized the information.”

“Sure enough, it’s the same as I thought.”

Xu Sheng nodded. After confirming that he hadn’t ignored it, he thought of this possibility.

But what made him puzzled was why she was sent out during the battle with Lu Ba with such an existence.

Could it be that she was arrogant at that time thinking that she could defeat Murphy without relying on her full strength?

If this is the case, then the final result is somewhat ironic.

The lion still needs to fight the rabbit with all its strength, facing opponents of the same level, if you dare to do so, you can only say that you deserve it if you lose.

Chen Yuruo seemed to see through Xu Sheng’s thoughts, and said lightly: “He appeared skillfully and accidentally. When fighting against Lu Ba, he was just an ordinary witch, but during the time I lost, his strength continued. Breakthrough, although his strength is not very strong in Minor World, this special burning method allows him to temporarily possess the strength of Gold Core.”

Realm Ascension of the Witch is indeed like this.

As long as some kind of induction is sensed, the power to be able to ask God will be greatly enhanced.

Unlike the human Practitioner and cultivator, it takes one step at a time to slowly Ascension Realm.

“Now your strongest cultivator has been killed. In the next time, my great witch will slaughter all of your most powerful people. That’s when you lose this battle.” Chen Yuruo’s expression once again Become indifferent.

“According to you, it is true.”

Xu Sheng nodded pretentiously, as if the person Chen Yuruo said just now was not him.

Chen Yuruo looked at the opposite person deeply, and doubts surfaced in his mind. At this time, he can still be in no rush. Does he have any support?

However, it is impossible for the Human Race to hide like the Witch Race. If the other party also hides a Gold Core cultivator, then you can find it in the first place.

She couldn’t figure it out.

Xu Sheng didn’t mean to explain anything. His eyes fell on the great witch below, and deep in his eyes, sharpness gradually emerged.In the battlefield.

When the great witch with the strength of Gold Core appeared, all the witches were shocked.

Even if they were used, they didn’t know in advance that there was such a person.

Then there was the excitement, the morale that had fallen because of the thirteen great witches being killed by Yinzhen suddenly rose.

The strength of the Gold Core witch clan is too strong.

When he waved his hand, the universe that was originally complete as a whole was torn apart.

Before the stone people had to use their talent skills to create the result, he could wave his hand long ago.

“Junior Brother Min, I’ll leave it to you, I’ll stop him!”

In the battlefield not far away, Yuhua, who had her own opponent team, suddenly broke free from the opponent’s offensive and rushed to the Gold Core Great Witch.

“You are not his opponent. In the past, you just died in vain, come back!”

Qian Min’s voice is still as calm as ever, but if you carefully distinguish it from his usual rate of speech, you can find that his words are about one-fifth faster at this time.

Yuhuan didn’t know that she couldn’t stop the other party, even if she burned everything, she couldn’t hold up a few tricks at all.

But he can’t go there. Only her Cultivation Base is present, and she has no shirk.

The Great Witch Gold Core saw a female human flying towards him, with a trace of indifference on his face.

Then came a magical force to fight over.

Yuhuan’s complexion changed drastically, she gritted her teeth and tried her best to resist, but the moment this divine power touched her body, she vomited blood and flew out for nearly a mile.

“Too strong, I am not an opponent…” Yuhuan’s mouth shed blood, she looked at the figure in the distance, and wanted to fly over again, but she couldn’t control her body anymore. The Spiritual Qi in Dantian was extremely confused. You need to correct it to drive Ruxin.

The powerful witch of the Gold Core realm is invincible on the battlefield at this time.

When Yin hadn’t been killed before, he was forced to take advantage of the situation, and he was under the control of the Overturning Seal, which could not last a few seconds longer than other great witches.

This is also the result of Chen Yuruo’s unbearable expression.

If she exposes this great witch from the beginning, then in the end she will only be able to get the mark of the world, and gain one more record.

But once Yin was consumed, she would have full confidence to let the Gold Core great witch create an advantage and win the fruits of this battle for herself.

This is what she said at the beginning, victory is not blindly head-on.

Hidden power, useful at critical times, can play a greater role.

“Unexpectedly, Chen Yuruo still has such a card. It seems that her ranking is higher than that of Ascension.”

The six high saints are watching the battle as usual.

