Global Sage Era

Chapter 205

Chapter 202 Target: Big Sun Thunder Eagle

Five thousand huntuo Practitioner walked out of Minor World.

There is a connection between each other, and they are extremely rigorous in their positions.

Standing in the forefront is Xuan Yi, who has reached Wu Ying, and beside him, is Tong Ye, who has newly become Wu Ying.

Tong Ye used to be a Martial Master late stage, and his reputation in the tribe was not small. Although everyone was a little surprised at his sudden promotion to Wu Ying, it was not unacceptable.

Wu Ying naturally has to assume the presence of the front line, on the one hand, he has to dispatch the large line, and on the other hand, he has to take more pressure.

After all, Tong Ye is not as good as Xuan Yi in terms of aptitude, so he is not a real squad, but a secondary squad. He needs to be more familiar with the situation before putting a burden on him.

This excites Tongye’s heart and at the same time a little pressure.

The front eye is not absolutely safe. In many cases, it can be said to be very dangerous. In many cases, Xuan Yi is dangerous. If it were not for Yin Kuangyuan and the others above to take care of him, it is estimated that the previous nest was destroyed. Died in action.

The current lair has reached the 33rd position. Although there is still no Gold Core realm strength yet, it is not uncommon for Foundation Building to be late stage.

Wuying Realm is just between the early stage of the Foundation Building and the middle stage of the Foundation Building. With the help of the big array, you may be able to have the strength of the Foundation Building middle stage, but compared with the Foundation Building late stage, it is much worse. In this way Under the circumstances, a carelessness may be the death of one’s life on the spot.

“You must pay attention to your own safety, and don’t be greedy for merit, otherwise even the big Elder and the big clan will not be able to save you.”

Xuan Yi is telling Tong Ye’s face.

Regardless of the appearance of the two, Xuan Yi is a young person, while Tong Ye is a middle-aged person. In fact, in terms of age, Tong Ye is a dozen years younger than Xuan Yi and is a complete descendant of Xuan Yi.

The appearance is related to the time of entering the Qi Sea realm. Once you enter the Qi Sea realm, your appearance will delay getting old, and it will slow down again by the Martial Master Realm.

Xuan Yi had become Qi Sea realm at the age of eighteen. Only Kuang Yuan was at the same speed as him, and no one else could compare.

Xuan Yi was the highest point of talent among the Practitioner of the Huntuo human race before the appearance of the ‘monster’ of Xuanzheng, and his advancement speed was far surpassing that of others.

In terms of experience, Sylphy is the absolute ‘protagonist’.

In fact, from the moment they were selected by Xu Sheng, they were equivalent to having a “protagonist halo”.

In those weaker outer worlds and small thousand worlds, some beings are born with atmospheric fortune and are called the clock of the world.

These people were selected by Heavenly Dao in that world, and they felt in the dark, and now Xu Cheng is the’Heavenly Dao’ in his Minor World. The person he values ​​is the person whom Heavenly Dao likes and has a protagonist. Halo’.

For a long time, Xu Sheng once had a thought.

Is Kuang Yuan’s golden luck, whether he had it at the beginning, or was it because he would notice him?

The relationship among them is very interesting, but unfortunately, he has not got the answer until now.

“Older Clan, don’t worry, Tongye will be careful.”

Tong Ye solemnly said that he is actually a clan elder, but facing Xuan Yi, the ‘second clan’s elder,’ he must be respectful in addressing it, just like becoming a big Elder and Kuang Yuan as a big clan elder.

After communicating for a while, the two decided what to do when entering the lair of the Ten Thousand Races, and then dispatched the Huntuo Practitioners to head towards the goal this time.

The target nest this time is the three-headed dragon nest.

The three-headed dragon, as its name suggests, is a large lizard with three heads. Its three heads have different properties. Normally they are poison, ice, and fire, but occasionally they may be upgraded.

In terms of strength, the strength of the three-headed dragon is good, but it does not inherit the usual flying ability of the dragon clan. In terms of species, he is an earth-traveling dragon and can only run on the ground.

The three dragons of Life were underground. When the Practitioners entered the range of the nest, all the earth travel dragons in the nest were alarmed.

A full 2,000 heads of three dragons rushed out from the ground.

Their tempers are relatively violent, and they will deal cruel blows to creatures that dare to invade their territory.

The strength of the nest is not that the stronger, the more the number inside, it is divided according to the overall strength.

Regardless of only two thousand heads and three dragons, in terms of strength, they are enough to kill four thousand harpy banshes, their strength is very powerful.

However, Huntuo Practitioner is now different from the past, facing two thousand heads and three dragons quickly launched a battle.

At the same time, the cultivators headed by Yin are also beheading the most powerful of the three dragons.

The three-headed dragon has nine-headed Foundation Building late stage existence!

Their twenty-seven heads attacked with all kinds of energy at the moment they saw the arrival of Yin.

