Global Sage Era

Chapter 183

Chapter 180 Devour the law, devour the clan!

A little light exploded, and an endless area appeared, extending to an endless distance in a very short time.

It was such a scene that appeared in front of Xu Sheng.

The appearance of Universe when it first opened.

He is no stranger to this, but when he appears before his eyes, such a magnificent sight still makes his eyes reveal brilliant.

In the previous life, in myths and legends, the universe was originally chaotic, and then Pangu opened up the world, and finally the Sun, Moon and Star appeared.

Here, it is naturally impossible to spread such a myth. Sage will not worship a being far less powerful than his own-Pangu is powerful, but what he opened up is only a small world, and ultimately paid the price of his life. Such strength. , Far worse than Sage.

Even if it’s just the first sage, it is not very difficult to open up a small thousand world. Although some resources need to be consumed, the final result cannot be like Pangu.

In the past 100 years, they have heard many similar legends in the battles with various systems. It is like that in the mother river system, the mother river created some universes to simulate human beings. In the process of growing up, I want to get a glimpse of the secrets of such a powerful human being.

But the final outcome is extremely miserable. Once the human race knows the situation, it will issue a task and go to eliminate the goal.

The mother river is a pan-conscious existence, and the powerful mother river may have a high sage or even higher strength, but such existence is rare after all, and most of the mother river does not even enter the holy realm.

As long as this kind of existence is slightly more powerful, you will know that Daoist class does not allow such things to exist. They dare not simulate the corresponding process. Only those who are born and have never seen the world will do it.

With such an existence, human beings don’t know how much it has destroyed.

Except for some really powerful external systems that can barely protect themselves, and small-scale experiments in their own domain, other systems dare not create.

The crystal wall system is considered to be a medium-to-higher scale system, but they dare not to offend humans. Although they have the courage to unite other systems to make some surprise attacks on humans, they are also relying on quantitative advantages. Humans are all shivering, absolutely afraid to jump out.

The gods in the crystal wall system need to grow by faith. According to the conclusion they have obtained, when the human race is a believer, the faith provided is much higher than that of other races. If the believers are replaced by humans, their strength will be greatly ascending. .

But knowing it is useless, they dare not do this, as long as they are known, the human race will send power to destroy the entire crystal wall system.

That was not material destruction, but conceptual level elimination. Under Heavenly Dao, there were no traces of the crystal wall system.

Of course, there must be some crystal wall systems in private that will do this, but those are all small things. After all, the number of crystal wall systems is large, and the human race can’t detect all situations. These can’t be avoided.

The endless void was born soon.

Xu Sheng stood in it, with darkness all around.

The Endless Void is different from the world sea. The world sea is full of source quality, not a piece of nothingness.

But the endless void does not have any energy, unable to replenish its own losses.

To be honest, he has rarely competed with others for the rules. When the number of battles is met, the rules are used to help his own people defeat the opponents, the purpose is not to attack the opponent’s body, but now, it is a real sword. Real gun’.

Not long after, a figure appeared in the world sea.

“Immediately arrived such an opponent…”

Xu Sheng shook his head helplessly when he saw it. At this time, the opponent in front of him was an octopus-like existence. It had thousands of tentacles around it. These tentacles disappeared when they melted into the void, and then reappeared in a far place.

This is the existence of an external system. He still doesn’t know which system it is. Although some are listed in the freshman manual, he hasn’t personally experienced it, nor is it clear.

There is no god in the eyes of the octopus. It obviously has no consciousness. It is just an existence created by the warring tower.

With Xu Sheng’s current understanding of the 0.05% rule, in fact, there are not many methods. At the moment, the strength of this octopus is the same as his own, and he is not very confident.

It is equivalent to a young man who has been practicing martial arts but has never actually played. One day he met an opponent with the same strength as his own.

Naturally, experience is still very important.

The octopus made a strange cry, and at the same time it appeared, Xu Sheng’s eardrum felt a pain, and then he felt that everything in front of him was a little shaken.

not good!

He immediately knew that something was wrong, and quickly adjusted his own position, and then he felt a sharp pain in his mind.

The law that I had originally comprehended was actually eaten a piece, but the current law comprehension has dropped from 0.05%.

“It can actually weaken my understanding of the law!”

Xu Sheng was taken aback, and he was also a little bit disbelief that such a thing still exists. Doesn’t it mean that if you confront Realm with him, you will fall into a disadvantage if you don’t know much about it?

