Global Sage Era

Chapter 166

Chapter 164 Condensation Gold Core!

A few hours later, the helicopter stopped at the airport in Luyuan.

After the five Xu Sheng got off the helicopter one by one, they divided into three groups and left each.

When they left, Xu Sheng and Su Linrui only greeted Zheng Jingjing and Fang Chengyi faintly. After separating this time, they will be strangers in the future.

“The past twenty days, in retrospect, it looks like a dream.”

When leaving the airport, Su Linrui said with emotion that the battles were overwhelming. Many times, she felt that she was about to collapse and could not stand it, but fortunately she persisted in the end.

Xu Sheng agreed: “Before I went, I didn’t expect that the competition system for quota selection would be like this.”

Departing on August 8th and returning on August 30th, after 23 days, it was a very different journey from their usual.

Wang Kun smiled and said: “I didn’t expect it…but it is good. You have played all of these selections, and your strength is much faster than your normal development of Ascension.”

Xu Sheng and Su Linrui naturally knew this truth.

The three of them got in the car quickly, Su Linrui’s home arrived first, and Xu Sheng’s home was a little further away.

When he got out of the car and walked towards his home, Xu Sheng felt the wrist ring tremble. It was a message.

He clicked and found that it was actually sent by Su Linrui, who had just parted.

The above words are like this:

“Those days in the secret realm are a bit out of breath, now I come back and I want to give myself a day off… It’s boring to be alone, do you have time?”

Xu Sheng saw this message and immediately understood that Su Linrui was asking herself to go out to play.

The twenty-one days in the secret realm are indeed very tiring, so he quickly replied.

“I’m afraid I don’t have much time. My cultivator is estimated to be breakthrough these days. I have to watch him…or else next time.”

After sending this message, Xu Sheng thought for a while, there was no problem, then he threw the matter into his mind and walked into the house.

Su Linrui at this time has not yet returned home.

Thinking of the message she had just sent, her cheeks were still a little red, so it was the first time for her to go out with a boy.

He…should not refuse, right?

After all, there is no problem with what I said, so I need to relax a little after the high-intensity match.

What should he do when he sends it back later?

What clothes should I wear when we meet?

Where is more fun?

As she was thinking, she felt the wrist ring tremble, and immediately picked out the information.


The look of expectation became lonely.

She walked forward subconsciously. There was a small pebble in front of her, and she kicked it away sullenly.

After walking for a long time, she feels that her own mood is a little better

Finally, she smiled on her face and edited another message and sent it: “It’s okay, then I will have time to make an appointment later.”

In front of the own family, she took a look, took a deep breath, and walked over there.

When Xu Sheng returned home, he felt a long-lost relaxation.

Although there are no parents here, all the furnishings are made by myself. This is my own nest.

After sitting quietly on the sofa for a while, he cleaned the house inside and out.

After cleaning, he also sweated. After taking a shower in the bathroom, he lay lazily on the sofa, emptying his mind.

After a while, he felt hungry, so he ordered a takeaway.

The time in a daze always passed very quickly. I obviously felt that the next second had already arrived. Looking at the time again, half an hour had passed.

After Xu Sheng finished eating the takeaway, he stretched his waist, and then dispelled all the laziness on his body.

“It’s been an hour to be lazy, it’s time to enter the world sea.” Muttering, he walked to the room, opened the maintenance cabin and walked in.

Consciousness traversed endlessly and came into the familiar world sea. There were dots of stars in the distance, and under him, a Minor World slowly glowed.

This is his Minor World, where he has spent countless sweats, and it is also where he has given him countless honors.

In Minor World, it’s night.

The location of the Huntuo tribe was pitch black, and everyone fell asleep.

And a little farther away, Tongtian City still has lights at this time, and it is almost close to the medium-sized city. Even in the middle of the night, there are guards who are patrolling Donglong.

For Xu Sheng, whether it is Huntuo tribe or Tongtian City, it is a place that makes him know how to smile.

Outside the city of Huntuo, there are more and more small villages, and there are probably hundreds of them. The number of these hundreds of small villages is as small as 30 or 50 people, as many as 400 or 500 people, and the total population has exceeded. Twenty thousand, going to thirty thousand.

In addition to the 70,000 in the Sky City and the 10,000 in the Huntuo tribe, the number of human races in the entire Minor World has exceeded 110,000.

If you gather in one place, these 110,000 will have reached the threshold of a medium-sized city, but Xu Sheng is not in a hurry to do so.