The changes in this battle also surprised them. Chen Yuruo’s hidden trump card has completely become the key to her comeback!

It’s a pity that Xu Sheng is there. After the death of the only Foundation Building cultivator, even if the seal of the sky is still there, no one can use it.

Neither the remaining cultivator nor the most powerful Practitioner has the ability to use it——


Suddenly, the six Sages all looked down.

To be precise, it was looking at the Practitioner who had been ignored by him and the others.

Kuang Yuan!

At this time, Kuang Yuan suddenly began to laugh loudly.

The five great witches in front of him didn’t know what had happened.

This Terran Practitioner is indeed very strong, but his strength is still too far from the Gold Core, and he can’t even make a breakthrough on his own side. Does he want to approach the crisis of his own people?

Just when they thought about it, they saw a touch of blue and purple in their surroundings.

This is?

They looked at it suspiciously, and then discovered that the blue-purple was originally the color of Thunder.

From Kuang Yuan’s body, there were countless thunder and lightning.

Unlike the previous attack with lightning, he at this time has become a person wrapped in lightning.

Even though he has the Thunder heritage and is a Thunder Practitioner, under such circumstances, the body is also under a great load, and the spirit is suffering tremendously at all times.

But Kuang Yuan regards these pains as nothing.

In this thunder, he was bathed in thunder, and the momentum of his body was rising rapidly.

“Is it useful? Even if you ascension, to what extent can you ascension?”

One of the five great witches spoke with disdain.

As he said, Kuang Yuan’s strength stagnated after Ascension reached a limit.

At this time, although his strength is very strong, he is at best equivalent to the cultivator of the Foundation Building middle stage. Such strength does not have any ability to change the situation of the battle.

“It’s the limit by me alone.”

Kuang Yuan spoke.

His expression became solemn and determined.

“But I am not alone.”

The five great witches suddenly felt bad.

Chen Yuruo above the planet also had a sense of crisis, and she almost subconsciously gave instructions to the own Gold Core realm witch to expand his victory.

The six high sages also felt that the situation seemed to change.

“Where is Huntuo Practitioner?”

The violent shouts that broke through the clouds resounded across the battlefield, making all the witches look at him.

“Sylphy is here!”

In the universe, Xuan Yi, who was the eye of the formation, suddenly shouted, The next moment, the blood on his body burned.

“Tu Yong is here!”

A Qi Sea realm Practitioner shouted.

“Song is here!”

Another Qi Sea realm Practitioner.

“Negative Yang is here!”

One after another.

Hundreds of voices gather in one place.


A smile came out from the corner of Kuang Yuan’s mouth, and countless thunders poured out of his body again.

“Fight with me!”

“War war war!”

The qi and blood of hundreds of people burned at the same time.

A familiar blue-violet light appeared from them.

These Practitioners are all walking Practitioners following the road of Kuangyuan!

Hundreds of blue-violet rays crossed the distance and appeared on Kuang Yuan.

In an instant, Kuang Yuan’s momentum quickly crossed the boundaries of the Foundation Building, possessing the strength not to lose to the Gold Core realm!

It’s just the most powerful moment in Kuang Yuan’s life!

With the strength of hundreds of people, he can fight head-on, even if he is facing the Yin who has the seal of turning the sky over!

This is a method specially prepared by Xu Sheng for him. It is a top power that has been born again in addition to Yin!

Who says Practitioner is inferior to cultivator?

His Xu Sheng’s Practitioner also has the strength to match the Gold Core Realm!


At this time, Kuang Yuan was shockingly powerful. Before everyone had noticed, he had already arrived in front of the Gold Core Realm Great Witch.

The thunder turned into a wave, and there was a phantom on its body, and it was consumed fiercely!

The Gold Core wizard looked at the Practitioner in front of him in disbelief.

He belongs to the Witch Clan to possess the ability of such Ascension strength.

But why can humans do it?

He can’t imagine?

He didn’t have time to imagine.

At this time, Kuang Yuan, who has the strength of Gold Core, did not have as many methods as Yin, but the pure physical power, under the frontal crushing, brought even greater oppression.

Bang bang bang!

The two are fighting frantically.

Da Wu and Practitioner, who possess the strength of Gold Core Realm, burst out with astounding strength at this time!

The entire battlefield has fallen into a standstill because of the two people in the center!

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