Global Sage Era

Chapter 204

Chapter 201

“Xu Sheng, how’s the situation on your side? Haven’t seen you chatting in the team for a while, have you spoken?”

On this day, Xu Sheng received a private call request, which was sent by Xiao Feng.

“My progress is okay.”

He considered it, and finally answered ambiguously.

“The overall progress of our East Campus has fallen behind. If this continues, the gap will not be able to catch up.” Xiao Feng almost returned within seconds.

“Don’t be too anxious, you will still run into it at that time, and only those who still exist can count the points.”

After Xu Sheng typed this sentence, he stopped and thought for a while.

This is also the reason why he has not been very anxious. If he only counts from destroying the lair, no matter how fast he is, it will be difficult for him to pull the gap back alone. A better approach is to encroach on the student’s lair in the West Campus.

In the case of unintentional mental arithmetic, as long as one is touched by oneself, that person may be sent out by himself.

“Anyway, you should talk more on the team channel, now everyone is a little impatient… after all, you are the squad leader.”

“Okay, it’s really my problem recently. I’m sorry to trouble you.”

Xu Sheng sighed. How could he not know the truth? From the point of encouraging the king, he failed to do what he did. After all, he is the squad leader, but now Xiao Feng has done it.

But there is no way. If you talk too much, you will lose it. As long as you talk too much, it is difficult to expose the information where you don’t pay attention, and it will be very troublesome to explain at that time.

We chatted with Xiao Feng for a while and ended this conversation.

Xu Sheng thought for a while on the sky, and subconsciously raised his head to look at the sky. With his current position, he could not see anything further up, but he could feel an endless stalwart figure shrouded in it.

That is the breath of Yuan Susong Gao Sheng, he will see everything in the competition in his eyes.

He lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then refocused his gaze on own Minor World, lowered the encyclical to the Huntuo race, and attacked again!

“The ancestor’s instructions are here.”

In the Huntuo tribe, Xuan Yi, who was cultivating her own big Sun Thunder Eagle Martial Soul, suddenly opened her eyes, shining through her eyes, and piercing the wooden wall in front of her with two large holes.

His Cultivation Base is getting deeper and deeper, and the usefulness of Martial Soul is indeed endless. He now has a lot of fantastic ideas. In the use of Martial Soul, he has developed more and more abilities, although the frontal combat ability is far inferior to the Master’s. Heroic soul, but also has its own unique strengths.

But Wu Ying’s next Realm Martial Spirit, he hasn’t had much idea yet.

The biggest difference between Martial Spirit and Wu Ying is that the dead soul is transformed into a spirit-like existence. Of course, this is not to say that own soul is interesting, but some instinctive response, such as when encountering danger, You can defend yourself without controlling yourself, which is a huge Ascension to the safety of the Practitioner itself.

If the heroic soul is condensed, it is much easier to’into the spirit’ because it has a great connection with itself.

Martial Soul is different. This is to ‘into the spirit’ of a foreign object. The difficulty is not as great. However, if the direction and trick are found correctly, the difficulty will drop sharply and it will quickly become simple.

“Now there are too many Practitioners in the Huntuo human race. It’s time for some military systems to think about it, otherwise I alone can’t dispatch them.”

Regarding the issue of the army, Xuan Yi has always been thinking about it.

Among the entire tribe, he is the only one who has the experience of controlling the scale of ten thousand Practitioners. When the Practitioner was still controlled by the Master, the scale was only two to three thousand, which was far worse than his own now.

Although he worked very hard to dispatch, but when the number of people increased, the outermost periphery was always unable to do what he wanted, unlike the inner periphery, which was driven by arms.

The ability to persist until now is entirely the credit of the Universe team. It was the Universe team that helped him to schedule everyone. But even in the Universe team, when there are 10,000 people, multiple teams are needed. It is not him alone as the main team. That’s it.

Yin and Kuangyuan actually know this, but the person who can act as the second main line has not yet appeared. Those who can take the main line must not only have enough overall view and will, but also on the Cultivation Base. Similar to Sylphy.

The several Martial Masters in the tribe did not mean that they were not good at their will, but that they were not good at the overall situation.

Looking at the overall situation is more innate. Even if you want to reluctantly, you can’t make it. Houtian can hardly cultivate it.

Xu Sheng knows this most clearly, no matter how unstable Xuan Yi is usually, he is the most trustworthy person in the battlefield.

He is a natural commander in nature, and the power of fear of life and death in the battlefield is even more convincing, and he will let his life be forgotten.

They are really fighting for their lives.

At present, in addition to the thirty-two nests that have been wiped out, there are four remaining ‘guarded’ nests, and there are still twenty nests that Xu Sheng wants to solve.

