Global Sage Era

Chapter 150

Chapter 149 How many hole cards does he still have? (Second, please subscribe!)

“Is this your strength? Not enough, not enough!”

On the battlefield, Kuang Yuan was attacking, accompanied by a cheerful laugh.

He has never been so happy at this moment.

Whether it’s conquering the Yaozu world, or the college entrance examination, or more than two hundred rounds of battle, there will always be equal opponents to suppress him, or even a few people at the same time, which makes people feel extremely restrained.

But now, looking at the entire battlefield, the only one who can be called the opponent is the great witch in front of him.

Although the opponent is strong, he is stronger!


Eucalyptus took the thunder and struck the opponent’s phantom. He saw ripples similar to water, which proved that the opponent was about to be unable to hold his own offensive.

Above the planet.

When Kuang Yuan gathered hundreds of people and gained the strength of the Gold Core realm, Chen Yuruo’s complexion had become extremely ugly.

She said with difficulty: “How could your Practitioner have such an ability.”

Xu Sheng said innocently: “I don’t know about it, but they have it.”

This is of course nonsense. At this time, the method used by the Practitioners was exchanged for nearly two million incense.

[Burning out]

Category: Heritage

Description: Burn everything of own, and transmit own power to the source, making its strength breakthrough limit

Exchange consumption: 1.97 million incense.

Such an inheritance can only be applied to people of the same origin.

In addition to this, there must be unanimous thoughts.

The requirements for use are extremely demanding. If it were not for this battle, Xu Sheng would not exchange it.

This is his arrangement specifically for Practitioner in order to prevent the death of Yin.

In addition, there are also other insurance measures.

But he won’t show it so easily.

For things like hole cards, the more the better.

And don’t let other people guess, otherwise it’s not a hole card, and there is no ability to turn over.

What Xu Sheng didn’t know was that the six high sages did not expect the changes in Kuangyuan.

At this time, the atmosphere among the six high sages was strangely silent.

They look at me and I look at you. Even Song Miao Heping and the female Gao Sheng who are optimistic about Xu Sheng don’t know what to say.

After a while, the silence was broken by the young Gao Sheng. A helpless smile appeared on his face and said: “How many hole cards are still hidden by Xu Sheng? I don’t know him one after another. What surprises will suddenly give us later.”

One after another!

It used to be the special pace between Practitioners, then Magic Treasures, and now there is another Practitioner burning.

Each one is so powerful and has the power to change the situation of the battle.

Although they knew that Xu Sheng still had something to show, they didn’t expect it to be such a powerful trump card that could be compared with Magic Treasures.

“I previously thought that his strength has probably shown 90%… but now it seems that it may only be around 80%.” Middle-aged Gao Sheng said.

Hearing what he said, the others didn’t say anything.


Is it really only 80%?

No one dared to draw a conclusion.

Even if they are high sages, they are not omniscient and omnipotent, and many things have been unexpected.

All in all, Xu Sheng, the student, has given them more and more surprises.

In addition to Song Ming Heping and the female Gao Sheng, the other four Gao Sheng also continued to increase Xu Sheng’s weight.

Perhaps in the end, the first full score champion in history can really defeat everyone and become the first place in this selection!

Kuang Yuan, who has the strength of Gold Core Realm, is extremely powerful.

From the beginning to the end, pressing the big witch fight.

Even though the great witch roared again and again, he couldn’t change the result at all. He was quickly split in half by Kuang Yuan’s halberd and turned into white light and disappeared.


“Victory! The patriarch won!”

It was like the scene of Yinzhen killing the Golem leader during the previous battle.

At this time, after Kuangyuan killed the Gold Core Great Witch, he was greeted by the exhilarating shouts of the Huntuo Practitioners.

“Uncle Kuang!”

In the distance, Yuhuan, who was severely injured by the Gold Core Witch before, was also very excited. She hadn’t thought that Master Kuang Yuan used such a powerful strength while silent.

This kind of strength is not inferior to the Master!

“Uncle Kuang…” Qian Min said these three words silently, and then a slight smile appeared on his face.

Kuang Yuan’s victory directly pulled Occupy over!

After smashing Gold Core to death, he still possessed great strength.

The result of this battle is out of suspense!

In the following time, it was a one-man show with Kuang Yuan alone. He was holding a spear, and no great witch could resist wherever he went.

After all, he didn’t leapfrog using Magic Treasures like Yin did. After being blessed by hundreds of Huntuo Practitioners, his durability was extremely strong. Almost half of the great witches died in his hands.

“Grandma’s, Daddy can’t move anymore.”

