Global Sage Era

Chapter 186

Chapter 183 Three hundred and twenty thousand incense in a single time! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

[Record]: There is a plague in your Minor World, 65 people have died

[Record]: A plague is circulating in your Minor World, 124 people have died

[Record]: There is a plague in your Minor World, and 345 people have died

The information was swiped on the screen, and Xu Sheng’s expression was hard to see the extreme.

The plague was just a disease at first, and the source was a Practitioner who had returned from the Yaozu world.

The symptoms of this Practitioner’s early stage are only vomiting and diarrhea, and it only takes a few days to heal.

Unexpectedly, after a few days of him, several ordinary people in Tongtian City had the corresponding symptoms immediately.

Their symptoms were much heavier, they soon collapsed and couldn’t get out of bed, and the whole person became thinner within half a month.

If that’s the case, it’s fine. Those who are sick are ordinary people, and none of the Practitioner has symptoms.

Xu Sheng himself didn’t care too much, because there were too many pandemics during this period, and he couldn’t see everyone’s status again.

It was the delay of this little time, and the disease spread quickly. When the first Practitioner also contracted this disease, the situation took a turn for the worse. The number of Practitioners who got sick was like an explosion, growing at a terrifying rate.

Without Xu Sheng’s command at all, the pharmacist in the tribe immediately came to find a solution, but it was of no use. In the end, even Yuhuan, who was refining a key Medicine Pill, was alarmed.

The Medicine Pill of the cultivator is very useful. After taking it, people are healed, but the cause of the disease has not disappeared, and people are still getting infected.

In this case, Yuhuan has nothing to do. The Medicine Pill used by the cultivator is precious. Even the Practitioner and Cultivation Base are lower than the fourth level.

Everything on Xu Sheng’s side is equivalent and cannot be used-the two virtual Spiritual Roots exchanges not long ago have exhausted his incense inventory. Even if he saves it these days, he just barely maintains a balance of payments, but time is not up. Coincidentally, I just exchanged Spiritual Qi a few months ago, and now I can’t stop it.

“My fault.”

He blames himself very much. In the final analysis, this matter is still an own problem, because he just came to Ganjing University and marveled at everything here, so that the energy devoted to Minor World has become much less, otherwise it will not be at all at this time. This happened.

“Quickly, transport the dead out of the city and incinerate them immediately. A little later, more people will be infected!”

In Tongtian City, Kuang Yuan commanded the people with a serious expression. With his physique, he would naturally not worry about being infected. If he couldn’t resist even him, then everyone in the entire tribe except Yin would not be immune to death.

In a corner outside the city, the gentleman in plain clothes stood there with a corner of his clothes, watching one body after another being lifted out.

As the best pill refining teacher in the tribe, she is regarded as hope by everyone, but at this moment there is nothing to do.

“If… if my pill refining technique can be stronger, it would be great.”

She blamed herself very much in her heart. She felt that her own talent was too bad and she didn’t usually work hard enough, otherwise she would definitely be able to develop some useful Medicine Pills.

Up to now, I have created only a handful of prescriptions. What I practice every day is only the Medicine Pill in the inheritance. I am useless until now. I only rely on the cultivation of my ancestors to reach the current level.

I am ashamed of my ancestors!

“Don’t blame you…”

In the world, Xu Sheng sighed, Yuhua had already tried her best. This time, she reacted too late.

In the following days, he just watched the increasing number of Death in the tribe. By the time the first month arrived, the number of Death had reached one thousand.

This terrible high fatality rate has greatly damaged the vitality of the Huntuo race, but this is not the end, the plague is still prevalent.

From the initial silence, Yuhua quickly became crazy.

Not being crazy, but devoting all energy to the development of antidote, sleepless sleep and sleeplessness.

Except for her, many pharmacists in the tribe did the same, but they were not cultivators after all. Many people were tired or ill. More than ten pharmacists lost their lives in the past month.

This kind of selfless contribution and disregard of life is difficult to appear in other student tribes, even if it appears, it will only be an isolated case, but in Xu Sheng’s Minor World, it is everywhere.

“It’s only ten thousand! Waiting for me!”

Xu Sheng was a little anxious, watching the growth of own incense.

The increase in incense is very slow, and it has been increasing in hundreds of thousands.

In the past month, he stopped almost everything else, just to get enough incense.

[Record]: Your people paid homage to you, and you got 3,142 incense sticks.

The interface flashes.


[Sage interface]


[Incense]: One hundred and one hundred twenty thousand and three hundred and seventeen




Xu Sheng was extremely excited.

“Open everything is equivalent.”

