Global Sage Era

Chapter 177

Chapter 174 Five Towers Credits

“The tower on the right is a strategy tower, which can simulate the development of Minor World. Everyone has the same initial conditions. It’s better to compare who develops within the specified time.”

“The one on the far left is the Tower of Engagement. There are multiple modes to choose from…”

‘The one on the far right is the Children’s Tower, where you can experiment with all kinds of weird ideas. ’

Tower of Law, Tower of Time, Tower of Strategy, Tower of Engagement, Tower of People.

Also called the five towers!

It is extremely important in Qianjing University!

These five towers are very close from their location, but in fact they are in five positions, dark alloy wood, water, fire, earth, Five Elements.

The five towers form a pentagon, and between them, there is a special area, which is also the core of the entire Qianjing University. This information is temporarily not available to freshmen like Xu Sheng.

The effects of the five towers are different, but each one is extremely powerful. As long as you can go in for some practice, the final Ascension will be many times more than the outside world.

Of course, the five towers also follow the law of conservation of energy, and their power is exchanged for a large amount of consumption. This kind of consumption, even Qianjing University, is extremely laborious, making it impossible for all students to use it at the same time.

So the credit system came into being at this time.

Before Nie Sheng appeared, the earth was still a very ordinary place. Everyone was studying arts and sciences. The credits for school were based on the courses completed. In the end, only a certain amount of credits can be taken to graduate.

It has been used until now. Of course, it is not enough to earn enough credits to graduate at this time, but a real Realm talk. Only the quasi-sage can graduate.

Credits have become a currency-like existence. In Qianjing University, they can be obtained through tasks, courses, towers, etc. Once obtained, they can enter the five towers for cultivation.

While the five towers are the center of cultivation, they also have their internal rankings. Taking the time tower as an example, it records the rankings that endure the flow of time. The higher the ranking, the higher the ranking, the credits will be awarded after a period of time.

The other four towers have the same principle.

The purpose of the school is also very simple, is to stimulate the students’ competitiveness, so that they will not waste any time in the university process, and do everything they can to Ascension themselves.

Outside schools may also give students rest time, allowing students to combine work and rest.

Qianjing University is different, he just asks the students to fight!

Not only because of the name of the overlord university, but also because it has the important task of cultivating elites for mankind!

All students of Qianjing University are the future of mankind!

“In short, that’s all. To be more specific, the school will send you a freshman handbook after you sign up, so the above is more clear.”

Having said such a long paragraph, the senior also felt dry and dry for a while.

Xu Sheng and the others were silent when they heard it, and immediately became tense when they had some light-hearted thoughts.

After the senior took Xu Sheng and the others to the registration hall, he waved goodbye to them. After welcoming the batch, he would return to the station and wait for the batch in the afternoon.

The registration process is not complicated. Xu Sheng finished it in just half an hour, and then the bracelet shook, and the corresponding information appeared on it.

The dormitories for college students are all one person, one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. The whole structure is similar to that of the quota selection. After Xu Sheng found the own dormitory, he walked in.

Swipe the door with the wristband, and the lock was unlocked.

After completing the registration, the wristband will be registered accordingly.

At this time in the dormitory building, Xu Sheng finally has a private space, so he can digest what he has seen and heard today.

The joy from the past, to the tension now, the mood changes are extremely obvious.

Only on the first day of school, he already felt a kind of fierce competition.

He would definitely not miss the existence of the Five Towers, but he also found it difficult to get enough cultivation time.

The new student manual was retrieved from the wristband, and various information appeared.

After Xu Sheng watched it, he finally had a clearer understanding in his heart.

The Freshman Handbook is to help freshmen like him to get to know the school, and it contains a lot of information.

For example, the situation in the entire school.

In addition to the current two major campuses, there are five types of development training.

In addition, Xu Sheng also knew about the existence of another type of students-special enrollment.

Special admissions students are particularly talented in certain aspects. For example, when they awakened to Minor World in the first year of high school, there appeared a race that was very suitable for cultivating resources, but their own strength was not enough to reach the threshold of Qianjing University in the college entrance examination.

Such students will be granted permission to enter after being assessed at Qianjing University.

Special admissions students are not as free as they are, and the future development direction is limited, but this does not mean that they are weak.

In fact, they are often more sought-after because the special enrollment students are good at cultivating resources. After the predicament in the early stage, the strength behind Ascension is extremely fast, and the production speed of resources is not comparable to other students.

