Global Sage Era

Chapter 164

Chapter 162

Five hundred and twentieth rounds.

The final round of the entire quota assessment.

Everyone knows who their own opponent will be.

“finally reached.”

Xu Sheng looked at the huge star monument in the center.

His name has been at the top for a while, and the second name below him is equally dazzling.

“The first and second battle?”

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, then he stretched his waist and stood up.

At the same time, Xiao Feng also opened his eyes, which was as unfathomable as a vast ocean.

Everyone in the star map is ready, and this long assessment is finally coming to an end.

Even the six high sages who have been watching, feel that one thing is about to be completed, and their mood has become a lot easier.

“The victory or defeat between us has to be divided.”

The tall female Gao Sheng said with a smile, although she has a high probability of losing now, she doesn’t care too much, it’s just a gadget, even if she loses it, it’s nothing.

“No accident, Xu Sheng should have won.” Lu Shan, who is optimistic about the young Gao Sheng, has been defeated, and now his mentality is considered indifferent, no matter who wins.

The six people talked casually, and when the quota assessment was over, they also had their own things to do, and there were not many opportunities to relax as they did now.

“Xu Sheng.”

“Xiao Feng.”

The phantoms of the two appeared above the fusion planet, followed by cupped hands greeting each other.

Xu Sheng has a good view of Xiao Feng. Generally speaking, people who are good at strategy make people feel wary. However, since Xiao Feng’s battle, the strategies he has used have been grandiose, without any dark feeling.

Naturally, we must communicate before fighting, and try to get the information we want from words.

Xu Sheng chatted with Xiao Feng casually, judging whether his current strength is Ascension.

Not long after, the fighting officially began.

Hun Tuo Practitioner meets Xiao Feng’s human race.

Under the operation of the Universe, the people who fought Xiao Feng head-on were not opponents at all.

From the very beginning, Xiao Feng was not prepared to entangle himself in frontal engagements. He kept ordering his subjects to form small teams and harassed Huntuo Practitioner.

Only then did Xu Sheng realize that the weakness of his Universe array had already been mastered by the opponent. Whenever he wanted to make some changes, the opponent would always appear at the key point of the owner at a critical time, so that he had to overthrow his previous plan. .

Suddenly, Xu Sheng did not gain any advantage on the front battlefield.

In addition, Xu Sheng also felt that Xiao Feng was arranging for a sneak attack on own base camp. This is also a matter of course. Own is stronger than the opponent. If you want to win, stealing the energy crystal is undoubtedly an excellent way.

However, in terms of high-end combat power, Xiao Feng is not as good as Xu Sheng’s side after all, even if it is a short delay, it is extremely difficult.

Here, his arrangement has not been completely finished. On the Gold Core battlefield, his people have been beaten in danger, but in a short period of time, there have been many injuries on his body. With his situation, it will not be long. Will be killed by Yinzhen.

Xiao Feng’s face changed slightly after noticing all of this, but immediately gritted his teeth to send instructions to the own Gold Core citizens, no matter what, they must hold on for enough time.

“Ancestor…I…I really can’t hold it!” Gold Core people are crying. God knows how much pressure he is now. The cultivator opposite is so powerful and unlike humans, even if he doesn’t rely on his hands. Magic Treasures, he feels that he is far from an opponent.

“The victory or defeat of this battle depends on your hand.” Xiao Feng knew that it was very embarrassing to him, but there was no way, he had no second card in his hand to use.

The Gold Core subjects were cruel and raised their own state to the pinnacle of this life, and rushed towards Chaoyin with arrogance.

But the next second, he only heard a bang, and he vomited blood and was beaten back.

“The ancestors can’t do it, I really can’t hold it!”

It’s not that he doesn’t want to work hard, but the strength of the opponent is too strong!

After overturning the opposite Gold Core cultivator, Yin looked over with a pair of plain eyes, without the slightest emotional fluctuation, but made the latter feel a panic.

Xiao Feng felt all of this from above, and knew that the owner would not last long. He couldn’t help but sigh and do everything he can to his destiny. Facing such an opponent, it is indeed his greatest misfortune, even if the opponent’s strength is weaker. The battle is not without leeway.

The result of the Gold Core Realm battlefield has come out, and Xiao Feng’s people will be killed soon.

On the frontal battlefield, Kuang Yuan also gathered strength at this time, possessing the strength of the Gold Core realm. Wherever the Thunder Practitioner went, he was a bit burnt. Although the opponent’s strength above the training Qi wanted to block, the gap was too big. In the end, Just die for no reason.

When the strength reaches a certain level, no tactics are added.

Xiao Feng is indeed good at planning, but in the face of Xu Sheng, who has crushing strength, his persistence will not delay the arrival of defeat.

On the evening of the fifth day, there was a huge bang.