At first glance, the colorful colors are very beautiful, but they carry a fatal danger!

Ke Yin is a cultivator in the Gold Core stage after all. Faced with these energy attacks, there is no change in his expression. He just sacrifices the earthshaking seal, and then these energy attacks are all eliminated.

The three-headed dragon with nine heads Foundation Building late stage made a furious hissing sound, and then rushed towards Yin.

This is the fault of lack of wisdom, otherwise they must know that they are in front of a powerful cultivator, who will only attack in a roundabout way, instead of looking for death like they are now!

Xu Sheng looked at the sky above the sky. Although this lair was underground, the Huntuo Practitioners were his eyes. He could see everything they saw, so he could see that the situation at this time was going to a good place. .

[Record]: You killed a three-headed dragon and got 712 incense

[Record]: You killed a three-headed dragon and got seven hundred and fifty-seven incense sticks

[Record]: You killed a three-headed dragon and got 823 incense sticks

[Record]: You killed a three-headed dragon and obtained an energy crystal core

[Record]: You killed a three-headed dragon and obtained a copy of the three-headed dragon bloodline

All kinds of news came out, and with the killing of the three dragons, Xu Shengchun collected more and more rewards.

On average, the incense reward given by a three-headed dragon is about seven hundred points. After removing the rewards that are not incense, the final incense should be about 1.5 million. This amount has already made Xu Sheng quite satisfied.

The number of the three dragons has been reduced very quickly. The fewer they are, the easier it will be for the Practitioners to clean up. In a short time, there are fewer than 800 dragons in the entire nest.

(The following thousand words will be changed in fifteen minutes)

The relationship among them is very interesting, but unfortunately, he has not got the answer until now.

“Older Clan, don’t worry, Tongye will be careful.”

Tong Ye solemnly said that he is actually a clan elder, but facing Xuan Yi, the ‘second clan’s elder,’ he must be respectful in addressing it, just like becoming a big Elder and Kuang Yuan as a big clan elder.

After communicating for a while, the two decided what to do when entering the lair of the Ten Thousand Races, and then dispatched the Huntuo Practitioners to head towards the goal this time.

The target nest this time is the three-headed dragon nest.

The three-headed dragon, as its name suggests, is a large lizard with three heads. Its three heads have different properties. Normally they are poison, ice, and fire, but occasionally they may be upgraded.

In terms of strength, the strength of the three-headed dragon is good, but it does not inherit the usual flying ability of the dragon clan. In terms of species, he is an earth-traveling dragon and can only run on the ground.

The three dragons of Life were underground. When the Practitioners entered the range of the nest, all the earth travel dragons in the nest were alarmed.

A full 2,000 heads of three dragons rushed out from the ground.

Their tempers are relatively violent, and they will deal cruel blows to creatures that dare to invade their territory.

The strength of the nest is not that the stronger, the more the number inside, it is divided according to the overall strength.

Regardless of only two thousand heads and three dragons, in terms of strength, they are enough to kill four thousand harpy banshes, their strength is very powerful.

However, Huntuo Practitioner is now different from the past, facing two thousand heads and three dragons quickly launched a battle.

At the same time, the cultivators headed by Yin are also beheading the most powerful of the three dragons.

The three-headed dragon has nine-headed Foundation Building late stage existence!

Their twenty-seven heads attacked with all kinds of energy at the moment they saw the arrival of Yin.

At first glance, the colorful colors are very beautiful, but they carry a fatal danger!

Ke Yin is a cultivator in the Gold Core stage after all. Faced with these energy attacks, there is no change in his expression. He just sacrifices the earthshaking seal, and then these energy attacks are all eliminated.

The three-headed dragon with nine heads Foundation Building late stage made a furious hissing sound, and then rushed towards Yin.

This is the fault of lack of wisdom, otherwise they must know that they are in front of a powerful cultivator, who will only attack in a roundabout way, instead of looking for death like they are now!

Xu Sheng looked at the sky above the sky. Although this lair was underground, the Huntuo Practitioners were his eyes. He could see everything they saw, so he could see that the situation at this time was going to a good place. .

[Record]: You killed a three-headed dragon and got 712 incense

[Record]: You killed a three-headed dragon and got seven hundred and fifty-seven incense sticks

[Record]: You killed a three-headed dragon and got 823 incense sticks

[Record]: You killed a three-headed dragon and obtained an energy crystal core

[Record]: You killed a three-headed dragon and obtained a copy of the three-headed dragon bloodline

All kinds of news came out. As the three dragons were killed, Xu Sheng collected more and more rewards.

On average, the incense reward given by a three-headed dragon is about 700 points. After removing the rewards that are not incense, the final incense should be about 1.5 million. This amount has already made Xu Sheng quite satisfied.

The number of the three dragons has been reduced very quickly. The fewer they are, the easier it will be for the Practitioners to clean up. In a short time, there are fewer than 800 dragons in the entire nest.

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