Global Sage Era

Chapter 184

Chapter 181 The Powerful Secret of the West Campus

In the hall, Xu Sheng’s appearance did not attract the attention of others.

At this time, the most important position in the hall, the battle between the two seniors has reached a critical moment.

The rules on both sides come and go, and the people watching are shocked.

Xu Sheng took a look, yes, it was the two seniors who started, the battle of own ended too soon, other talents just fought for a while.

According to his estimation, the seniors below should be sophomores, because they have not yet reached the semi-sage level at this time.

Once you reach the semi-holy level, you will master the laws of the Great Dao. At that time, you wouldn’t be fighting like it is now.

Although they played very well, they were obviously still at a level that he could feel. At the true semi-sage level, he shouldn’t even be able to understand it.

“It is estimated that Cheng Ming and Wang Qiang’s rule progress is over 50%, and they are considered middle and upper in the whole grade. It seems that their grade ranking will soon be ascending, envy.”

“What’s the use of envy? They desperately bought it. They didn’t go back this summer, and they have been cultivating in school.”

“Cut, it’s like someone has gone back. I also cultivated in school during the summer vacation, but the strength of Ascension is much worse than them. I could barely reach the middle reaches, but now it is estimated that the middle reaches can’t reach it.”

“What can I do? We lost the battle with the group of people on the west campus during our freshman year. The resources we got behind were not that big. The overall ranking in the whole grade was worse than that, if it weren’t for Han Tsang. They are holding the front door, and now they meet those people who can’t even lift their heads.”

“It can only be seen if this year’s students can fight for their breath. I heard that the school leaders have set up a champion class among this year’s freshmen, and gathered the best group of students together, and then taught by the ancient sage. I don’t know if I can succeed beyond the West Campus.”

“It should be successful… After all, he is the Old Sage. Everyone knows his old man’s teaching ability, and I am a little envious of it…”

“Hehe, you just said about me, now what use is it that you say that you are envious, although your grades in the college entrance examination were good, but you couldn’t make it into the top 30.”

“Good boy, are you laughing at me? The boat of our friendship seems to be overturned.”


Xu Sheng heard two seniors discussing not far away, and he was a little concerned about the content.

The situation in the sophomore year seems to be worse than that in the freshman year. It seems that the East Campus is much worse than the West Campus in the school as a whole.

Also, if it weren’t for this, the school would not create a top pick class.

It must have been forced to a certain level and can’t stand it any longer before such measures will be taken.

Among the current towers, no one is on the list except the Time Tower. The other four towers are dominated by the West Campus. He also saw the ranking of the Battle Tower just now, and it is also monopolized by the West Campus.

To be honest, he couldn’t figure it out. They were all just entering the school, why the gap was so big.

Although Gao Sheng’s children’s talents are good, their East Campus is not bad, even if they have a resource advantage, they shouldn’t be so big.

“Have you seen the ranking?”

“You are talking about this year’s freshman ranking? Of course, I saw it, as in previous years, it was crushed by the West Campus.”

“There is no way. Many of the students from the West Campus came here during the summer vacation. The Gao Shengs sent them to the school early, and the reason was that the school could not refute it. Wasn’t it the same for us at the time?”

I see!

The doubt in Xu Sheng’s heart was completely resolved.

“What are you talking about? The strength of our West Campus is already stronger.”

Someone nearby said in an unpleasant tone, this was a student from the West Campus.

“How? I dare not say it? If you try to enroll together?”

The students on the two east campuses responded without fear.

Gao Sheng’s son is very bluff outside, but it is of no use in Qianjing University.

Of course their parents are very strong, but after they enter Qianjing University, they will have a lot of chances to enter the higher sage level in the future. What’s so terrible?

Not to mention its own potential, as far as the country’s policies are concerned, Gao Sheng couldn’t bully them either.

Precisely because of this, the students on the east campus have nothing to say when they face the students on the west campus, and the students on the west campus will lose their psychological arrogance over time.

Because they slowly figured out that the people on the East Campus are essentially the same people as themselves and others.

Even if he is a little bit ahead of them, he might be overtaken by the opponent by chance.

So in general, the conflicts in the school will only become apparent every year when freshmen first enter the school.

The children of Gao Sheng who have just entered school, their psychological advantages have not disappeared. When facing the children of common people, they naturally feel that they are stronger, but as soon as the time comes, they will understand that what remains between them is the most equal competitive relationship. .

The reason for the existence of the east-west campus is simply because this mode of training is more suitable.

I also tried to take classes with the children of the common people and the sons of Gao Sheng, but in the end there were frequent contradictions. Many of the contradictions that existed in the freshman year were left until the sophomore, junior, and even after graduation.

