Global Sage Era

Chapter 210

Chapter 207: Using Time Houses in Batches

“I currently have 15 time houses. According to the previous probability, the survival rate involved in breakthrough is only 30%…”

The Huntuo people below were frantically strangling thousands of people, making own incense more and more, but Xu Sheng himself was lost in thought.

If breakthrough is not involved, and simply deepening the Cultivation Base, the time house is not fatal.

But once breakthrough is involved, the time house becomes so ‘dangerous’.

In fact, even if there is no time house, those who will die during breakthrough may still die. The only difference is that they interfere with the result by themselves. Under the incense of incense, at least 20% of the survival rate can be achieved.

The time house must be used, it is so useless.

Xu Sheng thought about it at last, and issued a heavenly order to Yin and Kuangyuan.

He decides whether to use it or not, but whoever uses it can be decided by the people themselves.

Maybe some people don’t want to try this. If they make a decision by force, they are more likely to waste a house of time and destroy a subject.

Subjective initiative seems so important at this time.

Decades of loneliness and loneliness are not something that everyone can tolerate. He thinks about it in another way. If he enters such an environment, maybe even if he can survive it in the end, his spirit will be different.

This is not the kind of situation where you can still keep in touch with the outside world.

No matter how long it has passed, the time passing by the outside world is just a moment. In a time house, it is an independent world.

“Let us decide for ourselves…”

Yin and Kuangyuan met each other to discuss the matter as soon as they knew it.

Kuang Yuan is more qualified to speak on this matter. He was the first to use the Time House, and he knew how difficult it was.

At this moment, even if he reminded him of those days, he felt a little shuddering.

“Tell everyone about the characteristics of the time house. Whoever feels confident and wants to enter, then apply with us. If there are more applicants than the number, I will choose the best one. If it is not enough… then I will Let’s take another place.” Kuang Yuan said after thinking for a while.

Yin shook his head: “You are not suitable to go in again. Since you came out, I have always felt that your mental state is not right. At this time, if you go in again, it will do you more harm than good.”

Kuang Yuan was silent, he naturally knew the truth, but as far as the matter itself was concerned, the time house was a big opportunity.

Xu Sheng didn’t know what kind of mood he should be when he looked at it. When he changed to someone else, he would definitely want to wait for more time houses, and they would use them the first time, but he started to struggle here.

Maybe this is the trouble of happiness!

In fact, there are not many people in the Huntuo tribe who are eligible to use the time house. Qi Sea realm Practitioner is definitely not suitable for use. Their strength and mood have not been reached. If they stay alone for decades, the greatest probability is that their personality will not happen. Reversal of change.

Uninterrupted battles keep Martial Masters appearing, and now there are seventeen people!

The progress on the cultivator side is a bit slower, and now the entire ten thousand race territory has only passed less than ten years.

In ten years, the late stage cultivator may still be stuck in place, and as far as the Cultivation Base is concerned, they cannot break through at any time like the cultivator. Therefore, since the territory of the ten thousand races, their strength Ascension is far inferior to that of the Practitioner.

Xu Sheng didn’t think too much about the cultivator.

Currently, more than 30 cultivators belong to the descendants of Yuhua and Qianmin. The difference in Cultivation Base is not one or two points. Up to now, there is not even one of them who has achieved great accomplishment in Qi training.

In the past ten years, children with Spiritual Roots have discovered a lot. Since self-declaration has emerged, there have been about ten every year.

It really complied with the phrase “choose one in ten thousand”.

So the current reserve cultivator has about one hundred people, and it will continue to increase in the future.

It’s a pity that there has not yet been a second destiny level that reaches the Hong level. The highest is only the Quasi-Hong level. The spiritual roots of these young children are also in the category of mixed spiritual roots. The maximum length is nine inches nine, which is almost empty. Spiritual Roots.

According to Xu Sheng’s judgment, it is estimated that the virtual Spiritual Roots will only appear until the second Hong-level child appears.

The difference between virtual Spiritual Roots and hybrid Spiritual Roots lies in the speed of cultivation, but the most important thing is that when Foundation Building breakthrough Gold Core, the probability of virtual Spiritual Roots breakthrough directly doubles, far from the comparison of hybrid Spiritual Roots.

Miscellaneous Spiritual Roots are likely to stop the Qi training period, while virtual Spiritual Roots have been working hard and have a good chance of entering the Foundation Building period. The gap is also very large.

From low to high, the fifteen time houses are 5 in 30 years, 5 in 35 years, three in 40 years, one in 45 years, and one in 50 years.

The higher the number of years, the better, but the lower the probability of being able to spend it safely.

So when I knew this, even cultivators and Practitioners who were confident in themselves would not dare to pat their chests and say that they would be able to get through it.

At this moment, at the central square of the Huntuo tribe, more than twenty voices and shadows are in hesitation.