What Xu Sheng didn’t know was that the octopus in front of him was famous in all external systems.

It belongs to the bite family.

The Devourers are a very powerful group, they can swallow everything, and their appearance is also different, which is equivalent to a conceptual version of the species.

Their food is also unimaginable for normal people-Universe.

They have been feeding on universes since their infancy, but at this time their strength is not strong enough, they only swallow some nascent, low-energy universes, and at the beginning of maturity, the target of devouring has changed from a single universe to A multivariate universe.

Naturally, they became mortal enemies with the Universe clan.

Yes, the universe is also a race. They are called the universe family. Life is in the universe, where there are endless single universes and multiple universes.

All foreign systems are more afraid of the bitter race, and they basically walk sideways outside the territory.

Until one day, the bitter race did not have a long eye to provoke the human race.

During that time of friction, a student of Semi-Saint Realm was doing a task outside the territory and met a bitter race by chance.

When the two sides disagree, they began to fight, the demigod summoned the original world of own, and the Devourer also used own to devour the world, and the fighting on both sides was extremely tragic.

Under the same combat power, the strength of the human race is absolutely crushed, so the bitter race in this maturity stage will soon fall behind.

But just when it was about to be wiped out by the Human Race students, its power had undergone an abnormal change, and it was able to engulf the human race’s laws and comprehend it!

The Terran student was caught off guard and had to retreat first.

Later, after returning to the school, after the school knew the matter, a high sage shot directly, found the bitter clan, and brought him back from imprisonment.

The Devourers naturally opposed and made serious protests, but the Humans did not care at all, and in the end they could only dare not speak.

After being brought back, the Sages went through various studies. Finally, Sages were surprised to find that the power changes of the Sage were accidental. Although it was an extension of their original strength, the chance of success in the end was Very small, a bit like the ultimate talent in Clan Devourer.

The laws of the human race are not so easy to swallow. Although the bitter did not show any difference at first, the situation deteriorated drastically in the process of research, and finally it directly exploded and died.

And the perception of the law that had been swallowed by it returned to this student again.

At this time, Sage knew that although the Devourer could swallow it, it could not’digest’ it. It was like an ordinary person forcibly swallowing an opponent’s weapon. Although this person temporarily lost the weapon, he eventually lost it. It’s Death, and when his body decays and the weapon appears from his belly, it will return to its original owner.

After the Human Race knew this, it was not joy, but disappointment.

In their opinion, this kind of ability of the Devourer is not to be feared, even if the Devourer can swallow the law, its strength Ascension speed is far inferior to that of human beings.

What about the law of swallowing, the quasi-sage begins to gather the Tao fruit, and everything is useless.

If you can study from the point that they can swallow the law, you will finally have a clearer understanding of the method, this is a big breakthrough!

Maybe it can make the promotion chance of the holy realm Ascension again!

It’s a pity that the exploding death of this family bitter broke this idea and disappointed all Sages who knew the matter.

The endless void at this time.

When Xu Sheng faced this bitter clan, he was quickly beaten to his head.

Although from just now, the other party’s devouring seems to have reached the limit, no longer devouring own law, but his current law comprehension is only 0.02%.

Comprehend this law, it is too weak in the battle.

If he knew the opponent’s situation in advance, Xu Sheng would definitely act carefully, so that although he might not be able to immediately gain an advantage, he would also not lose the first opportunity.

He has lost the opportunity now, letting the unfavorable side of the warring encounter continue to slide down.

“What kind of creature is this, is it too difficult to deal with?”

Xu Sheng wiped the sweat on his forehead, and now he has nothing to do.

The two sides entangled for a while, and finally Xu Sheng felt a pain in his mind, and then the octopus in front of him disappeared.

“The battle is over. You failed. Score 32 points.”

The voice of the battle tower rang in my ears.

After hearing what he said clearly, the corners of Xu Sheng’s mouth twitched.

At the end of each battle, the Battle Tower will give a score to the students, with a full score of 100, and a 60-point pass.

He now…32 points.

This is naturally a dazzling number.

All Xu Sheng was thinking about now was that if he let himself do it again, he would definitely not… lose so badly.

As for defeating the octopus just now, he still doesn’t have any bottom in his heart.

He didn’t have any clues, even if he had some ideas to prevent the other party from swallowing his own laws and comprehend, but how to kill him, he did not have any feasible way.

“End the fight.”

Xu Sheng took a deep breath and gave the order.

A flower in front of him appeared in the hall.

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