Global Sage Era

Chapter 211

Chapter 208 Don’t Come Over!

“Finally the Gold Core middle stage.”

Xu Sheng looked at Yin below, feeling very sigh.

The Realm of the cultivator really gets harder as it goes to the back Ascension.

When Yin went in, he was naturally worried, thinking about what to do if breakthrough failed. What would come out was air or a sentence of walking dead-but he didn’t worry for too long at all. The intact Yin made him happy.

The characteristics of the house of time are there for an instant, and it is only an instant thing to worry about, but it avoids the process of making Xu Sheng torment and wait for the result.

The strength of the Gold Core middle stage is naturally not comparable to that of the early stage. At this time, Yin is more comfortable using the overturning seal. Although the power is still not fully displayed, it does not have to bear too much pressure.

In his case, it is estimated that after becoming the Gold Core late stage, it will be completely driven by an arm.

Doing a job, turning the sky, and pairing it with the first rank Gold Core, it is estimated that the leapfrog challenge is a little bit possible. If you work hard, you may be able to complete the feat of beheading Nascent Soul.

However, Xu Sheng naturally hopes to be able to win with Cultivation Base upright. Winning the weak with the strong all the time is a compelling choice. If possible, he hopes that Yin can play a fair fight with his opponent.

In the territory of Ten Thousand Races, there are very few lairs with the strength of Nascent Soul, and there are only a few in each area.

If Da Ri Lei Eagle Lairs are considered novice village bosses, then these Nascent Soul lairs are probably the final bosses.

Once they are wiped out, then the entire area can be the king and hegemony.

Although the Territory of Ten Thousand Races is called this name, there are actually more than so many races and nests, and there are probably five to six hundred nests in each area.

There are more than 30,000 nests in the entire sixty area.

For other students, even if ten of the five hundred nests are destroyed a year, it will take more than fifty years to destroy all of them, which is more than half a month when converted into earth time.

In fact, the real time has to be doubled, because the stronger the lair is, the more difficult it is to destroy it, and the more time it takes.

The time for the competition is limited. Although it has not been said how long, it is certain that it will not exceed one month. Therefore, it is not surprising that no one can clear all the nests in their own area during the competition. One or two hundred will be solved, and then under the premise of ensuring safety, slowly expand to the side.

But for Xu Sheng, the situation is completely different. The Ten Thousand Clan lairs in his area are not enough for him to destroy!

Because most of the Ten Thousand Clan nests in the Ten Thousand Clan nests are in the thousands, it doesn’t take long to eliminate the battle. Normally, the battle can be ended in a few days. Even if he is fully rested, he can’t eliminate the nest at an average speed. A month!

His speed will not be slowed down by the Ascension of the lair’s strength. With the equivalent of everything, he can instantly transform incense into his own strength. The Ascension of Xu Sheng’s strength is no slower than the Lair of the Ten Thousand Races, just like now, his people. In China, the strength of Foundation Building is increasing every day.

The number of Qi Sea realm Practitioners has now reached 980, and it will exceed the 1,000 mark in a while!

One thousand Qi Sea Practitioners are several times the number of others!

The number of late stage practitioners has also increased significantly. The teenagers of the Huntuo race have grown from snacks to various energy-rich foods, and have grown at the fastest rate in history. Many talented teenagers 15 or 16 years old already have it. Realm of Seventh Stage!

Among them, the fastest one is only eleven years old.

His name has long been known by the entire Huntuo race-Xuan Zheng.

Known as the most talented person in a thousand years, even the big Elder and the big elders are not as good in terms of aptitude!

Regarding the growth of Xuanzheng, almost everyone is paying attention.

Xu Sheng is also paying attention.

He was waiting for the day when he became an adult, when he could use the time house for him to make his growth rate soar.

It can be predicted that he will soon become a Martial Master or even Wuying Realm powerhouse.

In the thirty-fifth area, in the case of various lairs of ten thousand races, the existence of Huntuo Practitioner can be said to be killed by someone.

Almost the moment he saw the “prey”, he rushed up ferociously.

Many tens of thousands are hundreds of small stocks, this amount is not enough for the Practitioners of Huntuo, so the result is that the Practitioners of Huntuo have returned with a full load.

Xu Sheng was so happy. These lowest-level ten thousand races produced more incense. Although the value was very small, it was very small, and after a few months, it accumulated a considerable number.

The incense on his body now exceeds 20 million, and he is heading for 30 million.

He consumes 100,000 incense every day, and there is also a large amount of incense consumed to redeem Spiritual Qi. Under such circumstances, it is incredible that he can accumulate so many incense in just a few years.

