Global Sage Era

Chapter 162

Chapter 160 The ranking monument reaches the top!

Lu Shan does have a chance.

The first place selected is based on the total score only.

Even if you lose in a battle with someone, as long as the total score is higher than the opponent, the ranking will be above him.

But even the young Gao Sheng who had spoken knew that this sentence was more of a hard-slip.

Xu Sheng’s strength is now obvious to all. He was already extremely strong. At this time, his Foundation Building late stage cultivator was a breakthrough.

A cultivator of a perfect Foundation Building enters the Gold Core period and then masters a Magic Treasures. How powerful is it?

As Gao Sheng, they can estimate that Xu Sheng has undoubtedly become the first among the students selected in the entire selection in terms of top combat power.

Not only that!

The top combat power was originally Xu Sheng’s shortcoming. His strength lies in the number and quality of Practitioners.

Now the short board has become the long board, plus the road of human nature…

Combined, such strength is already too strong!

All six knew that Xu Sheng’s probability of winning the first place far surpassed the others.

Wu Su and Xiao Feng, who have not yet played against each other, although they also have some strengths that have not been exposed, on the whole, they should be not much different from Lu Shan, and Lu Shan’s ending is also their ending.

It can be said that when Xu Sheng’s cultivator broke through to the Gold Core period, most of the suspense has disappeared.

Thinking of this, the three people who had been watching Sage’s jokes were no longer interested.

Song Miaoping and Gao Sheng, a female, looked at each other, and then a faint smile appeared on their faces.

“Congratulations, you won the battle with your opponent. The current total score is 432 points.”

“Unfortunately, you were defeated in this round of engagement. No points were scored in this round. The current total score is 431 points.”

at the same time.

Two different pieces of information.

Both Xu Sheng and Lu Shan heard the notification sound of the star map.

A difference of only one point represents a completely different concept.

It was also the first time Lu Shan heard the notice of the loser, and the word defeat echoed in his ears for a long time, causing his breathing to become heavy.

“I lost this time.”

After hearing the sound, Xu Sheng looked up.

“But there will only be this one time. After I enroll, I will definitely get my position back!”

At this time, Lu Shan’s eyes were like wolves, unwilling and extremely aggressive.

Xu Sheng believed that few people had seen him like this.

He didn’t reply, so he looked at Lu Shan silently, and then the phantoms of the two disappeared from the top of the planet, and they could no longer see each other.

This battle lasted less than three days.

Instead, it is normal to fight with ordinary students, but the two enchanting students like them are a little unusual.

There is no way, Lu Shan’s Baihe Jianxiu attack is too sharp, almost giving up the defense, even if he has the intention to slow down the rhythm, he can’t do it.

“Three days… I don’t know how many places I can get.”

He subconsciously looked at the central star monument, because this round of fighting has not completely ended, so he is still ranked fourth.

Defeating Lu Shan, ascending a place is certain.

Xingbei’s “absolutely fair ranking method” is also a bit painful. According to other competitions, defeating Lu Shan will definitely replace his ranking, but in Xingbei, it is calculated according to time.

Although Xu Sheng is not very anxious, if he can see it, it can be considered a happy thing.

The seven days of the 432nd round quickly ended.

When the day ended, many people saw the star monument for the first time.

After holding back for several days, everyone wanted to know what happened to Xu Sheng and Lu Shan!

Much attention!

When the star stele’s ranking began to change, everyone’s hearts followed.

Then they saw a scene they hadn’t seen before:

At the top of the star monument, the name that has always stood firm and has never changed, is falling rapidly at this time, and it has reached the fourth place in the blink of an eye!

As for the original fourth place, the dazzling but unobtrusive name gave off a dazzling brilliance, rushing upwards, surpassing third and second again and again, to the first position!

Exchange of rankings!

Xu Sheng reached the top!

At this moment, the entire star map fell into silence.

In the short silence, everyone at The next moment frantically asked their own companions to discuss this matter.

Still on that planet, three thousand white crane sword repairs were dancing swords, but at this time, the owner of this side was unable to calm down, his eyes fixed on the first name.

“Even to reach the top?” Xiao Feng looked at the name in a bit of astonishment. Although he felt that Xu Sheng and Lushan could win both, it was extremely unexpected to leap from fourth to first.

Who can really care less about ranking?

“Xu…Sheng…” The indifferent girl Wu Su narrowed her eyes. She originally thought that her biggest opponent was Lu Shan, but she did not expect it to be wrong.

When the match results of the 433rd round came out, everyone couldn’t wait to watch the battle record.

Even Mo Fei these enchanting students are no exception.

Then they were shocked by the fierce fighting!

