Global Sage Era

Chapter 165

Chapter 163 Squad leader of the champion (seeking a monthly ticket!)

The hall was quiet, and no one spoke.

Xu Sheng thought for a few seconds, but the last action he made was only one: cupped hands.

Many people who watched him were taken aback, and then smiled on their faces, and they also cupped hands at Xu Chenggong.

I didn’t know who it was, and shouted “first place”, and then many people shouted.

Xiao Feng, Lu Shan and others would naturally not shout, but those with weak grades did not have so many ideas. It is human nature to worship the strong. Although Xu Sheng’s strength is not worth mentioning in this human race, it is not worth mentioning. For the students present, they are completely powerful.

It didn’t last long. Soon, Song Ming’s figure condensed from the middle, attracting everyone’s attention.

“This time the selection is over. The school will arrange for someone to send you back to where you came from tomorrow.”

“In addition, there is one more thing. Regarding Xu Sheng’s previous beatings in public, he considered that the selection has not ended yet, and he has not been punished for the time being. Now the result of the punishment is announced…”

Everyone became weird after hearing this sentence, and if Song Miao didn’t mention it, they would have forgotten about it.

In the corner of the crowd, Lin Xiao looked at the star-shaped Xu Sheng with a grimace in his eyes, with strong joy in his eyes. He knew that Qianjing University would not just leave things alone. What corrupted was the school spirit and school discipline. !

Su Linrui looked at Xu Sheng with some worry.

Feeling her emotions, Xu Sheng cast a relieved look at her. He was not afraid of the shadow leaning. It was not right to hit someone, but he didn’t regret it, and he just continued no matter what the punishment was.

Everyone held their breath and listened to what the final punishment was.

“The punishment for Xu Sheng is as follows: one hundred credits are deducted.”

Everyone was waiting, but they didn’t hear anything for a long time.

Then I reacted, and the punishment is this one!

It’s said that the punishment is as follows, but one will come at the end?

The whole person was a little speechless, but soon some people who didn’t understand began to ask what the credits were.

Someone who knows something replied: “I don’t know the specifics. Anyway, it is used everywhere in Ganjing University. You can use it as a credit point.”

“Don’t you say that you didn’t say it.” The person who asked rolled his eyes.

“I really can’t blame me, this information was originally not developed for us…” The voice of the person who answered was a little aggrieved.

What are credits?

Xu Sheng has his own guess in his heart. What is certain is that it must be very precious, otherwise the final deduction will not be only 100 credits.

Song Ming just announced the results and didn’t mean to explain to the students. As for what the credits are, there will naturally be someone who will explain them after entering the school in a few days.

“Next, the top 30 students in the ranking monument will stay, and the others will be able to meet in the dormitory area.”

The discussion suddenly came out, and many people looked enviously at the top 30.

They know that they are going to talk about entering the top pick class… but these have nothing to do with them. In the competition for places, they have failed.

However, after all, he was able to enter Ganjing University, but in the end he couldn’t study in a real class.

More than 400 people left soon.

Before leaving, Su Linrui said a few words to Xu Sheng, then gave him a playful smile, and Xu Sheng waved to her.

Only thirty people remained in the hall.

When Xu Sheng looked over, they were all very familiar people, Xiao Feng, Lu Shan, Wu Su, Lan Ying, Zhang Ziyou, Gong Ziwen, Xiao Yalin…

Personalities are different. He gets along with them easily and happily or tit-for-tat, but no matter what, these people will be his classmates in the next few years.

Song Ming waved his hand lightly, and then everyone noticed that the surrounding environment had changed. The hall became the classroom they were most familiar with. Everyone sat down in the class according to their rankings.

Five rows and six rows.

Xu Sheng sat in the middle of the first row.

On the left are Xiao Feng and Lu Shan, and on the right are Wu Su and Kong Yan.

“What does it mean?”

The thirty people present were all the pride of heaven, and they were all caught in strangeness for a while.

They actually don’t have any objections to this seat. They are based on the rankings, and there is nothing to say.

What they care about is the meaning of Song Ming Gaosheng’s doing this.

Just thinking about it, the eyes of the original eleven enchanting-level students condensed, and a familiar scene happened-beside Song Ming Gaosheng on the podium, five other figures condensed.

The same reaction as Xu Sheng and the others at that time, the other 19 students who didn’t know the situation all made a hissing inhalation sound.

Even if it was the black belly that others couldn’t figure out in her heart, Loli Xiao Yalin subconsciously sat with her breasts, the strange light that had always existed in her eyes disappeared.

The calm Zhao Tongkai also showed shock on his face, six high sages! It just appeared before his eyes.

“You don’t actually need to come out.”

“Hey, we’re just joining in for the fun. It’s nice to see the shocked eyes of these little guys once in a while.”