Hun Tuo Practitioner cheered.

The result of this battle has finally come out.

“Congratulations, you won the battle with your opponent. The current total score is 520 points.”

“Unfortunately, you were defeated in this round of engagement. No points were scored in this round. The current total score is 519 points.”

Both men above the planet received news.

A big stone in Xu Sheng’s heart finally landed. At this moment, he can finally say that he has won the position of the squad leader of the champion class.

The opposite Xiao Feng sighed, a trace of loneliness appeared on his face, but the loneliness quickly disappeared, and he smiled again, and said to Xu Sheng cupped hands: “Congratulations, student Xu for getting the first place in the assessment, and losing to you. I am convinced.”

The skills are not as good as others, and if you lose, you lose. Xiao Feng adjusted his mentality after a slight loss.

“It’s a fluke.” Xu Sheng said modestly. Xiao Feng felt really good for him, like those hermits in ancient times, with a calm atmosphere and extremely comfortable getting along with him.

Behind the two, the six high sages glanced at each other, and then disappeared from where they were.

The result has been revealed. Xu Sheng, the perfect score champion who followed the human path, surpassed everyone in the end, won all the battles and won the first place.

At the same time, he also won the position of squad leader of the champion class.

There are 30 people in the champion class.

After taking the top 30 in this assessment, they all know in their hearts who each of these 30 is.

“All the battles in this quota assessment have ended, and the top 30 are like the champion class.”

When the last day was over, a voice came from everyone’s ears. It was not the voice of the star map that I used to hear before, but the voice of Song Lu Gaosheng who rarely showed up.

Everyone looked at Xiang Xingtu. As to whether they could get into the champion class, they already knew the result, and now they were curious about who the first place was in the end.

Is Xu Sheng still crushing with invincibility, or is Xiao Feng’s strategy of unparalleled victory with weak?

The huge star stele is immortal, and every word on it is emitting light.

First, Xu Sheng, 520 points.

Second, Xiao Feng, 519 points.

Third, Wu Su, 518 points.

Fourth, Lu Shan, 517 points.

Fifth, Kong Yan, 516 points.

Sixth, Wei Hang, 515 points.

“It really is Xu Sheng.”

Someone sighed.

“Xiao Feng is also very strong, but unfortunately he met Xu Sheng.”

“We won all the battle and we all met Xu Sheng. Although we thought he was strong at the time, we never thought that he could be so strong. It is estimated that no one will surpass him for a long time.”

“Hehe, I don’t know if I will get the top pick in the future, but even if I get it, it’s impossible to surpass him. At most, he will be level with him.”

Everyone sighed, wondering if it was a psychological effect, the name that was originally very dazzling has now deeply entered their hearts.


A sense of pull came.

The surrounding scenery flew back, and in the next second, everyone found themselves exiting the star chart and returning to the secret realm lobby.

The figures of 521 people are all exposed, separated infinitely in the star chart, but in fact, the location of the body is only a few steps away.

Naturally, somewhere in the southwest became the focus of the audience.

There was a young man with a light smile on his face, chatting quietly with the girl next to him.

Gee gee…

Look at people, this is the perfect love career.

Not only did she win the first place in the selection, but she was also accompanied by beautiful women, which is really envious of others.

As for the man and woman sitting across from them, they were completely ignored by everyone.

Sometimes people sitting at the same table don’t mean they are companions. The circle is so big, they know who is close to Xu Sheng’s surroundings.

At this time, Zheng Jingjing and Fang Chengyi were extremely complicated in their hearts. It was obvious that the person was still the same person, but at this time there was a feeling that they did not dare to look directly at them.

The two of them, one with 174 wins and the other with 156 wins, ranked well among all the results, 342 and 401 respectively.

In comparison, Su Linrui, who did not perform as well as theirs in the college entrance examination, won two hundred and seventy-three victories and ranked two hundred and thirty-nine, which is considered to be above average.

They understand the meaning of this period, and they have been left behind with the progress during this period.

Xu Sheng was talking to Su Linrui.

But gradually he felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Looking up, he was slightly startled.

More than five hundred pairs of eyes were staring brightly. If there is no psychological preparation, it is really difficult to maintain composure.

He has had some contact with each of the masters with more than five hundred pairs of eyes, and he can call out everyone’s name.

“It’s all watching you, the top pick.”

Su Linrui said jokingly, and then her eyes were tightly fixed on Xu Sheng.

Well, this time, there are 520 pairs of eyes staring at him.

Xu Sheng thought in his heart, what should I say in such a situation?

Thinking about it, it seems that nothing is good.

People staring at Xu Sheng didn’t want to hear what Xu Sheng said about the ‘winning induction’, it was simply because after experiencing the impact of the star tablet just now, the mind hadn’t come out yet, and that’s it.

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