Seventeen Practitioners, eight late stage cultivators, one middle stage cultivator.

This is all the candidates this time.

The opportunity of the time house is not eligible for the weaker ones. Even the middle stage cultivator of Qi training was finally added with the strength equivalent to the late stage.

“You decide whether you want to go in or not. Once you go in, you can’t regret it. Think twice before you act.”

At the forefront, Kuang Yuan looked at the younger generations in the clan with a serious tone.

He knew very clearly that among the people present, there would definitely be someone who would not be able to get out. He was observing, and if anyone hesitated, he would be removed from the list.

Ten people, seven Practitioners, and three cultivators were finally shaken.

“You stay, I just gave you a divination, it’s a lot of good fortune.” Yin pointed to a cultivator with the eleventh level of Qi and said.

“…Follow the decree of the Great Elder.” The cultivator paused for a moment, then took a step back and stood with the ten people who hesitated just now.

“My ancestors please give me a chance.”

Everything was almost done, Yin and Kuangyuan saluted respectfully.

Fifteen time houses fell from the sky.

Fifteen people also bowed and walked inside.

Xu Sheng looked at the scene in Minor World, his eyes condensed.

The reason why Yin was not allowed to enter was because he felt that the former’s state of mind had not yet arrived, and he was not suitable to enter at this time.

Although the time house is rare, with the number of lairs in the territory of ten thousand races, it is not difficult to obtain another one in ten and a half months.

In the end, twelve people walked out of the time house. Two Practitioners and a cultivator died inside.

And when they came out, there is no doubt that everyone’s Cultivation Base has reached the peak of the current Realm.

Six of the eight Practitioners are the pinnacles of Martial Masters, and two have entered Wu Ying.

Three of the four cultivators have completed their qi training, and one is in the Foundation Building. Surprisingly, the young cultivator who entered the Foundation Building was the young cultivator who practiced in the middle stage. He entered the Foundation Building because of the lack of foundation. Tuo Tribe is the third Foundation Building after Yuhua and Qianmin.

At this time, in the Huntuo tribe, Gold Core has two strengths, Yin from the early stage of Gold Core and Kuang Yuan from Wu Ying and Dzogchen.

Foundation Building has seven strengths, three cultivators, and four Wu Ying.

These nine people can be regarded as Xu Sheng’s current high-end combat power.

Just three days after entering the territory of the ten thousand races, the gap with others has been pulled to such an extent, which is incredible for Xu Sheng before entering Qianjing University.

But this is far from the end, he knows that his strength will soar at this speed in the future, and even accelerate again.

However, the twelve people who came out had some problems with their spirits. The long-term loneliness made them taciturn, and it took a period of adaptation to return to their previous state.

Fortunately, attacking the Ten Thousand Clan Lair now doesn’t require a head-on head-on attack like before. You can take a roundabout way so that the twelve people can adjust and adapt first.

More than 5,000 Huntuo Practitioners are made from Minor World, lined up in a neat queue.

If you look closely, you will be horrified to find that these five thousand Practitioners are actually the seventh stage at the lowest level!

More than 5,000 Practitioners above the Seventh Stage are unimaginable!

In the Minor World behind them, the number of Practitioners in the Huntuo tribe, who is now a martial artist, has already exceeded half of the total number.

However, Practitioner and ordinary people are always called by contrast. When everyone is a Practitioner, the one with lower strength becomes the ‘ordinary person’.

At present, the Huntuo Practitioner has the most in the early stage of body refining. This kind of strength can participate in some wars in the high mid-rank segment. However, in the face of the current intense wars, they only come up to death, so they continue to cultivation in the Minor World. , When can I break through to the late stage of body refining and when can I enter the battlefield of the expedition.

Among these practitioners, there are mainly two types of people, middle-aged people with insufficient talent and young teenagers. The former is impossible to enter the battlefield, but the latter is an important reserve of strength.

A large part of the current more than 5,000 battle formations are supplemented in this way. From this point of view, it is similar to an army drill. New recruits lead veterans and then slowly expand.

Among them are the spontaneous behaviors of the Huntuo race, and Xu Sheng’s intentional guidance. After all, he knows a lot about these things, and he has already learned them in class.

One month passed in this way.

Huntuo Practitioners destroyed two more lairs. The strength of these two lairs was not strong. Only one Gold Core existed. Xu Sheng also obtained a 30-year time house again.

At this time, he finally felt that Yin’s situation was almost over, so he directly sent an order to let Yin enter the time house.

Yin naturally wouldn’t oppose the ancestors, and entered the time house without hesitation.

Thirty years was like a flash. When Yin stepped out of the time house, his aura was several times higher than when he entered.

The breath of Gold Core middle stage!

Kuang Yuan shook his head helplessly. It didn’t take long for him to compare shoulder to shoulder, and the gap was opened again. If he didn’t know that he was not suitable to enter now, he would also like to enter again immediately!

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