Global Sage Era

Chapter 187

Chapter 184 The law comprehend more than 1%?

From this plague, it can be completely seen that Xu Sheng’s current incense is making money quickly.

However, such a situation of 320,000 yuan in a single time can hardly be met.

This is equivalent to an average of three incense sticks provided by each person.

Incense is currently completely related to the piety of the people.

If they recognize Xu Sheng, the ancestor, and sincerely worship when they worship, then they will get no less incense.

Under normal circumstances, only a few people or dozens of people can make up enough, let alone Xu Sheng, who can’t accurately predict how much they can get.

“In this situation, Yuhuan’s state of mind should have been Ascension. In the next few years, when her pill refining ability is soaring ascension, she can almost reach the second rank.” Xu Sheng looked down in the pill refining room and entered the feeling. The state of being beautiful, I feel relieved in my heart.

The classification of pill refining division is actually very simple, which Realm can be refined to use Medicine Pill is just a few products.

The cultivator uses the first rank pill refining division in the Qi training period, and the second rank pill refining division is used in the Foundation Building period. The gold core period is the third rank… and so on.

As for the titles such as pill refining master and pill refining Great Master, they are all given by others and have nothing to do with their own level.

Take Yuhuan as an example. Before, she was also called a master by some ordinary people in Tongtian City, but her rank at that time was no more than the first rank.

Generally speaking, the rank of pill refining division is weaker than own Cultivation Base. If you can make your pill refining ability catch up with own Cultivation Base, it is extremely powerful.

Like Yuhua’s current Foundation Building early stage strength, she has entered the ranks of the second rank pill refining division. It is already very powerful. If she hadn’t gained the inheritance, it would not be so simple to achieve this step.

After entering the second rank, she also had her own understanding of the system of pill refining. As long as she worked through it for a period of time, she could go out and preach.

Pill refining, at this time, in the Huntuo tribe, only Yuhua was walking. The reason for this situation was completely because she was the only one who was suitable to go.

There are more than twenty cultivators in total, and she is the only one who owns fire or wood Spiritual Roots. Except for the lead of Golden Spiritual Roots, all other people’s Spiritual Roots are water Spiritual Roots or have no attributes.

No attributes are like this, without any bias, all cultivation techniques can be cultivated.

Of course, when cultivating fire attribute kungfu, it is naturally not as strong as Spiritual Roots cultivator, but there is no way. The emergence of attribute Spiritual Roots is also a small probability.

When Yuhuan and Qianmin were born, part of Xu Sheng’s joy was because of their attributes, Spiritual Roots.

The lowest pill refining division is the first rank, but this does not mean that there is no lower rank.

Some people who only understand the basics of Medicine Pill, the Medicine Pill they get may not be effective after taking the cultivator during the Qi training period. It is only useful for people like Qi Sea realm Practitioner and the Practitioner. Such people are called pill refining apprentice.

The way of pill refining is actually in addition to the cultivator, some Practitioners with special power systems can also go. For example, powers such as grudges can generate flames in Dantian, and then pill refining with flames, and also use foreign objects to pill refining. , Is called the different fire.

Such a path is completely different from the cultivator’s pill refining system, but in the final analysis, different paths lead to the same goal, and in the end, it can also play a role in Ascension’s strength.

There was no need for Xu Sheng to say that after completely digesting own perception, Yuhuan began to look for qualified people.

Sometimes a person’s power is indeed limited, and it is already extremely difficult for her to supply the entire tribe’s Medicine Pill to consume at this time.

It is not impossible to maintain the current scale, but the key is that the number of Huntuo races is still growing, and she will definitely not be able to sustain it.

Some high-rank Medicine Pills are refined by themselves, but some Medicine Pills used by Practitioners and Qi training period cultivators can train some pill refining apprentices and first rank pill refining masters for them to refine.

Unfortunately, what Yuhuan didn’t know was that there was no one in the tribe who could become a pill refining teacher at this time. She couldn’t see the specific information, and only one person could finally know it by looking at it.

But Xu Sheng didn’t tell her that this kind of thing is something she must experience in the future. It is impossible for her to be a nanny, even people in a tribe who have no qualifications to become a pill refining teacher.

“I have to start preparing too. If Yuhua is alone, he has the resources of the monster world and can barely support it. If there are more pill refining divisions, it will not be enough.” Xu Sheng whispered.

Plan ahead.

Although there are no people with the qualifications of pill refining in the Huntuo race, they will definitely appear in the next days.

The advancement of cultivator is already known to be difficult, especially when the qualifications are not enough.

Although the destiny level of the Huntuo human race has reached the apex of the wild level at this time, it is still not very good overall, and the level of the Spiritual Roots that appears is not high enough.