Small villages are also an ecological circle. Maybe a few small villages will develop into towns and then expand from towns into new cities.

When the number of people was still small, he needed to plan everything, such as Tongtian City, which he arranged for Yin and others to build.

But in the future, he will do less and less such things. He is only responsible for planting a seed and then waiting for the seed to sprout slowly.

Although he can see some of these seeds in the future, what they will eventually become is still unknown.

He has an expectation that he wants these seeds to produce some special flowers.

In the Huntuo tribe, Yin is Lotus Position cultivation in his own quiet room.

He has been in this state for a few years, and he has been like this since the selection of places.

Xu Sheng knew what he was doing. After gaining experience in the secret realm, Yin was already trying to break through to the Gold Core realm.

The breakthrough in reality is not the same as in the secret realm, and the effect of Wugou Heart is not played every time.

But these are not important anymore. What Yin has to do now is to turn all his own experience into nourishment and provide him with the motivation to move forward.

“There shouldn’t be too many problems, but it is estimated that it will take several years…”

After Xu Sheng distinguished it for a while, he came to the conclusion that Yin still reassured himself as he always did. At this time, his state is all going well, and there is basically no possibility of failure.

Of course, it is not 100%. No one can pack a ticket for breakthrough in cultivation, but he can see that at a critical time, everything can be exchanged for something for help. There is absolutely no danger to life.

He didn’t do nothing, just like he was breaking through to the Foundation Building late stage, he made some arrangements around him to make it easier for him to perceive things.

This approach is easy for him now. After hundreds of rounds of battles in the selection of places, his perception of the law has also made a lot of progress, and he is not far from 0.04%.

After reading Yin, he then turned his gaze to Kuang Yuan in a house not far away.

This kid has benefited from the secret realm not less than Yin. After so many times of sublimation, he is now very close to the next Realm. Maybe he will eventually break through before Yin.

If it weren’t for the own Minor World rule, it’s estimated that this kid wouldn’t have to be so troublesome, and he would have broken through in the process of fighting.

Minor World has grown from weak to strong at the beginning, and the rules are constantly improving. The slow development in the early stage is also the biggest reason.

Those with good family conditions and their parents have a lot of resources, but these resources cannot be used directly for them. For a period of time, Minor World has a carrying limit. If it exceeds this limit, it will be like a burning firework in the end, after a bang. , Disappeared in the world sea.

At present, when this training method is not perfect, there have been too many such things, and it is a painful lesson that has been paid.

After Kuangyuan and Yin, there are three people, Yuhuan, Qianmin, and Xuan Yi.

In any case, Xu Sheng also knew that his more attention was focused on these five people, while for the other people, he would devote a little less effort.

There is no other way. In the case of insufficient resources in the early stage, this can only be done.

He also wanted to treat everyone equally, but the result of equal treatment is that no strong person can be cultivated, and a group of mediocrities appear.

In such a time, three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The first thing that changed was Yin, which surprised Xu Sheng. He glanced at Kuang Yuan, and the kid seemed to have encountered some problem. At this time, he was frowning and thinking at own residence.

The reason why Yin has changed is that he has already begun to try to condense Gold Core.

This process was two days happier than Xu Sheng estimated.

But he didn’t find it strange, it was like this kind of mysterious and mysterious perception that he, as an ancestor, couldn’t fully grasp it.

Yin clearly has some gains, which greatly advances the time for himself to end the Gold Core.

It takes a few steps to condense the Gold Core.

The first step is to make all preparations and start to break the foundation of the body.

This is a very dangerous thing. Once the Dao Foundation is broken and the Gold Core is not condensed, even if it is not counted, it will be a waste.

This is why it is difficult for Foundation Building to advance to Gold Core.

At this time, Yin had made all the preparations and started to do a job, actively fragmenting the roadbed in his body.

However, his foundation is extremely difficult to break, and the progress is very slow. This is because when he entered the Foundation Building, he condensed a perfect foundation.

Of course being strong also brings troubles, and it is much more difficult for Yin to advance to Gold Core than ordinary people.

But if you can succeed, you can also get stronger than others.

Gold Core is also divided into ranks. The low-grade Gold Core, the Ascension is not very huge, compared to the top-grade Gold Core, it is a gap between heaven and earth.

Xu Sheng naturally wants Yin to condense the top-grade Gold Core, but the condensation of the top-grade Gold Core is beyond his control, and Yin also needs to have a chance.

Without chance, everything is empty talk.

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