It’s almost the same as the sports specialties and artistic specialties in the previous life.

But here, they are only replaced by the main resource.

Almost all special enrollment students are based on the main resources. Other types, such as the main battle type, do not need special recruitment at all. Just like Lu Shan, the main battle type is extremely powerful and it is easier to get good results in the college entrance examination.

Xu Sheng’s current development is the standard equilibrium, without showing any tendency, and the direction he has always decided is the equilibrium. After all, both the main resources and the main battle have their own shortcomings.

The light curtain projected out in front of Xu Sheng’s eyes.

He moved with his hand, and soon other buildings disappeared, leaving only five towers.

At this time, what appeared in front of him was a pentagonal shape. In the process of the senior’s narration, although he had a rough outline in his mind, it was not very clear. Now he can study it slowly.

Of the five towers, there is no doubt that the Law Tower is the most important, so its location is also at the frontmost point in the middle.

Personal strength is always the fundamental. No matter it is the Time Tower, the People Tower, and the Strategy Tower, they all serve the Ascension Law.

The Battle Tower is a bit special. Its existence is entirely to prevent students from “reading dead books”. There is no doubt about the necessity of its existence.

From top to bottom, each of the five towers has a different number of layers, and the higher it goes, the better the effect. Correspondingly, more credits are consumed.

Everyone has one hundred credits for freshmen enrollment. This one hundred credits is not right for students to experience the five towers at once, but the time is only a dozen minutes at most.

Xu Sheng was deducted one hundred points. It can be said that the freshman benefits are gone. If he is just an ordinary freshman, then he will fall behind others at the beginning!

Fortunately he is not.

As the first full score champion, the school awarded him 500 credits.

Then he won the first place in the selection, and the school awarded another 300 credits.

So he still has 800 credits.

From this point of view, the school’s punishment for him is actually light…

It seems that what the person from Lin school did was seen by the school. If he didn’t break the rules in public, he might just be a mere criticism and don’t even deduct credits.

But even though he said he still had 800 credits, Xu Sheng still felt distressed about the 100 credits deducted.

He doesn’t regret beating, and simply feels distressed to deduct points…

Ahem, this kind of thinking is a bit wrong.

“School starts today, and I will go to class tomorrow. I should be able to see the true saint…”

The freshman handbook also stated the next time plan. Tomorrow is the time for the class guide to meet the students. The classmates of a class will also get acquainted at this time, and then choose what to do in the class.

There is no need for the champion class, everyone is already familiar with it, and even the situation of each other’s family members is known.

“Getting credits in the future is my number one goal…but there don’t seem to be many ways to get credits in the freshman year.”

Xu Sheng frowned. He flipped through the freshman manual, and finally determined that it was really the case.

Strictly speaking, the cultivation of the Five Towers can only be supported by students above the sophomore year. At that time, they can take up the tasks issued by the school and go to the battlefield outside the territory to do tasks. Often a task can cost tens of thousands of credits. In terms of the freshman students are poor clanging.

The only thing that can use cultivation is the reward time after completing the corresponding class hours, but it can only go to the bottom few layers. If you want to go to a higher layer, there is still no way.

It’s not just Xu Sheng. At this moment, all freshmen are worrying about credits in their own room.

As classmates, the dormitories of Lu Shan, Xiao Feng and others are actually right next to Xu Sheng, but they didn’t meet them because they came at different times.

Just like Xu Sheng’s current dormitory, on the left, is Xiao Feng’s dormitory, and on the right, is Wu Su’s room.

Since they are all single rooms, naturally there is no distinction between male and female dormitories.

This model is more like a bachelor apartment.

Of course, it is inevitable that there will be emotional sprouting when you live close, but this is also encouraged by various universities.

As long as they reach the legal age for marriage, they can still get married and have children even while they are in college.

Otherwise, it won’t work, because if you don’t start feeling training when your strength is not strong yet, when your strength is strong, both the desire and difficulty of fertility will change: the desire for fertility plummets, and the difficulty of fertility is ascending.

It’s like waiting for you to fall in love, marry a wife and have children after graduating from college… The day lily is cold.

According to specific statistics conducted by the state, the fertility desire of the quasi-sage level is twice as low as that of the semi-sage level!

And graduating from Qianjing University is a quasi-sage, which can be said to directly double the fertility rate.

But even if he doesn’t object or even secretly match up, this kind of thing is still reluctant to come.

For a long time, the number of couples in Qianjing University has not been many, far inferior to other schools outside.

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