Global Sage Era

Chapter 167

Chapter 165 Good things come in pairs!

In the quiet room, Yin is breaking through to the Gold Core state.

A few years ago, he had already told his apprentices Yuhua and Qian Min that this time the Closed Door Training should not be disturbed.

Around the quiet room, some formations are also arranged to prevent people from entering.

In the formation of Foundation Building late stage cultivator, even for a formation such as Qian Min, it will take a lot of time to achieve breakthrough by only practicing Qi and Realm.

So in terms of external factors, there is no danger.

If you change to the small thousand world that has been perfected in the inheritance of Xiuxian, breakthrough Gold Core is still extremely dangerous. Not only do you have to worry about the enemy’s revenge, but also bear the catastrophe and the invasion of Heart’s Demon.

But in Minor World, none of these things exist. Heavenly Tribulation is the setting of Heavenly Dao. For the people, Xu Sheng is the Heavenly Dao of Minor World. It is impossible for him to set these things.

Heart’s Demon is the projection of life in the higher-energy world. It is impossible for this kind of thing to enter the sea of ​​the world. Within the territory of the human race, no evil spirits will exist.

Under this circumstance, Yin’s breakthrough has already taken a big advantage, and the condensed Gold Core grade, Xu Sheng’s acceptable bottom line is also the third rank.

There are nine ranks in the upper third rank, middle third rank, and lower third rank.

Condensing the third-rank Gold Core is like building a high-rise building with only one meter of foundation, not to mention that you cannot touch Nascent Soul. Even if you don’t believe in evil and force a breakthrough, you will end up with the collapse of the high-rise building. Gold Core is Gold Core. Blow up, let alone nurturing Nascent Soul, you can’t even save your life.

In a blink of an eye, a few months passed.

On this day, Xu Sheng was watching Yin’s breakthrough, but a fluctuation not far away attracted his mind.

It was Kuang Yuan. After several years of preparations, he finally set out to make Wuying’s Realm breakthrough.

Martial Master to Wuying is also the breakthrough of Realm. Although it is not as dangerous as the cultivator Foundation Building to Nascent Soul, the probability of success is still not high.

Xu Sheng looked intently, only to see that the Spiritual Qi tornado in Kuangyuan Dantian was turning frantically, and the spirit crystals in it were constantly glowing. All the arrangements in his body were washed away. Because of the power of this breakthrough, Yin is far inferior to him.

The breakthrough of the Practitioner is like this. From the beginning of the action, the movement is great, and it seems to be afraid that others will not know the same.

As a Thunder Practitioner, Kuang Yuan had thoroughly integrated the inheritance of Thunder that Xu Sheng had exchanged for him. He had taken all the paths at this time.

On this path of his, he is completely the founder of the school. This is also the reason why he was able to borrow power from the Practitioner from the back of the owner in the selection of places before. If there were not so many people walking his way, It is impossible for him to leap over so much in strength.

A cultivator, a Practitioner, both of them started their own advancement.

This advancement is extremely important for both of them. Once it succeeds, the human life limit is opened again, with a life span of 500 years.

Also has the qualification to explore further roads.

Yin and Kuangyuan are Xu Sheng’s two most powerful subjects. One is a representative of his cultivator and the other is a representative of his Practitioner. Although he has not done much now, if they really fail, he will wait for everything. Redeem some things in the price and rescue them.

However, the loss is enormous, even with his current wealth, it hurts to think of the exchange needs.

It is naturally best to be able to use it elsewhere.

The advancement of cultivator is relatively slow, and the advancement of Practitioner is relatively fast, so although Yin Kuangyuan started to advance a few months earlier, but the latter quickly surpassed him, and Dantian’s incomparable spiritual crystal began to change. .

At the time of Qi Sea realm, the Spirit Power in Practitioner Dantian was gaseous, but in the process of breakthrough, it became liquid, and after becoming the Martial Master, it became solid again.

After going through the three common forms, the subsequent changes are naturally different from before. Wuying Realm’s Practitioner, in his Dantian, needs a heroic soul transformed from a spiritual crystal.

At first glance, this heroic soul is similar to the cultivator’s Nascent Soul, but they are two completely different things. This heroic soul is an incorporeal thing, and there is no way to come out through it. Its function is to fight the enemy in the Practitioner. At that time, the Practitioner was given a full range of ability blessings.

The function of Spirit Power originally had this effect, and the heroic soul inherited this effect and deepened it greatly. With the blessing of the heroic soul, the defense of the Practitioner’s body is almost the same as that of the cultivator’s body guard. A very powerful means.

Kuang Yuan’s heroic soul condensed proceeded very quickly. After all, he has a deep foundation. This step is completely natural. However, the heroic soul at this time is just a pure and transparent heroic soul with only a few arcs. The blessing ability provided by such a heroic soul is also very good. weak.

