Global Sage Era

Chapter 176

Chapter 173 Qianjing University! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

September 10th, 8:30 in the morning.

Xu Sheng packed up the things he was going to bring, and took public rail transit to the high-speed rail station.

The distance between Qianjing and Luyuan is more than 1,000 kilometers, and the whole journey takes two hours and 25 minutes.

After meeting with Su Linrui yesterday, I spent a whole day traveling in the city. Of course, I didn’t play anything specifically. I wandered around all the familiar places in my memory.

When I walked back, my feet hurt a little, but it was pretty good in terms of memory.

It is a pity that Su Linrui will be accompanied by her parents over there, otherwise she can be a company on the road.

“Dear passengers, please note that this train is about to depart. Please take care of your belongings.”

When the voice of the voice announcement appeared, Xu Sheng subconsciously checked what he was carrying, um, they all declined.

“Are you in the car now?”

“Well, just got on, did you set off too?”

“Just came out of home…”

Fortunately, you can also chat via instant messaging.

While chatting and watching the scenery along the way, time flies faster than Xu Sheng imagined.

“Qianjing Station has arrived. Please bring your belongings and get off the train in an orderly manner. Thank you for your cooperation.”

Walking in the crowd, Xu Sheng got off the high-speed rail.

As soon as he arrived in the passenger hall, he found that there were a few students wearing the school uniforms of Beijing University, looking here, there was a table in front of them with the words ‘Qianjing University’ written on it.

He immediately knew that this was the sophomore, junior and senior in school.

“Hello Sister, I am a freshman enrolled this time.”

Xu Sheng walked up to a few people. The one who was in charge of registering was a short-haired senior, because she was writing information with her head down, and she didn’t see what she looked like.

Hearing someone talking, the senior sister raised her head and glanced, and then her eyes lit up slightly. She was a good-looking senior, and the smile on her face became enthusiastic.

“Hello brother, my name is XXX, can you read your admission letter… OK, you can fill in your information on this form.”

The elder sister is very enthusiastic.

This is Xu Sheng’s first feeling.

“Xu Sheng? Where did you hear this name…” The senior next to him took a look, then fell into contemplation.

Suddenly, he remembered where he had heard this name!

Isn’t this the first full score champion in the country? !

Maybe there will be duplicate names… Oh, from Baiwan Province, that’s okay.

Xu Sheng, who had just filled in the information, suddenly noticed a pair of fiery eyes staring at him. He was feeling strange when he heard a voice coming from nearby.

“Hello senior, I am a freshman this year, come here to register the information…”

The man who was talking was a boy dragging a box, who had just gotten off the high-speed rail.

“Xu Sheng?!”

Randomly glanced at the person next to him, the boy subconsciously exclaimed, and then he hurriedly said with a smile: “What a coincidence, I didn’t expect to meet you as a genius.”

Xu Sheng glanced at him, then glanced at him again… After a few glances, he remembered some information about this person. He had fought during the selection process. It seemed that he was one of the people who made him be merciful, so he laughed too. He said: “What a coincidence.”

The question of the selection of quotas has not yet been heard by these ‘elders’. The seniors did not know that in addition to the perfect score, Xu Sheng also defeated all opponents in the selection of quotas and won the first place.

This is a tangible record. In previous years, it was rare to have such a ranking before enrollment. Among this year’s students, Xu Sheng is undoubtedly the first!

As soon as the boy called out Xu Sheng’s name, the seniors and sisters were naturally a little curious, and then they knew about the quota assessment, and they were immediately surprised as Deva.

“My deed, I didn’t expect Xu Xuedi to be so good, so he will have to deal with the senior sister more in the future, and you can ask me if you don’t understand.” The senior sister’s smile became more enthusiastic.

Xu Sheng could only nodded with a smile.

Students who can enter Beijing University are naturally the pride of heaven. As long as they are not too lazy in university and luck is not too unlucky, they will be quasi-sages when they graduate.

But it is not because of this that they are extremely arrogant. Seeing that all geniuses want to step on their feet and have the current strength, each of them is not low in wisdom and knows to meet some worthy people.

The current Xu Sheng, in the eyes of these sophomore seniors, is undoubtedly the kind of junior with great potential, and he has given them a very good feeling since just now. It is not too early to hold such a “quality stock”. A few hands, isn’t that stupid?

After a year of Ascension, the strength of sophomore seniors is naturally not comparable to that of freshmen like Xu Sheng. Their law comprehension and the ability to withstand the flow of time are much higher than Xu Sheng. The gap between the two parties is as good as Cloud mud.

