Global Sage Era

Chapter 155

Chapter 154 Don’t pretend, you no longer have a hole card! (Please subscribe!)

Su Linrui’s law comprehension is about 0.02%, which is only 0.01% behind Xu Sheng’s 0.03%, but the gap is huge.

Once the law reaches 0.03%, the worst students are basically the second-tier students.

And the law is never understood alone. For a student whose law reaches 0.03%, his people must have reached a certain Realm. Not to mention the Gold Core, at least there must be a late stage in the Foundation Building, and Xu Shenglai can almost be used as a standard reference.

During this period of time Su Linrui has grown a lot, and she has a lot of strength Ascension. Compared with the first time she came, her number of Practitioners has increased by nearly one-third. Looking at it, there are almost two thousand.

Of course, the number of two thousand is relatively strong compared to the average student, but it is not enough to look at Xu Sheng.

Before starting, Su Linrui had already said not to release water, so Xu Sheng did not specifically leave most of the power in the base camp. Instead, as usual hundreds of times, he let Xuan Yi take more than three quarters of the Practitioner to form the Universe. The array strangled towards the opposite side.

In addition, the small Universe pace is also used, and the power of the Universe is once again ascending by a large margin, and the power alone is extremely frightening.

However, neither Yin nor Kuang Yuan had ascended to the extreme. If they did this, they would probably be able to sweep Su Linrui’s people, even if they didn’t release the water, they didn’t want to reach this level.

Su Linrui also understood this truth, so she smiled at Xu Sheng.

With the approach of Hun Tuo Practitioner, the overwhelming pressure surged, making Su Linrui’s face a little pale, she murmured: “Is this your strength…really strong…”

She has watched Xu Sheng’s battle records many times, and has felt the power of Huntuo Practitioner countless times. It is said that she should be used to it.

But now, when Own’s people face the Huntuo Practitioner, her feeling is completely different. When the Huntuo Practitioner shouts neatly, she feels that her breathing is subconsciously stagnating.

Lu Shan is very strong, and wherever Baihe Jianxiu goes, her people can’t even stop him.

But now facing Xu Sheng, she felt another kind of strength, and she knew more that the strength at this time was not all Xu Sheng’s strength, Xu Sheng still had the two most powerful hole cards useless.

“It seems that I am passionate about myself.” She laughed at herself, such strength, how can she worry about herself.

No, to be precise, I just want to give Xu Sheng some advice. My current strength can’t do this at all.

Thinking of this, she bit her lip unconsciously, very hard.

An extremely frustrated emotion emerged from the bottom of my heart.

She didn’t know why she was like this, but she couldn’t control it. She felt that she was very depressed now, as if she had lost her temperament to the outside world.

“What’s wrong, what’s wrong with you?”

Su Linrui suddenly woke up and found that Xu Sheng, who was on the opposite side, was looking at herself with concern.

Because the two were at war, they could not touch each other.

Su Linrui fluffed her hair in a panic, and said hurriedly: “No, it’s okay…just walked away for a while.”

“I think your expression was very wrong just now, are you sick?”

Xu Sheng looked concerned. Originally, he was paying full attention to the battle below, but Su Linrui’s group of people suddenly became flustered, which made him strange. After looking up, she realized that Su Linrui didn’t know what she had encountered, and her face turned pale and red. of.

“I’m fine, you don’t have to worry.” Su Linrui found that Own’s mood suddenly became calm again, and after calming down, she said quietly.

Xu Sheng glanced at her suspiciously, and finally nodded without saying more.

The hard power of the two is really far worse.

Especially when Xu Sheng didn’t release the water at all, Su Linrui was extremely difficult to resist. Finally, just after three days passed, Xu Sheng had already been pushed to Su Linrui’s base camp.

“It’s okay, break it.”

When the Huntuo Practitioners were standing in front of the energy crystal, Xu Sheng, who was hesitant, suddenly heard Su Linrui’s Qingli voice.

Hearing that, Xu Sheng no longer entangled, let Huntuo Practitioner break the energy crystal.

“Congratulations, you won the battle in this round. The current total score is 307 points.”

“It’s a pity that you were defeated in this round of engagement. No points were scored in this round. The current total score is 145 points.”

Xu Sheng and Su Linrui received the information at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled, and their respective phantoms disappeared from above the fusion planet.

Fighting with Su Linrui is a very easy thing, not only fighting, but also a process of chatting and confirming each other’s ideas.

Although they also chatted before, it was not as long as this time, and they discussed a lot of things in more than three days.

But the good times didn’t last long. Soon in the 315th round, Xu Sheng met own’s fourth enchanting opponent, Shen Shi.