The fighting between Baihe Jianxiu and Huntuo Practitioner simply carried the killing to the extreme, burning everything up all the time, even if he was seriously injured, he would also cause damage to the enemy and gain an advantage for the tribe.

Looking back, many people have forgotten the passage of time.

Compared with the previous battles, the intensity of this battle is completely different. When the strength reaches a certain level, conspiracy is not the first consideration.

Everyone felt the pride of the two warring parties. One of them did not make the act of stealing the home, and the other did not do the same.

“This… is too coincidental!”

However, fighting is not blindly picking God of War. When you see that Huntuo Practitioner and Baihe Jianxiu have adopted similar Ascension strength methods, everyone who sees them has a feeling of ridicule.

“Lu Shan is too unlucky…” Some people thought that. Xu Sheng’s previous battles had already shown a lot of cards. At this time, Lu Shan had no good means. He had to come with someone like him, it seemed It makes the scene a bit funny.

It was shocking at first, then it turned into funny, and soon everyone realized that this was not all.

When Yin made a breakthrough on the spot and entered the Gold Core state, a cold air rose from the tail vertebra, making everyone feel a shudder from the soul.

This is not because of fear, but because of this situation, Yin’s breakthrough is so resonant!

Obviously there is no righteous & evil distinction between the two sides, but when the Practitioner desperately wants to guard the companion behind him, Baihe Jianxiu’s vigorous appearance seems to have become Damn it, making people unconsciously stand on the side of the human race, hope Terrans can win!

“Xu Sheng is not only strong, but his luck is also not weak!”

“Being able to break through at this critical moment, I must have made a lot of preparations in the ordinary days.”

“The cultivator has entered Gold Core, is he invincible now?”

“It should be, anyway, I am no longer optimistic about Xiao Feng and Wu Su. Although these two are strong, Xu Sheng’s strength can make people desperate!”

The students were discussing. After watching this battle, they felt that there was no suspense about who was the first place in this selection.

Xiao Feng looked at the battle record in Own Planet, and looked over and over again. He had been silent for a long time. A question appeared in his mind. Facing such an opponent, even if he still has some strength that he hasn’t shown, it is true. Can you win?

He estimated in his mind that even in the face of Lu Shan, he would be 50-50 at the worst with the opponent, and Xu Sheng…he was not sure about 30%.

Wu Su, who had always been indifferent, had a trace of struggle on her face after reading the battle record. Like Xiao Feng, facing Lu Shan who showed all his strength, she felt that she had at least a 50% win rate, but faced Xu Sheng…

In the entire star chart, there were discussions everywhere, and a name was constantly mentioned in their mouths.

Xu Sheng.

The name of the perfect score champion, who originally didn’t care much, has become so heavy.

For the first time, they felt what was behind the name of the top scorer champion!

Then I sighed that Xu Sheng, who possessed such strength, could actually be so indifferent, never boasting of his own strength outside.



Xu Sheng let out a sigh of relief.

The smile on his face couldn’t be tolerated.

It’s been a while since I was so happy.

Throughout the selection of places, powerful opponents emerged endlessly. From Xi Menqing at the beginning to Mo Fei and Chen Yuruo at the back, his strength was constantly Ascension.

If it is not for spending a lot of time to study the opponent’s play and layout, he will not be able to target accordingly.

Behind every seemingly easy victory is his hard work and sweat.

But you can’t be proud.

The fighting is not over yet.

Not to mention Xiao Feng and Wu Su who haven’t met yet, maybe there will be dark horses among the remaining students.

If arrogance is born prematurely, then good results may become bad.

After constantly reminding himself in his heart, Xu Sheng felt that his own mentality had recovered, and then stopped thinking about ranking matters, and focused his attention on the research of the battle records.

First, he looked at his opponent in the next round, and after forming a rough outline of his strength in his mind, he replaced it with Xiao Feng and Wu Su.

Four hundred and thirty-eighth round.

Xiao Feng and Wu Su met.

In this round, both of them revealed their own strength.

Although the process of the battle was not as bloody and cruel as Xu Sheng and Lu Shan, the undercurrent surging in it was shocking after careful observation.

In this round, Xu Sheng’s opponent is Xiao Yalin from the second echelon. This Loli looks, but she is actually a black-bellied girl. He has long heard of it, so from the beginning Xu Sheng didn’t have any words with her, and used the most straightforward means. Destroy her civilian defense line and smash the energy crystal in her yelling.

“Xu Sheng, you…”

The black-bellied girl on the opposite side was trying to say something, but Xu Sheng had no idea of ​​listening at all.

He just wants to see the record of the battle between Xiao Feng and Wu Su!

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