This is completely unnecessary, some small contradictions, as long as they remain benign.

At this time, although it seems that the school deliberately created a competitive situation.

But the truly outstanding people are all sympathy. Although the best people from the two campuses are constantly competing in the school, they can quickly become mutually recognized partners when they go to the battlefield outside the territory.

Xu Sheng didn’t know this yet, so when he saw the conflict between the seniors, he felt tight.

“Huh, our West Campus is going to be stronger, and the rankings have always been stronger for us.”

“Hehe, that’s how it was in the freshman year and sophomore year. How can you say that when you have the ability to be in the junior year?”

“You! If there is anything I dare not say, our West Campus will surely surpass you in the junior year!”

“Hahaha, I really heard a big joke.”

The students on the east and west campus were bickering, and the freshman students all had the same hatred when they saw it, and they stood on this side of their campus.

But what makes Xu Sheng a little strange is that those sophomore seniors seem to have little enthusiasm to participate. Some of them who are obviously in Realm have already entered the semi-sage, and those who don’t know if they are juniors or seniors shook their heads. , Just glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

The atmosphere in the school makes him a little strange.

At the entrance, a Daoist shadow walked in. It was not someone else, but Xiao Feng, who was with Xu Sheng before. From his appearance, he should have been to several other towers.

He was first attracted by the unique sight of the Battle Tower, and then he noticed the sophomores who were bickering, and then he saw Xu Sheng on one side.

This made him laugh, and it was the same last time. How could Xu Sheng exist every time a contradiction appeared?

Xu Sheng saw him and said hello: “Come on.”

“I just came from the Zimin Tower, there was a delay for some time, and some ideas were verified.” Xiao Feng said with a smile.

“Could it be that you participated in the assessment?” Xu Sheng’s heart moved as he watched his expression.

Xiao Feng smiled and said, “I guessed it, my hands are indeed itchy, and I can’t help but take a test.”

Although he didn’t say the ranking, Xu Sheng already had the answer from his expression, and couldn’t help asking: “What is the number?”

“First… It was a desperate effort to finally get this ranking, and I haven’t given us the Losing face of the East Campus.”

Xu Sheng’s eyes lit up and he blurted out, “Awesome.”

The Citizen Tower is the first. This is not only to store enough own knowledge, but also to have a bit of aura. Otherwise, even if the strength is strong, the final result may be failure.

What’s more, he now knows the advantages of those Gao Sheng’s heirs. It is really commendable for Xiao Fengneng to get the first place under such circumstances.

“What about you? Or didn’t you participate in any of the assessments?” Xiao Feng looked at Xu Sheng, and when he said that, his attention was still constantly attracted by the front, and the quarrels of the seniors still caught his attention.

Xu Sheng shook his head and said, “I didn’t participate, I’m not sure.”

Xiao Feng nodded and said: “I think about it later, I am also a little uncomfortable. Before I participate in the assessment, I am actually not sure in my heart. If the final ranking does not even make the top ten, then the morale of our side will be a lot. A big blow.”

As the second most powerful student in the East Campus, once this happens, you can imagine what other students think.

The West Campus will not be stingy with own ridicule, and will definitely take this shot all the time.

Had it not been for this consideration, Xu Sheng would have tried it himself.

But this is the first responsibility.

Achieving a ranking also means that a lot of things are placed on own shoulders.

I also wanted to participate in the assessment, and then the result came out and swept the West Campus.

But these are unrealistic, the own background is still a bit short, and the time to obtain the equivalent of everything is less than half a year.

In such a short period of time, if the superiority of Gao Sheng’s sons for more than ten years can be suppressed, then the future of mankind will be too short.

Human beings can have the current situation, not by the strength of one person, but by the overall Ascension.

Even if it was as powerful as Saint Nie, it was very difficult at the beginning, and it was not until the most holy and supreme saints appeared one after another that the status of mankind was slowly raised.

“By the way, if you are going to meet a creature, be careful later.”

Xu Sheng told the octopus he had just encountered. Xiao Feng’s expression was a little weird when he heard it. There are still creatures in this world that can weaken the law?

Xu Sheng didn’t know what that kind of creature was, but he felt that he had encountered the first one. Then it showed that it was widespread, and maybe Xiao Feng would meet it later.

“Wait, what are you going to do? Participate in the assessment or?” Xiao Feng looked at Xu Sheng, waiting for his answer.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Sheng said: “Go back and develop Minor World. I am not very sure now. I will come to the assessment when I am sure… But I guess it will only take a few days.”

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