[Fifth rank pill refining technique]

Category: Heritage

Description: Dan Cheng is the fifth rank, the highest is available for the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Exchange required: 1.1 million and one hundred twenty thousand incense


The number in the incense column of the Sage interface quickly decreased, and soon there were only poor three digits left. It can be said that Xu Sheng was not so miserable before the opening of the equivalent of everything.

A little aura appeared in his hand.


He flicked his finger, and soon the aura went to the pill refining room where Yuhua below was, and merged with the latter who was frantically developing new drugs.

With the ability of a cultivator, as long as she is given time, she will be able to develop a corresponding antidote.

But that is always counted in years!

When she develops the antidote, the day lily will be cold!

In the fifth rank pill refining technique, there is a Medicine Pill that can solve the current problem. Although some of the materials in it are precious, he has already seen the inventory. Among the resources shipped back from the monster world, there are alternatives, although the final refining The quality of Medicine Pill is a little worse, but it is enough for ordinary people to use.

Numerous auras emerged.

The mind seems to have gone to a special place.

In the pill refining room, Yuhua suddenly quieted down.

A touch of tranquility reappeared on her face. For many days, her face had been full of exhaustion. These exhaustion made her soft and looked even more affectionate.

Xu Sheng looked at her at this time and remembered that night, when she was only three years old, she ran to the back of the small soil slope alone, looking at the stars in the sky and crying.

“Thank you ancestors!”

After a long time, after the own consciousness returned to the body from that special place, Yuhua knelt on the ground and bowed to the place of the tablet.

“Get up, my boy.”

Xu Sheng was just about to say something like this… and then found out that he couldn’t do it.

It takes a thousand incense to spread a word, he now only has more than three hundred!

That’s horrible!

In the pill refining room, after receiving the inheritance of third rank pill refining, Yuhuan already knows what to do.

Regarding the antidote to the plague, she also has a variety of Medicine Pills that can come in handy.

Naturally, it is not a special medicine pill, but a method of breaking the road with force. The medicine pill can not only be used by ordinary people, but also can be used for prevention.

In terms of rank, it is actually very low and can be refined by the cultivator during the Qi training period.

The difference is that the third rank pill refining technique contains not many inheritances, while the fifth rank pill refining technique contains countless times more inheritances. The various systems of Medicine Pill are extremely complete from low to high.

It took most of the day to collect all the Medicinal herbs needed, and then pill refining.

Just an hour, a pot of Medicine Pill was refined.

There are ninety-nine-nine-eighty-one Medicine Pills inside, and each one is dissolved into water for human consumption, enough to save hundreds of people.

In other words, only a dozen furnaces are needed, which is enough for everyone in Minor World to use, and the combined time takes only more than a day.

In the evening of the second day, when Yuhuan called people and sent Medicine Pill to the patients, the whole Huntuo race was boiling.


姽婳 Elder has developed a drug for understanding!

Long live!

Some people who are dyingly ill, after drinking the potion, their physical condition improves at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

The feeling of being pulled out of the ghost gate forcibly made them weep with joy, and then they continued to bow down in the direction of the east.

Their family members also bowed down, and for a while the entire tribe was chanting.

“You don’t have to thank me, this is the pity of my ancestors. It was his old man who gave me the inheritance, so that I can develop the antidote.”

Yuhuan’s voice spread throughout Minor World. With her current Foundation Building Cultivation Base, it is not difficult to do this.

Next to her, Yin smiled with relief, and Yuhua finally grew up to be alone.

Prior to this, although Yuhuan had participated in the battle, she always played an auxiliary role behind herself and others. At this moment, she had become strong and she could feel relieved.

“Xie Ancestor!”

“Xie Ancestor!”

All the Huntuo tribes spontaneously gathered outside the memorial tablet, and knelt down.

At first glance, everyone looked religious.

At this time, Xu Sheng’s tablet was placed in front of a huge tomb.

Their prayers turned into a little glimmer and merged into the tablets in the mausoleum.

No one can see these gleams, only Xu Sheng in the world can see these little lights.

He had a hunch in his heart, and the message of The next moment really appeared.

[Record]: Your people made a pious worship to you, and you received 32,922,973 incense sticks

More than 320,000 incense in a single time!

Xu Sheng was a little dizzy by this number.

Before that, there hadn’t even been more than 50,000 at a time!

In most cases, there are thousands of incense sticks.

It can be said that the increase in incense this time exceeded the normal year!


Xu Sheng had some insights in his heart, but these insights were not clearly transformed into some cognitions, and in the end he did not grasp them, which made him feel a bit pity.

But it doesn’t matter, now the plague is over, the crisis is gone!

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