But no matter how strong it is, it cannot be displayed on Earth, and it is impossible for Minor World to encounter that, so there is no possibility of hostility between the two sides.

Xu Sheng was an early group. After waiting for almost ten minutes, seven or eight people arrived, and a senior led them out of the high-speed rail station.

Outside the high-speed rail station, the school bus of Qianjing University was waiting, and several buses drove in a row.

Qianjing University enrolls about five thousand freshmen each year, half of which are given to Gao Sheng’s heirs, and less than three thousand people belong to civilians.

After Xu Sheng and other ten people got on the school bus, the school bus quickly started and drove to Qianjing University.

The whole journey takes about an hour, which is almost equivalent to the time it takes to travel from Luyuan to Beijing by high-speed rail.

No way, it’s too congested!

Always saying that the capital is blocking the capital, Xu Sheng actually has no idea in his mind.

The urban area of ​​Luyuan is also quite congested, occasionally making him doubt his life. He also speculated on the situation of Qianjing based on Luyuan, but only then did he realize that everything is insignificant, and the blockage here is not only suspicion. Life can make people crazy.

Obviously, it was only a ten-minute drive without traffic jams. In the end, a full hour and forty minutes walked. When the gate of Qianjing University was in sight, everyone in the school bus cheered.

Xu Sheng’s face also showed a hint of lightness… He had already made a decision not long ago that it is not necessary to never get out of school, so much time is wasted, whether it is spent on the development of Minor World or sentiment. The rules are much better!

The school bus stopped at the gate of Qianjing University.

After getting off the school bus, Xu Sheng stood in the open space in front of the gate and looked up.

It’s not very magnificent, and it doesn’t look grand.

At first glance, it looks a little inconspicuous, everything is simple and simple.

But if you look at it a little bit, you can find that kind of inner beauty, a simple atmosphere, which is better than sound in a silent place.

The fonts of the four characters ‘Qianjing University’ are extremely restrained, but after a long time of attention, I seem to see a picture of the beginning of the world.

When they first met, Qianjing University had already left a deep impression on Xu Sheng.

Next to him, several other people were also watching, and their expressions became sigh from a slight disappointment at the beginning.

After almost two minutes, the student who led the team said: “Okay, I will take you in.”

Everyone withdrew their sights and followed the senior to Qianjing University.

Buildings of various styles are coming, each with its own unique atmosphere.

A pavilion over there is like the fairy of Yujian Ling Xiao.

The building on the side resembles an old man riding a bull eastward.

The one further west is like a Fairy in neon clothes and feathers.

It’s so unique!

Judging from the appearance of the building, it is still influenced by many western factors, but on the whole, it is closer to the Eastern temperament.

This is what Qianjing University should be like!

Xu Sheng didn’t know exactly what they were used for, but he began to look forward to the sight of himself entering them.

He knew very well in his heart that the most important period of his life would be accompanied by these peculiar buildings.

“Our Ganjing University covers an area of ​​5,000 acres and is divided into two campuses, east and west campuses. Now we are in the east campus… in the east campus, there are 18 teaching buildings, 22 dormitory buildings, and three canteens. ..”

The senior leader who led the team led Xu Sheng and others to sign up, while introducing some basic information in the school.

From his narration, Xu Sheng learned some things, and turned his head to look every time he talked about a place.

“There are five most important places in the school. Have you seen the five towers to the north? That’s them.”

When it came to this, the leader of the team deliberately sold off.

“Oh, senior, you continue to say, why stop.” A boy urged.

Several other people are also asking him to speak quickly.

After satisfying the psychological vanity, the senior said: “This information is absolutely inaccessible to you in high school. You will only be informed when you enter the university.”

“Of the five towers, the tallest and most pointed is the Law Tower, which has the ability to accelerate the perception of the law! But it takes credits to get in. Even me, I can only go in once a week…”


Xu Sheng frowned, and he naturally would not forget that he was deducted 100 credits. Now that he heard what the senior said, he had already felt a little bit in his heart, and felt bad. The school’s punishment seemed to be better than his original. Think more serious.

“The shorter and wider one on the left is the time tower, which can exercise your ability to withstand the acceleration of time and accelerate your time in the Minor World! Of course, it also needs to consume credits…similar to the magnitude of the law tower. I only come occasionally.”

Hearing this, the students opened their mouths.

Credits, credits, or credits.

Whether it is the Tower of Laws or the Tower of Time, both of them are extremely helpful to their strength, and they immediately knew that it is precisely because of their existence that the strength of the university is far faster than the high school.

But what the hell is credit!

I have always known that it is important, but how important is it, and how should I obtain it?

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