For Shen Shi, Xu Sheng is also own’s third opponent, and in the previous three games, his record was one win and two losses, very unsightly, ranking bottom among the eleven.

When the planets merged, Xu Sheng saw a handsome young man over 1.8 meters tall appeared opposite him. This young man’s face seemed to be haunted by a layer of jade, and he looked like a handsome young man, just from the outside. In terms of the above, of the 521 students, five of them are the best.

“I have no certainty that I can beat you.”

Shen Shi spoke first, but he didn’t expect to say such a sentence.

However, Xu Sheng felt that there was still something behind him, and sure enough, immediately after that, he heard the opponent’s conversation turn.

“But that is when you still have a hole card. If your strength is only as much as you have shown so far, then it will only be me who wins.”

“Oh, it seems that Classmate Shen is very confident?” Xu Sheng smiled slightly. He did not get angry because of his words, because in the previous storm, Shen Shi also restrained the people around him, and regarded him as Released goodwill.

But he can also draw some information from this sentence.

The people of Shen Shi are sharks, and the highest Realm is only the Foundation Building, and the previous battles did not show any signs of breaking through to the Gold Core realm.

And now, there are two battle powers equivalent to the Gold Core realm. After catching this point, the other party dare to say that, so there must be a way to deal with it.

Speaking of Yuren, he was very impressed by this.

It’s not because of how powerful it is, but simply because it was the first subsidiary race that Deng Huan captured. At that time, he was still the tail of the crane with the last grade. Looking at Deng Huan sitting in the first row in the classroom, I felt he There is light on the body, and all there will be is looking up.

Some unpleasantness also happened with Deng Huan, but in the end it was relieved, and from start to finish, he failed to fight Deng Huan, and he was somewhat disappointed in his heart.

However, this was also because Deng Huan changed his attitude in time.

“Sure enough, you still have a hole card!”

Shen Shi’s heart sank, Xu Sheng’s smile did not make him the slightest relief, on the contrary, the pressure in his heart was even greater.

If it was said that he was barely 50% certain, now it has plummeted, and it is less than 30%.

“Who knows.” Xu Sheng smiled unfathomably. The reality is imaginary, and the imaginary is real. Regardless of whether he has a hole card or not, this matter cannot be clear to his opponent.

His goal has also been achieved, and now Shen Shi is completely unsure whether Xu Sheng has a hole card, his expression is uncertain.

“The battle begins!”

When the star map was announced, the two sides had their own means.

Xu Sheng is the origin of water, and Shen Shi is also the origin of water.

The infinite blue light fell from the sky on both sides, the same color light, similar energy intensity, so that the Huntuo Practitioner and the shark were a little surprised.

Xu Sheng had known before that Shen Shi’s enlightenment law was the same as his own, which was also protection. He also imagined the scene at this time, and the final display in front of him was similar. In the case that both methods are mainly protection, the speed of casualties It’s really slow and outrageous.

Even if the people on both sides were fighting fiercely, the number of people killed in the battle was very few, less than 50. With the numbers of more than 5,000 each, they would not even be scratched. According to the current trend, if you don’t If the time is limited, it is estimated that there will be no results in a few months.

The losses on both sides were similar. At least Xu Sheng himself hadn’t estimated who would win in the end. If that was the case, he would definitely not be able to let the battle go on like this, and he needed to take the initiative to seek change.

The next moment, the earthshaking seal was sacrificed by Yin!

The Foundation Building late stage Shark, who was fighting against Yin, hurriedly hugged his head when he saw it, and seeing its reaction speed, it was obvious that he had already practiced countless times.

But soon he discovered that there was no brilliance from Yin’s body, nor did he show the strength that shocked him.

Was put together!

The leader of the shark quickly understood, but even though he was angry in his heart, he still did not dare to approach. Who knew when the opposite person would suddenly burst out for himself!

“This shark is very cautious, and it’s not easy to kill him.”

Yin is also looking for opportunities, but whenever he wants to lock the opponent, he will be disturbed by a strange force.

“That’s the other party’s ancestor helping it, don’t be confused.”

Xu Sheng’s voice sounded in Yin’s heart, making Yin a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn’t the opponent’s own ability.

“It seems that he has really done a lot of research on me. It is estimated that he has rehearsed countless times in this situation.”

As soon as he split on the planet, Xu Sheng was pondering. He couldn’t find a place to break the game for a while. Shen Shi was like a slippery eel. As long as he exerted force, the opponent would fall from his fingers.

“As I expected, as long as he doesn’t show a new hole card, with the strength he showed before, I can stop it!”

Shen Shi’s mood was very excited at this time. Now that the time has passed for so long, the other party still hasn’t shown new methods. It seems that he was pretending before. He doesn’t have a hole card at all, and he is already out of skill!

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