Global Sage Era

Chapter 185

Chapter 182: Weakening the Equivalence of Everything

“The curriculum of Ganjing University is relatively loosely arranged, and the time spent on developing Minor World is much longer than I originally thought.”

On the way back to the dormitory, Xu Sheng is making plans for future arrangements.

There are not many class hours every day, and they can take time off during class. If they feel that their development is more important, or if they don’t need to listen to this class, they can apply to do other things.

It is very free. Of course, this kind of right cannot be used casually. Appropriate supervision is still needed. If a student’s progress is found to be lagging behind others after a few times, then it will be punished.

The punishment is very simple, that is, credits are deducted.

Credits in Ganjing University are everything. No matter what, they can be linked to credits. Therefore, the deduction of credits is a big thing. Even if it is only a few dozen credits, it will make the parties feel distressed to death.

A few minutes later, Xu Sheng returned to the dormitory.

In addition to the five towers, Qianjing University has other important resources, such as credits that can be exchanged for various items that can be used in Minor World, and items used by itself!

The items used in Minor World, namely Spiritual Qi, Bloodline, and Inheritance, are all in the form of cards, and the prices vary greatly according to different levels.

Many of these things are outside, and many of them cannot be exchanged. Even for Sage’s children, many of them cannot be gathered together and need to be purchased through various channels.

But these items are priceless, you can afford to pay, but there is no supply.

There are no such worries in Ganjing University. As long as you can afford to pay, many things can be exchanged.

In terms of effect, everything is equivalent to a weakened version.

But don’t have as many types as everything is equivalent, and the exchange price is dozens of times higher.

Yes, it is dozens of times.

The things in Qianjing University are much cheaper to exchange outside.

Take the inheritance of cultivation during the Qi training period, for example, one million incense sticks may be sold outside, but only five hundred thousand or less in Qianjing University.

However, these items are not in unlimited supply. In the exchange list provided by the school, these items have a quantity tail. As long as the tail becomes 0, they can no longer be exchanged.

From this point of view, the equivalence of everything is much better. As long as Xu Sheng has incense, he can redeem whatever he wants, and redeem as many copies as he wants.

Naturally, this didn’t have much effect for Xu Sheng, and he couldn’t use it either.

But in addition, it is very useful for him to exchange items for himself.

Yesterday Xu Sheng reflexively looked at the exchange price of Bodhi fruit-500 credits.

It’s a big number, but it’s not difficult to get it. According to the usage time of the five towers, it is more than 8 hours.

The effect of an item like Bodhi fruit is still very powerful. For a long period of time, it has been imperceptibly perceiving Xu Sheng’s speed of Ascension.

But if Lao Ban knows that the Bodhi fruit she has treasured for many years is only worth 500 credits at Qianjing University, it is estimated to be sad.

She still remembered the expression that the old class showed Bodhi Guo. It was a mixed and reluctant determination. If her second model had too many Ascension results, she would not be willing to show it.

Treasuring the fruits of nearly 20 years, I don’t know how many times she had taken them out at home, but I finally used them for myself. I also don’t know that the old class had it in the night after the second model. Did not dream of this Bodhi fruit.

Xu Sheng couldn’t help but laugh when he thought of such a scene, and then felt a little disrespectful to the old class, but couldn’t help but couldn’t help it.

There are various things for redemption, and the credits range from tens to tens of thousands, and there are even higher ones, but those things are too far away, just like just opening everything to see the sword of Zhu Xian. It’s the same thing. After reading it, it will only drool. It’s better not to think too much, so he just glanced at it, and he calmly turned off the interface.

In the world, Xu Sheng’s consciousness is projected above Minor World.

After a few months, the situation in Minor World has not changed much.


Nor can it be said that there has been no change. After observing for a while, Xu Sheng found that among the newly-born children, there are a few very good talents.

There is even one Spiritual Roots that has reached the apex of mixed Spiritual Roots, with nine inches of nine inches, almost entering the level of virtual Spiritual Roots!

This kind of talent can be said to be the strongest since birth.

As for Yuhuan and Qianmin, the Spiritual Roots at this time are only one line higher than him. This is the result of spending 3 million incense. It can be said that his existence has almost reserved a seat for the Foundation Building cultivator. .

Naturally, Xu Sheng focused his attention on this child. This child was only born at this time, and the name column was empty.

This child is the most talented one, and besides him, there are also several Spiritual Roots that are more than five inches tall. They are talented, and they are all pretty good.

From the Spiritual Roots, it can reflect the situation of the Huntuo race at this time, and the qualifications are much better than the previous Ascension.

