Global Sage Era

Chapter 161

Chapter 159 Gold Core Town White Crane

It’s windy.

The smell of blood on the battlefield is everywhere.

Huntuo Practitioner and Baihe Jianxiu are still fighting, and the number of each other is still decreasing.

But the result of the battle here does not affect the final outcome, the place above is the final place.

“Xu Sheng, I admit that you are very strong, but not having a Gold Core cultivator is your shortcoming. Even if you use a special method to temporarily Ascension the strength of your people to Gold Core, it will not help!”

“My Lu Shan is not someone else, and the methods that are useful to them are of no use to me!”

“You! Doomed to lose!!!”

Lu Shan’s voice grew louder and louder, and in the end it almost echoed over the entire fusion planet, enduring for a long time.

Indeed, judging from the situation below, Gold Core Baihe Jianxiu can bring Lu Shan victory as long as it is delayed until Yin and Kuangyuan arrive.

However, Xu Sheng’s expression did not change in any way. No matter what Ren Lushan said, he was still as calm as before, only a pair of eyes quietly looked down at Yin and Kuangyuan.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

After being extremely bright, the light on Yin’s body began to dim.

This is his performance that is about to reach the limit.

After Lu Shan saw this scene, joy appeared on his face. He looked at Xu Sheng and said again: “Your cultivator can’t hold on anymore, wait for it to fail!”

Xu Sheng still had no words. At this time, his mind was on Yin, feeling the changes in his body.

I believe you…!

The expression in his eyes became extremely firm, and the calm and unreliable figure seemed to have spanned a hundred years, returning to the scene when he followed the big Elder in the simple house, learning blood charms.

At this time, the scene moved forward, Yin got a success, and on a calm day, he stepped into Qi training and became a real cultivator.

Then in the quiet room, he took seven medicines and entered the Foundation Building period with a perfect foundation.

Until now…

At this time, Yin, the whole person’s consciousness was rapidly dimmed, and at the same time, a very strange feeling surged into his heart. He felt that his own six senses had become extremely sensitive, and everything around him was collected in his heart.

He could feel a certain change in the Spirit Power in his body, and on the road foundation, the densely cracked traces also existed in front of his eyes.

The trick to do a job quietly emerged.

He operated almost instinctively, and then after carrying it round and round, his original road foundation, which had been completely broken by the demon, was completely shattered.

He was already familiar with it, and it happened every time before Death turned into white light.

But at this time, the changes in the front were the same, but the back went where he hadn’t expected.

The road foundation that had been completely shattered came together again, and slowly condensed into a sphere.

“This is… Gold Core?!”

Yin was stunned. As a cultivator, he was naturally no stranger to this sphere, and a mysterious and mysterious feeling came to his mind.

For him, this is an extremely incredible change.

As recorded in the work, the time required from Foundation Building breakthrough to Gold Core is measured in years, and a breakthrough often takes several years or even more than ten years.

But at this time, the speed of this breakthrough was more than a hundred thousand times faster, and it was accomplished overnight!

“what have you done!”

Lu Shan naturally noticed Yin’s abnormality, and then he felt uneasy.

Xu Sheng smiled at him. This was his first smile to Lu Shan in recent days, mixed with relaxation and relief.

“Quickly, kill the opposite cultivator at all costs!” Lu Shan immediately conveyed the idea to own Gold Core Baihe Jianxiu. The moment the latter was instructed, he gave a fierce grumble, completely gave up his defense and faced the opposite side. The Yin attacked.

At this time, Yin was completely immersed in his upcoming breakthrough, and did not respond to the upcoming attack of Gold Core Baihe Jianxiu.

But he is not alone!

“If you want to hurt him, first ask if the halberd in my hand will answer!”

There was a violent shout, and the thunder-wrapped Kuang Yuan smashed the Gold Core Baihe Jianxiu with a halberd. Although it did not cause much damage to it, he successfully forced it back and kept it away from Yin.

One wants to hurt others, the other wants to protect others.

The two battled together and seemed to split the sky.

However, Kuang Yuan’s strength is not as good as the Gold Core Baihe Jianxiu. Under his previous cooperation with Yin, he could only barely draw a tie with him. Now under its continuous offensive, he quickly coughed up blood and was covered in blood. Scars.


“Uncle Kuang!”

“Big Elder!”

All the people who saw this scene had tears in their eyes. They looked at the figure in the sky, no matter how many times they were repelled, they would never retreat.

Behind the figure that gradually became staggered, the white group became more and more dazzling, and it had already become dazzling from the original bleakness.

In this white group, Yin has forgotten everything around him, and he devoted himself to the change process of Realm.

This is an extremely rare process of comprehension, and his comprehension of everything is rapidly Ascension.

“Yin, although the breakthrough in the secret realm is not a real breakthrough, this experience is also rare for you… take it well.”