Although Medicine Pill is a foreign object, it is possible for them to ascension their breakthrough. Maybe many people’s original qualifications are not enough to enter the Realm below, but Medicine Pill can.

In addition, the same is true for daily cultivation. If the Medicine Pill of Ascension Cultivation Base can be combined with Spiritual Qi of 100 times the concentration, then the speed of cultivation will definitely speed up again!

Just one Gold Core period and two Foundation Building periods are still too weak.

This is just a cultivator aspect, the resource consumption on the Practitioner aspect is even higher.

There are more than 10,000 formal practitioners and tens of thousands of young children who are exercising. Even if the resources are piled up in mountains, they will be used up in a few days.

Only with the support of the resources of the entire Monster Race World can the Huntuo Human Race be carried. If the strength of the Huntuo Human Race continues to be ascending, the resources of the Monster Race World will be only a drop in the bucket.

Whether it is the Gold Core stage or Wuying Realm’s Practitioner, its resource consumption is an astronomical figure, enough to make ordinary people faint!

“Incense… or incense…”

The root of everything is incense, and Xu Sheng knows that as long as there is incense, all problems will no longer be a problem.

It seems that the conquest of the outer world is on the agenda again, and more outer worlds like the Yaozu world are needed to support their rapid development.

Xu Sheng walked out of the maintenance cabin when the sky was already bright.

On the first night after school officially started, there was a problem in his Minor World. Could it be that the legendary dissatisfaction?

It can be regarded as having fun in hardship, and this plague is a complete loss for him.

The only advantage may be that he has raised his vigilance, knowing that he can no longer ignore the smallest things in the future.

In fact, think about it, the teacher also mentioned similar things in class. At that time, he listened carefully and thought that he would take preventive measures. However, the end result was a slap in the face, and he was taught by reality. .

Go to class after breakfast.

After the formal class, Xu Sheng also met a teacher.

“My name is…”


There is no doubt that everyone is a high sage!

The aura on their bodies may not be fierce, and they are more likely to be inconspicuous when standing in a crowd, but when standing on the podium, in the eyes of Xu Sheng and others, the whole body seems to be radiating with great light.

They are still vividly remembering Song Miao Gaosheng’s methods, even if they are not amazing, but each of these Gaosheng teachers is at the same level as Song Miao Gaosheng!

The last class is the class guide’s class.

It is also a lesson taught by the True Holy Class.

When he appeared, Xu Sheng, the proud man of these days, did not dare to say a word.

“Don’t be so restrained, just relax.” Gu Shiyi’s attitude was very good, and he smiled at everyone.

But everyone’s attitude could not be changed for a while.

This is not the difference between the mortal cultivator in those common novels, but the difference between a dust and the universe!

Now everyone almost knows that there are only three true saints in the entire Qianjing University!

Except for the principal and dean who often show up, the rest is Old Sage!

So far, many outsiders don’t even know his existence. There is a true saint, not even a top university like Luyuan University.

What is strange is that Gu Sheng does not have any affairs in the school, he is a very ordinary professor.

However, his position as a professor can be considered aloof, a lot higher than other professors.

The teachers of Qianjing University are all Chusheng, and the professors are all Gaosheng.

“What I want to talk about today is about the law.”

“You all know the importance of the law. Only by fully mastering a law can you enter the Semi-Holy Realm. That is to say, the education they have received since childhood is for this step.”

“I’ve seen it just now. Your current law comprehension is between 0.03% and 0.05%, which is very low, but it doesn’t matter, because in the next time, the rate of progress of the law will far exceed your imagination. ”

“If nothing happens, one month later, the best of you will have a law comprehension of more than 1%.”

As soon as he said this, Xu Sheng, including Xu Sheng, was shocked and looked at Gu Shiyi on the podium with wide-eyed eyes.

“This… how is it possible? I have achieved this kind of song comprehension now, but the result of countless efforts and resources.” A student muttered to himself. He was not questioning, but just subconsciously.

Xu Sheng actually thought the same way in his heart, but he was relatively calm, knowing that the back supervisor would definitely explain the matter.

The people like Xiao Feng, Wu Su, Lu Shan and others all have the same mentality. They are curious in their hearts, but they can control their own words and deeds!

“Hehe, this is because you are on the earth, and your ontology has always been in a state of ease, so the Ascension of the law is slow. But once you enter Qianjing, there will be countless opportunities for you to feel the strength of the law in the future. ”

As Yi talked about it in ancient times, everyone quickly learned the whole story.

I see!

The reason why the ancient sages said that their law will exceed 1% in a month, completely because what awaits them next is a challenge and an opportunity!

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