This is the result of Xu Sheng’s exchanging Spiritual Qi regardless of consumption.

Under the 100fold concentration of Spiritual Qi, the Huntuo race’s destiny level continues to Ascension.

Destiny level is always the most important, it represents the lower limit and upper limit of the possible aptitude of future generations.

With a high destiny level, no matter how bad the aptitude is, at least a Practitioner can become.

And the high one will appear as it is now. The chances of cultivator appearing among the people are greatly ascension, and the situation of nine inches nine mixed Spiritual Roots has appeared at the highest.

Xu Sheng knew that this was not the limit. According to the current fate level of the Huntuo human race, there was a small chance that virtual Spiritual Roots would appear directly!

Normally, miscellaneous Spiritual Roots are nothing in a million, and the probability of virtual Spiritual Roots is probably nothing in hundreds of thousands.

Now the population of the Huntuo tribe has reached the level of one hundred thousand.

A true virtual Spiritual Roots may not be a big deal, after all, he can create one with only 1.5 million incense sticks.

But what is reflected later is that the whole of his own people got Ascension.

After all, the incense is limited. Even if you have enough energy to obtain it, it is estimated that it will be hundreds of thousands every year in Minor World. There is not much left for Spiritual Qi consumption.

No matter how much money is made, it is not enough to spend a reason.

The plate has become bigger, and there are more places to spend money. Xu Sheng now spends a large part of his energy every day thinking about how to get more incense.

As long as it is not a last resort, he generally will not directly consume the incense on someone.

Even if Yin is the object of his focus, he hasn’t used incense on them for a while. There is no way, this is all forced.

In addition to children with Spiritual Roots, many children without Spiritual Roots have good roots.

The Practitioner path of the current Huntuo tribe is also bright.

With Kuangyuan in the front, the highest person has been able to cultivate to Wuying, and the time and the probability of breakthrough are much greater than that of the cultivator.

Among the former cultivators, the current Cultivation Base is still stuck in the training period.

Don’t look at the Qi training period as the first Realm of the cultivator, but it also requires great perseverance to be multi-national,

Practitioner is different. As long as you enter a big Realm, as long as you don’t give up, you will most likely be able to enter the apex of this Realm, but you will get stuck when you break through the bottleneck of the big Realm.

Xu Sheng glanced at these children. The aptitude was good, but unfortunately there was no one worthy of his focus.

He now has a higher vision, even with a talent like Xuan Yi, he still looks down on it.

If it were replaced with the kind of talent that Kuang Yuan had at the beginning, there would be no time to look at it more. In other words, the reason Kuang Yuan was admired by him from the beginning was not his own aptitude, it was entirely his luck.

After so many years of golden luck, Xu Sheng almost felt a little bit in his heart.

For example, when it comes to the relationship between life and death and future development, Kuang Yuan is always assisted by gods, and many times the changes even he can’t predict.

Especially when advanced, others may be dead, but when it comes to his turn, there is no danger.

Even if it looks dangerous at times, it’s just a ‘look’, but the end result is that this kid has gained some benefits, and it makes him look jealous.

He couldn’t help thinking many times, if he had such luck, he wouldn’t have been so miserable when he opened Minor World in the first year of high school. The difference is also a wild class!

But just to think about it, his current luck is just like that, at best he can be regarded as a middle-aged person.

“The expansion of the second city is slower than I thought.”

After watching the children, Xu Sheng looked over to the second newly built city.

The population here is still in the early 10,000s. In the past few days, the population ascension is not obvious.

After careful observation, he found that many people who settled in this city have returned to Tongtian City after becoming strong, which has caused the population of Tongtian City to continue to increase.

But the population of Tongtian City has reached its full capacity long ago, and now the entire city is very densely populated in many places.

The dense population brings about health problems.

“If this goes on, diseases are very easy to produce, maybe there will be plagues.”

Naturally, Xu Sheng wouldn’t think this was a good thing. The Huntuo human race has developed to the present, and there is still a plague.

But he knew that the plague was unavoidable. It was not that the physique of the Huntuo race was generally strong, so this problem would not arise.

The essence of the plague is a virus. A virus is a constantly upgraded existence that will change its own state as the target’s strength becomes stronger.

There is still a plague in Cultivation World. At that time, a plague was a mass extinction.

And now the Huntuo race is far from the level of Cultivation World, and the ability to resist the plague is even worse.

Under such circumstances, Xu Sheng immediately issued instructions for Tongtian City to build an underground canal.

But it’s still too late…

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