“…Bad taste.”

Even if the six high sages communicated face-to-face, the students would not be able to find out.

At this time Song Ming was also a little speechless about the appearance of the other five people, and he didn’t know this would happen in advance.

However, he was the leader of the next thing, so he didn’t care about the existence of the five people around him at all, and said:

“Now 30 of you are the candidates for the champion class. First of all, I want to congratulate you for successfully standing out from the 521 and winning the spot.”

Smiles appeared on the faces of the students.

“You all know that a class will have a monitor… I have told some people before that the person who wins the first place will become the monitor of this class.”

No one was surprised.

Everyone here has heard of this news.

But it is still inevitable to look at the person in the center and front.

Xu Sheng felt that Own’s back was hot, and he didn’t need to look back to know that everyone must be looking at him.

He raised his head to look at Song Ming, but was a little surprised to find that the latter had always had no expression on his face. At this time, he showed a faint smile at himself, and nodded insignificantly!

Xu Sheng naturally did not know what Song Ming and the female Gao Sheng liked about him. At this time, he was a little confused about the kindness that Song Ming suddenly expressed, and then Yi Zhiyi attributed himself to the first place, thus letting the other party’ Look at it differently.

“The first place in the selection is Xu Sheng, and the squad leader of the champion class is him. You can find him for anything in the future… Xu Sheng, you have to take care of everyone.” Song Mao looked at Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng nodded earnestly: “Students understand.”

The other five high sages all smiled when they heard the words, no matter whether they were optimistic about him before, Xu Sheng became the first at this time, and their perceptions were naturally different in their hearts.

“The school starts on September 1st. This time you go back and have time for Nine Heavens to rest… But I don’t want this Nine Heavens to be abandoned by you. The path of the Holy Path cannot tolerate the slightest slack. Maybe it’s Nine Heavens. , After you enroll in school, you can surpass the people you couldn’t beat before.”

Song Ming no longer looked at Xu Sheng, but said to everyone.

Hearing this, Xu Sheng and other thirty people nodded to show that they knew.

To reach their current position, no one is lazy, like a person in Xiao Fenglu shirt, and he wants to enter the Minor World immediately, adding more help to the development of his Minor World, and losing to Xu Sheng’s record makes They are reluctant to stop all the time.

The strength of the others is similar, but Xu Sheng’s strength is obviously better than them. Such a gap is completely unacceptable in the eyes of their top enchanting.

Temporary failure is understandable, but it is necessary to overtake as quickly as possible!

“The true saint who will lead you… his old man is also my teacher.”

Song Ming Gaosheng’s next sentence made everyone’s eyes wide open in surprise.

Xu Sheng was also astonished. So, is Song Ming Gao Sheng and them a brother-in-law relationship?

Said that it was the senior brothers who might be Gao Pan. With Song Ming Gao Sheng’s power status at this time, it is estimated that it is the orthodox relationship between the teacher and the apprentice, not the connection between their class supervisors.

“So after you enroll in school, I will also give some tutoring on schoolwork, and we will meet again in school at that time.”

True Sage is naturally busy. Although Gao Sage is also busy, he is definitely not comparable to the former. As a student, it is reasonable to come and help his teacher.

The thought that Gaosheng Song, who has created such a secret realm, will serve as an’assistant teacher’ makes everyone present feel a little excited.

Xu Sheng thought more. With Realm, which Song Ming Gaosheng is good at, will there be something similar to this selection in Qianjing University in the future?

If this is really the case, that is a great thing, and the strength of the people can be maintained to the utmost extent.

The next day, Xu Sheng and others went back to their homes under the arrangement of Qianjing University.

On the helicopter, Wang Kun naturally congratulated Xu Sheng.

Zheng Jingjing and Fang Chengyi sat in the back row silently.

“I thought that you would see Brother Wang from time to time when you came here, but I didn’t expect to see your figure for so many days.” Xu Sheng was also curious at this time. In the past twenty days, Wang Kun only followed He had made several calls, and more time seemed to be busy with something.

“Hey, to me, this time is considered to be some welfare given to us by the school. With the help of Song Ming Gaosheng’s secret realm, some ascension of the strength of the people is carried out…hehe…”

Following Wang Kun’s narration, Xu Sheng gradually figured out his experience during this period.

There are a lot of confidential matters that Wang Kun also mentioned in one stroke. Not only is it about Qianjing University, the government also attaches great importance to matters such as authority. Basically, only after reaching the corresponding Realm, will they obtain a certain first-level authority.

Since there is such a setting, it is naturally the best method confirmed by the above verification. Xu Sheng is not arrogant to think that his “mortal wisdom” can be compared to those true sages, extreme sacreds… even the five. Holy.

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