The total amount of incense provided by these twenty nests should be around 30 million.

With so many incense, no matter how you use it, there should be more than 20 million left.

A total of 20 million incense sticks, just tens of millions of items can be exchanged for two.

There are more incense, and naturally part of it is reserved for Yin.

The big Realm Ascension of the cultivator may not go smoothly. He is taking precautions, leaving room to deal with if Yin’s possible breakthrough is not smooth.

As for Kuang Yuan, after all, he had just used the Time House to break through to Wuying Great Perfection, and he estimated that it would be some time before he wanted to break through to Martial Spirit Realm.

Xu Sheng also looked at a few things, most of which were between 5 million and 10 million incense sticks, which was enough according to the current progress.

“But the time house is enough. Now the situation… ask them if they would like it.”

Martial Master late stage three people, if they all want, use three time houses, and two time houses, which can be used by Yuhua and Qianmin.

Although it’s a bit wasteful, in this case, the later it is used, the less cost-effective it is. After all, for him, the sooner it can be transformed into strength, the better.

There are not so many ideal things, even if he wants to give things to people with better qualifications, but now except for one person, the qualifications of other people are just average.

When Xu Sheng’s encyclical fell, the five people, including Yuhuan, were preparing for the war.

They didn’t expect to get this information at this time, and they were all hesitant.

However, this hesitation did not last long. With Yuhua as the first to confirm, the other four responded respectfully to their willingness.

This is a rare opportunity, and the opportunity given by the ancestors is not a normal encounter!

“My ancestors please give me a chance.”

The five people saluted respectfully in their respective residences.

Xu Sheng sighed, and sure enough, no matter what kind of person, the heart to Dao is always the same.

He waved his sleeves, and five streams of light fell.

According to his estimated time, the three Martial Masters are 25 years, 30 years, and 35 years, and Yuhua is also 35 years. The last 40 years of the single time house was given to Qian Min.

In the situation of Yuhuan and Qianmin, Time House is more of a process of consolidating what they have learned, but they also have a certain chance to enter the Foundation Building middle stage, but Xu Sheng did not think that they must be promoted in this way. long.

It is three Martial Masters, he hopes that the worst will not happen. If all three of them die in the time house, then this time it will be a big loss.

Looking at the quaint house that appeared in front of him, Yuhua and other five people walked in intently.

The moment they walked in, the lines on the outer wall of the Time House lit up, but it was like a light bulb flashing, and the light soon disappeared, and then the Time House collapsed.

Three breaths were revealed.

Xu Sheng’s heart sank, and then he sighed.

Both the breath of Yuhuan and Qianmin are still there, and there is a greater Ascension than before entering. Realm has gone from the early stage of the Foundation Building to the middle stage, and almost overtakes the boy Xuan Yi again.

If the kid Xuan Yi knew that his title of ‘the third person in the tribe’ had only been kept for so long, he would probably cry on the spot.

Only one of the three Martial Masters who entered was left, and the remaining breath became obscure, revealing the breath of Wu Ying Realm. Looking at this middle-aged man named Tong Ye, Xu Sheng sighed that he was actually younger. The greater the potential.

In terms of strength, among the three Martial Masters who entered the time house, he was the weakest and had the longest time to advance, but the final result was that two of them died in the time house. He survived and succeeded in breaking through. .

In terms of the results, such results are profitable, even if they are not counted as Yuhua and Qianmin, three Martial Master late stages for a Wuying early stage is also a big profit.

But human life cannot be calculated so simply, so Xu Sheng’s mood is a bit complicated now.

Yin and Kuangyuan also came to understand the situation very quickly. When they learned that two Martial Masters in the tribe fell in the time house, they were a little silent.

Kuang Yuan’s expression was a little sad. The two fallen Martial Masters were his nephews, who grew up as he watched them, but now they all return to the dust.

However, his grief quickly disappeared. In this territory of ten thousand races, people are killed at all times. Today they are them, maybe tomorrow they will be themselves. Falling on the road of seeking the truth is actually the most for Practitioner. A good destination.

“Ready to prepare, we are going to go.”

At last, Yin faced the rumor that she was still a little sad, and began to comfort her. Of the two apprentices, Qian Min’s will was stronger.

The middle-aged man named Tongye paid tribute to the position of losing his two companions, and then followed the steps of Elder and the old man with a serious expression, and walked forward.

It was also after entering this Realm that he knew how powerful the two people in front of him were. Even though he was barely able to say that he was always the same Realm as the big clan now, his combat power was not comparable.

Tong Ye’s promotion also uses the Martial Soul system. His Martial Soul is also the Great Sun Thunder Eagle, and the other two are not, because they are not Thunder Practitioners-maybe this is the reason for his success!

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