Global Sage Era

Chapter 154

Chapter 153

In this storm, the momentum came and went quietly.

When a new round of engagement began, everyone turned their attention back to their own opponents.

After all, they are all geniuses. It is normal to be emotional for a while. If they are like ordinary people for a long time, then the gold content of this genius is too low.

For Xu Sheng, the turmoil did not cause any impact on him, but instead allowed him to see the correctness of what he had always insisted on, and made him clearer on the path of human nature.

Before, he chose the path of humanity—to be precise, he did not choose, but he did something naturally with the thoughts of the previous life.

In the process of developing Minor World, he also had some confusion. This ability to create is very easy to get lost, and the absolute control of the people will give birth to some strange ideas.

He also thought about either not caring about the lives of his people and treating them as NPCs, just like those simulation business games played in the previous life, treating them as a string of data, without empathy, so that they will develop more objectively. Progress is also accelerated.

But he found that he couldn’t do it. Those extremely real emotions, even from his perspective, are empathetic, not only the spiritual inheritance of Yin, Kuangyuan and others, but also in his first year of high school, at the very difficult stage of starting. Was shocked early.

At that time, the Huntuo tribe did not have any inheritance. There were very few prey in the mountains. The population increased rapidly after the beginning of spring every year, and in most cases it exceeded two hundred. However, as long as a cold winter arrives, the population will drop suddenly and the population will return to one. One hundred baseline.

At the most dangerous time, there were only 30 people left in the entire Huntuo tribe. They were all young people, and none of the old people existed. That was the most difficult time. Looking back on it now, Xu Sheng has to forget how it was at the beginning. Escaped.

“Gong Ziwen must be careful in the future…”

This earth is not the unruly world that can kill people at every turn in Fantasy novels. Here, no one has the right to deprive others of their lives, even the holy ones.

Everyone can be sanctified. In almost everyone’s heart, entering the holy realm is the ultimate goal, and most of the low-level tastes other than that have disappeared.

Therefore, crimes are almost invisible every day, almost to the point where the house is not closed at night.

The selection of places continues, and soon the third one-hundred round will be over.

In this hundred rounds, Chen Mo encountered three strong opponents in the first seventy games, namely Chen Yuruo, Mo Fei, and Gong Ziwen. Everyone forced him to reveal a hole card, but the result was not bad. In the end they all won.

In the next thirty games, he did not meet the fourth enchanting student again, which was regarded as a temporary rest for him.

However, he did not meet him. What others should meet is still encountered. According to Xu Sheng’s calculation, everyone has encountered at least three opponents of the same level, and the most is Gong Ziwen, who has met four people and has two wins. Two negatives, in the middle.

It is worth mentioning that the one who kept the victory again was one less, and it was Lu Ba who lost.

And what is surprising is that the person who won him was not the other enchanting students, but Zhao Tongkai from Qianjing City!

Zhao Tongkai speaks very little in the past, and in many people’s hearts he is also a strong person, but this strength is limited. Facing the first-tier students, he can’t win at all, but who knows that he was upset and won the battle in the end. .

The result of this battle directly led to Lu Ba’s depression. Originally, he was still thinking about defeating Xu Sheng and wanted to try that method to increase his own strength, but he didn’t expect to be defeated before he met Xu Sheng. NS.

The reality is like this. It is impossible to follow someone’s ideas. Lu Ba’s failure made his image in the hearts of other students plummet. In contrast, it was Zhao Tongkai who was ascending quickly. Many people expected Zhao Tongkai to create more. Miracle’.

At the beginning of the fourth one-hundred round, Zhao Tongkai, who had high hopes from everyone, encountered the strongest enemy ever-Kunhai City champion Xiao Feng.

The people of Xiao Feng and Zhao Tongkai are all human races, and their understanding of the law is between them.

However, Xiao Feng has a citizen of Gold Core, and Zhao Tongkai is the strongest only in the late stage of Foundation Building.

This is a very huge advantage. If Zhao Tongkai also has a citizen of Gold Core, he might be able to jump from the second echelon and become a member of the first echelon.

But the people of the Gold Core level are not so easy to get. Although Zhao Tongkai’s family situation is good, it is equivalent to Xiao Feng’s people, but it is still worse.

“Student Zhao, long Yang.”

Above the mingling mood, Xiao Feng smiled warmly and cupped hands towards Zhao Tongkai.

Zhao Tongkai also cupped hands in return.

Both of them are considered upright in nature, but Xiao Feng’s affinity is stronger and has a very leadership temperament, and Zhao Tongkai will be a little dull, but it doesn’t mean it’s bad. If it’s the same team, he will be An extremely reliable companion, you can safely give his back to him.