Chen Mo looked at Yin below and said softly.

Naturally, he knows own’s shortcomings better than anyone else. After being forced out of the Heaven-shaking Seal by Mo Fei, he has been thinking of a way to get Yin into the Gold Core realm.

Once he has the Cultivation Base in the Gold Core realm, coupled with the initial refining seal, no one will be his opponent in the entire selection process.

But this process is difficult. The breakthrough of Gold Core takes time. Even if everything is equivalent, the exchanged stuff is used in Minor World. In the end, he can only choose a raised item after a compromise.


Category: Bonus

Description: Having a pure and immaculate mind, no matter what kind of danger, you will keep your original heart. In times of crisis, there is a 30% chance to break through your own Realm and reach the sky in one step.

Exchange consumption: 3.72 million incense value.

Such an item is extremely precious.

Even with Xu Sheng’s net worth at this time, it was very cruel to exchange something like this at the beginning.

His incense is not prepared for a single person, and the overall development of the Huntuo tribe must be considered at a larger level.

In the past, whether it was the pace of the small universe, the burning out, or the sky-shaking seal, these things belonged to the common property of the entire Huntuo race.

Wu Gu Xin is different, he is destined to belong to a certain person.

At this point, Xu Sheng is eccentric.

Yin’s position in his heart is too heavy, even Kuang Yuan, who has golden luck, is inferior.

Only Yin can he exchange his teeth for such a costly item.

Wu Gu Xin’s so-called one step to the sky is to let the cultivator leap to the next Realm in an instant, without having to spend time slowly.

This is an extremely remarkable thing, according to normal development, Yin will never get it.

The probability is big or small, and the chance of success is 30%. Whether it can succeed in the end is still unknown.

Although Xu Sheng also prepared some other methods, none of them were simple and straightforward.

After Yin breakthrough to the Gold Core state, the Realm recorded in the star chart also becomes the Gold Core state, and it can also play a big role when facing Xiao Feng and Wu Su later.

“Hahaha, are you just this capable, come on and see if you can pass in front of daddy!”

At this time, there was no good place in Kuang Yuan’s whole body, but his will was still firm, and his eyes were as hot as the sun.

Through the strength of the Gold Core early stage level, even if it is not as good as the Gold Core White Crane Sword Repair, it can still be done for a few hours despite the desperate situation.

“court death!!!”

Gold Core White Crane Jianxiu was erected with feathers all over his body, and it was also provoked by Kuang Yuan.


When Ling Yu shot out, Kuang Yuan could have avoided it, but because he wanted to protect his body, he stubbornly resisted the Realm, which pierced the golden and cracked stones. All his limbs and torso were pierced, and the blood continued to spurt out.

“Hahaha, huh… I said… huh… you… can’t make it!”

Kuang Yuan’s mouth was full of blood foam.

“Is this the people cultivated by following the human path…”

Seeing all this, Lu Shan muttered to himself that he would never cultivate such a cultivator. Such an extremely sincere sentiment was false.

Even the six Sages I looked at were a little bit emotional. Those who follow the road of human nature will always have such characters among the people. The possibility of breaking the stereotype is greater for them.

Gold Core Baihe Jianxiu continued to attack, Kuang Yuan finally reached his limit, after an unwilling look, his body slowly fell back.

But at this moment, a pair of not very generous, but particularly powerful hands supported him.

Kuang Yuan looked up and met a pair of peaceful eyes, and he laughed.

“give it to you.”

“give it to me.”

Yin said lightly, and then watched Kuang Yuan turn into white light in his own arms and disappear.

The next moment, rising against the weather.

This is the Gold Core environment!

Opposite, Gold Core White Crane Sword repaired his hair horribly, and said: “Impossible, how can you break through Realm so quickly…”

It was greeted by a huge seal.

With the power of suppressing the heaven and the earth, the shadow of the sky shrouded in an instant.

“Do not!”

Baihe Jianxiu yelled and wanted to struggle, but to no avail.

This is the power of the sky, facing the Heaven-shaking Seal controlled by the Gold Core level, it has no possibility of resistance.

He only heard a soft puff, and when the Heaven-Shaking Seal was called back by Yin, there was no trace of the Gold Core White Crane Jianxiu in the same place.

At the moment when his Gold Core Baihe Jianxiu was killed, Lu Shan above felt a sense of unreality.

How did the original good situation suddenly change?

Was his most powerful Baihe Jianxiu killed by the opponent’s town so lightly?

“It looks like you are out early.”

At the place of the six high sages, the tall female Gao Sheng said leisurely, and the object of her speech was naturally the young high sage.

The young Gao Sheng looked at Lu’s shirt with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, and snorted: “It’s just one game. In the end, I have to wait for Xu Sheng and the other two to decide the outcome. Maybe he is facing those two. When playing, losing in two battles, Lu Shan still has a chance.”

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