In the end, it was not that his life came to an end that stopped Kuang Yuan, but that his whole body was exhausted, and he couldn’t even lift the halberd.

Then just lay on the ground in the middle of the battlefield.

He looked up at the sun in the sky, a little dazzling, but he had to squint his eyes slightly.

Around him, there were countless corpses of the Witch Clan that had been lost, and blood ran all over him, surrounding him.

“He’s running out of strength, kill him!”

The remaining Wu clan rushed towards Kuang Yuan shouting after being tested.

“It seems that I am going to die…but I will live later anyway, I will die if I die.”

But just as he thought so, more footsteps came from his ears.

He could distinguish these footsteps because they were more neat, and then a smile appeared on his face.


“Protect the patriarch!”

Countless legs passed by Kuang Yuan, and then he felt a pair of strong hands lift him up.

At this time, he could see the scene ahead.

He saw that thousands of Huntuo Practitioners, led by a Qi Sea realm Practitioner, rushed towards the remaining big witch on the opposite side.

The boy Xuan Yi was gone. Before, when he burned all his power and passed it to him, the boy turned into white light and disappeared.


This kid will be lazy, he will do everything as soon as he burns his power, but he wants to be the Master to stay and chop people. It is very unprofitable to think about it!

But thinking so, he also felt very aftertaste for the battle just now.

But it would be great if I could achieve this with my own strength.

After all, this strength was borrowed from him. It didn’t belong to him, so he could only feel refreshed for a while. After time passed, he was beaten back to his original form, and he was still that weak Martial Master.

“This guy.”

Xu Sheng, who was above the fusion planet, couldn’t help laughing when he sensed his thoughts.

Sure enough, this guy still has a ‘bear child’ side in his heart no matter what.

In the eyes of other people, he is the majestic patriarch, but in his own place, he will always be that kid with a runny nose!

“I lost.”

The opposite Chen Yuruo said unwillingly.

Just a little bit, almost can win by yourself!

The strength of that Practitioner itself is not strong, if she let herself know in advance that he has this ability, then she will arrange for someone to besiege him from the beginning, and there is no chance to give him the strength of Ascension.

“Concession and concession.”

Although the result hasn’t come out yet, the Huntuo Practitioner has been pushed to the opposite base.

Xu Sheng did not hypocritically say that the result has not come out yet, and you still have a chance of victory.

Chen Yuruo may not be reconciled, and while watching the Hun Tuo Practitioner keep approaching the own energy crystal, he still keeps commanding people to defend.

In addition, a small group of big witches were arranged to reach Xu Sheng’s base camp, hoping to steal the home.

But what this team of witches encountered was Qian Min, who was in charge of the defensive formation. The latter didn’t take much effort to kill the witch who had fallen into the trap by mistake.

After seeing that the attack team was gone, Chen Yuruo pressed her lips tightly.

“Congratulations, you won this round of battle. Now your total points are 257.”

As the dust settled, Xu Sheng smiled, but Chen Yuruo turned pale.

In this way, Xu Sheng won two consecutive victories and Chen Yuruo lost two consecutive victories.

According to the current situation, if Chen Yuruo wants to continue to compete for the position of squad leader, it is not that it is impossible, but that this opportunity is relatively small.

After all, she couldn’t have the same situation as Gold Core this time. Now that the cards are known, the next few people will also make preparations in advance when facing her.

Chen Yuruo knew this better than everyone else, but there was no way, this was all her trump cards.

Xu Sheng’s side is okay, even though he has shown three methods now, there are still things behind him that he hasn’t shown.

Now what he hopes is that Lu Shan and others don’t hide too many things like himself, so he must be forced to show more things.

To be honest, these things were exchanged from the equivalence of everything after all, and he was somewhat fragile.

Others are all developed by their own Minor World, or are from a good family background, resources given by their parents and elders.

And he, his Minor World had a bad start, and he didn’t have any resources.

The result of the battle between Xu Sheng and Chen Yuruo did not surprise many people.

Because in their thinking, if Chen Yu had already lost once, in terms of hard power, he would have been weak among the eleven, and against Xu Sheng, the probability of losing was very high.

But when they started to look at the battle log, their eyes fell to the ground and their mouths opened wide.

“This… Gold Core Realm witch?”

Chen Yuruo’s newly demonstrated strength shocked everyone, and countless people were thinking that if she was also of this strength when fighting against Lu Ba, it is estimated that the final result will be changed!

But it was Xu Sheng that shocked them even more.

A hole card followed by a hole card.

I thought Magic Treasures was his limit, which was incredible.

But who would have thought that he has the same hole cards that can change the situation on the Practitioner side!

Now everyone has only one idea.

How many hole cards does he have?

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