This kind of breakthrough was naturally not what Kuang Yuan wanted. Next, he continued to consolidate his own soul. According to the inheritance he received from his ancestors, the highest rank of this heroic soul should be incorporeal, but look. Going up is like an entity.

Of course he wants to achieve this kind of Realm, so he is constantly working hard to deepen his own ghost.

Xu Sheng in the world saw this scene and shook his head and smiled. Just as he thought, whether it was Yin or Kuangyuan, he always pursued the best.

Focusing on the two of them, Xu Sheng separated some to the others.

In the entire Huntuo race, it was not only Yin and Kuangyuan who made breakthroughs.

Such as Yuhuan, Qianmin, and Xuan Yi, all of them have entered the breakthrough state.

This is extremely normal. Five hundred and twenty rounds of fighting. Because of the tight time frame, they don’t have much time to make breakthroughs. Now that everything is over, they can concentrate on making breakthroughs in strength.

There are already more than 20 cultivators in the Huntuo race, but whether it is a high Realm or a low Realm, the closed door training time of the cultivator is measured in years. Even if it is a training period cultivator, there may be two closed door trainings. Three years have passed.

So now there is no cultivator in action in the Huntuo tribe, they are all in Closed Door Training.

The existence of cultivator is an awe-inspiring force for the entire Huntuo race. When they often appeared in the past, everything in Minor World was very stable.

But now everyone is making breakthroughs, and some of them have begun to carry out various activities with bad thoughts.

The nature of the human race says that bad is good or bad.

After all, it was chaos.

Since it is chaos, what kind of possibility will appear. In the Huntuo tribe at this time, although most of the rules are followed, there are also a small number of unruly ones.

These people are concentrated in Tongtian City. Because of the increase in the surrounding population and the remote relationship brought about by the economic prosperity, the emotional connection between people has been weak to the extreme.

In less than a hundred years, Tongtian City and Huntuo Tribe have almost become two worlds.

In Tongtian City, the population has changed for six or seven generations. Although the rumors about the Huntuo tribe are still there, the awe in the heart is much less.

With the passage of time, Yin and others gradually stopped going to Tongtian City, only occasionally when they felt the appearance of Spiritual Roots, they would bring them back and cultivate them by their side.

Under such circumstances, the separation of Tongtian City and Huntuo tribe has been accelerated.

As an ancestor, Xu Sheng could even feel the thoughts of Yin and others. They were already considering enclosing the Huntuo tribe with a large formation, completely disappearing from the sight of ordinary people.

They did not look down on ordinary people, but didn’t want the atmosphere in the tribe to be damaged by the outside world. As people who witnessed the Huntuo tribe from weak to strong, Yin did not want the familiar tribe to become strange to him.

Xu Sheng didn’t stop all of this in the world, because this was what he wanted.

The transition from the tribe to the city is necessary. He has learned the importance of genetic diversity and biodiversity in the high school of the previous life. In this life, on this super-high-energy earth, he naturally understands these.

Now Yin and other high-level people are no longer showing up. He wants to see what changes will take place in that sky-passing city and what direction he will go.

In Tongtian City, the current top manager is the city lord. This city lord was not sent by the Huntuo tribe, but the descendant of the best of the first generation of people who migrated to the past. He won the city lord in the competition again and again. Outside.

His own strength also has the Qi Sea realm’s seven layers, and he is also considered strong in the entire Huntuo race. He was also a member of the previous selections.

For this city lord, Xu Sheng still paid some attention, but compared to Yin, Kuang Yuan and others, this level can be regarded as insignificant.

The reason is very simple-he doesn’t like the character of this city lord.

This person’s name is Xu Hang, and he is forty-three years old. His abilities and wrists are all the best choices, but his personality is somewhat rigid and self-use.

This is a very normal thing, and often smart people or big people have such a personality, so although Xu Sheng is not happy with this person, he has not taken any measures against it.

Xu Hang is very smart, so he quickly discovered various situations in Minor World, something called ambition gradually emerged in his heart.

Xu Sheng did not intervene in all this, he watched the changes in Tongtian City in the next few years.

And in the fourth year, a ray of light appeared, The next moment, Xu Sheng felt that his understanding of the law was much easier.

It was Kuang Yuan who made the breakthrough first. The heroic soul in his Dantian is like an entity, becoming an extremely powerful Wuying Realm Practitioner!

And only after two years, the situation on the side where breakthrough started first is gratifying, the breakthrough process is very smooth, and it has entered the final stage.

After more than half a year, thunder and lightning generated from the void outside his quiet room, rumbling.

This means that he has also successfully made a breakthrough, entered the Gold Core Realm, and is the highest first-rank Gold Core!

Good things come in pairs!

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