The battle between the two began very quickly. In terms of style, Xiao Feng is good at accumulating advantages from the subtleties, and then turning this advantage into a general trend. He won the final victory in a majestic way and convinced his opponent to lose; Zhao Tongkai It is a stable situation. Even if the situation falls into a disadvantage, you can maintain your own state and look for opportunities in a crisis.

In addition to using the source, the scheduling of various Practitioners is also amazing. From the perspective of dispatching troops, other students are much worse than them.

Even Xu Sheng is not as good as these two people. I have to say that if we only talk about the ability in this area, these two people should be the top two.

Zhao Tongkai met Xiao Feng. It can be said that he encountered his most terrifying enemy. It was the scheduling that won him an advantage in the battle between Lu and Ba. When facing Xiao Feng, he did fall into a disadvantage. He was very strong, but Xiao Feng was better than Xiao Feng. He is even stronger.

In addition, Xiao Feng is also higher in terms of the strength of his subjects. Even the faint Zhao Tongkai feels that even in terms of seemingly well-matched original comprehension, he is a lot worse than the opponent. What he has shown so far is nothing. Part of the strength of own.

This kind of cognition made him faintly desperate, and he didn’t feel this kind of despair even in Lu Shan.

Compared to the extremely powerful Lu Shan, Xiao Feng is a completely different opponent. The latter is so powerful that he has no hope of victory at all.

It was so cruel. Zhao Tongkai, who had gained a lot of confidence just in the battle with Lu Ba, was completely destroyed after the battle with Xiao Feng.

When the own energy crystal was finally pushed off, Zhao Tongkai could only let out a heavy sigh.

“Student Zhao, take over.” Xiao Feng didn’t mean anything to ridicule.

Zhao Tongkai took a deep look at him, then shook his head and said, “I am inferior to you.”

“I’m just ahead for the time being. I will become a classmate in the future. I believe that classmate Zhao will catch up.” Xiao Feng’s tone is still so kind.

Even though he had just experienced bleakness in his hands, Zhao Tongkai found that he did not feel the slightest hatred for the life in front of him.

The star stele’s ranking has not changed, and Xiao Feng’s ranking is still second.

This made many students who were expecting the ‘miracle’ to happen sighed with disappointment.

Although I knew that Zhao Tongkai had a small chance of victory, I was more or less unwilling to see the result.

Soon, they entered to read the battle records, and then they were attracted by this wonderful battle.

Xu Sheng was also watching. He clapped and exclaimed for the wonderful offensive and defensive battle of the two men. In many places, he asked himself not to do so much.

In his opinion, Zhao Tongkai is very strong, and it is not a fluke to be able to beat Lu Ba. He is very close to the first echelon, and there are only a few students who can make an impact on the first echelon.

However, Xiao Feng is obviously stronger. At this time, he has decided to avoid competing with Xiao Feng in the deployment of troops.

Engaging is a matter of maximizing strengths and avoiding weaknesses. His advantage is the Universe formation, Magic Treasures, and Thunder Practitioner. He should start from this and make plans.

In three hundred and seven rounds, Xu Sheng met a very special person.

“Finally met.”

Opposite, Su Linrui winked at Xu Sheng playfully, the expression on her face was very relaxed.

Xu Sheng smiled and said: “I haven’t met until now, it’s already very slow.”

“Didn’t you meet Zheng Jingjing and Fang Chengyi?”


Xu Sheng suddenly thought of these two people. When he said this, he really forgot those two people.

“That said, I was lucky, and I haven’t met anyone from the same province until now.”

Su Linrui covered her mouth and smiled: “I guess they don’t want to meet you.”

“Hahaha, I will meet sooner or later.”

Zheng Jingjing and Fang Chengyi had almost no contact. He and Su Linrui would often send messages and exchanges, but those two were strangers.

In Xu Sheng’s mind, they are passers-by, even if they are from the same place, there will be no intersection in the future.

“Come on, let’s start, I want to see how strong you are, but you must not let the water go.” Su Linrui’s expression suddenly became serious.

Xu Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly and said, “Don’t worry, I will go all out.”

In many previous exchanges, Su Linrui has made it clear that once the two of them meet, she must not release water. She wants to see where the gap between her and him is now. Xu Sheng nodded after confirming her determination. Means that I know.

“Lu Shan is very strong, I have fought him… I will definitely help you get the first place!” Su Linrui said in her heart.

She has met five enchanting students before, including Lu Shan who has always been ranked number one.

In that battle, she was defeated extremely quickly, and the own Practitioner couldn’t even make a slight block when facing those white crane sword repairs.

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