This is entirely attributed to the selfless dedication of the tens of thousands of races, who contributed everything to their own, so that Xu Sheng’s strength continued to increase.

Now Xu Sheng has reached 12452. The number of ten thousand tribes he has destroyed is 67, and another twelve nests have been destroyed by him in a few months.

In fact, it wasn’t that he specifically targeted, but these ten thousand clan lairs happened to be on the path of the Huntuo Practitioners, so Xu Sheng had to erase them smoothly.

However, because the strength of these nests is not strong, the highest is only one Gold Core, so only five of the time houses have been obtained, and the years are relatively low, only 30 years, so much of this level is not enough. It’s so impressive.

He almost drew the map for the entire 35 area.

Among them, there are five most powerful lairs, and all of the five lairs have the strength of Nascent Soul, which he can’t provoke now.

Of course, he has no way to clean it up. If he wants to, he can use it to destroy it, but this would be a loss of millions for her.

He is waiting, waiting for this Yin’s strength to Ascension again, even if the Ascension does not reach the Nascent Soul stage, as long as the Gold Core late stage has the ability to contend, there is no problem in self-protection.

The best thing is of course that Yin directly broke through to the Nascent Soul period, and then with Yin’s various backgrounds, he can directly sweep these five lairs.

On Kuangyuan’s side, there is still time to go. I just used the time room breakthrough a few years ago. Even if I got Ascension in my mind during this period of time, I still have less accumulation.

However, Yin had accumulated enough before he agreed to use the time house.

When Xu Sheng was developing, he didn’t know that there was always a pair of eyes staring at him above own. It was none other than Gao Sheng Yuan Susong.

At this time, Yuan Susong’s mood was extremely complicated.

With his sight, the situation in all parts of the territory of the ten thousand races can be seen in full view.

It is precisely because of this that he can feel the difference in the 35 area.

Unlike the burnouts in the other 59 areas, Xu Sheng in the 35 areas seems to have come for an outing.

Others are worrying about defeating waves of monster siege, and heartache for own loss.

This guy did well, he had cleared all the nests around his Minor World early, not to mention, and now he is aiming at more nests.

Sometimes looking at those cruel Practitioners, he himself is deeply puzzled, who is the master of this continent?

The gap between people can really be so big, right?

Even Fang Su and others, who were extremely good in his eyes before, are more than a little bit worse than Xu Sheng at this time!

This is a gap of multiples! !

Up to now, Fang Su still has twenty-six nests destroyed!

He has no spare capacity to counterattack against the invasion of monsters. Although the loss is the smallest among the other fifty-nine people, it is estimated that it will take a few years to return to the state before the monster siege.

And what is Xu Sheng now?


Sixty-seven nests!

Seeing that it was going to triple, this number made him feel a sense of absurdity.

When will the students on their west campus be able to get such a big gap by the east campus?

In the past one hundred years of history, there has never been such a gap.

No…it should be said that there is no connection this time!

“Xu Sheng… is really an anomaly. With your presence, the result this time is really uncertain.”

Anxiety faintly appeared in his heart, but he couldn’t do anything about it. As a teacher, especially under the gaze of the true saint, he couldn’t make any small movements.

What worries him even more is that at this time, facing such a capable Xu Sheng, the 30 students on the West Campus have not yet known anything.

They don’t even know that a brutal beast is becoming stronger day by day!

Once he met, the huge mouth suddenly opened, he didn’t know whether they could resist it!

The sixty areas were set up to allow the students to attack. One of his proposals was among them, but now he can’t wait to slap himself.

Every other area is a student of the same campus. At that time, I thought that the individual strength of the West Campus would be higher. I was worried that it would be difficult to solve the problem of the East Campus if we were to get together. For this reason, I insisted on this approach, and did not hesitate to do so The sub-element line makes some concessions.

And now, these have become self-restraints!

On the left and right sides of Xu Sheng, the students of the two west campuses are not very strong, and they are still struggling to support the invasion of the Ten Thousand Clan Lair.

If this were the case, Xu Sheng gave up destroying the lairs of the Ten Thousand Races in his area, and instead attacked across the area… he couldn’t even think of those scenes!

On one side are the ferocious Ten Thousand Clan, and on the other are the people of Xu Sheng who are more ferocious than the Ten Thousand Clan!

Two casually and one makes the scalp numb, not to mention two appearing at the same time. It is estimated that even if Fang Su meets it, it won’t be long before Minor World will be beaten and collapsed!

“Don’t change direction! It’s good to wipe out the ten thousand races in your area first.”

Yuan Susong’s eyes were fixed on the 35th area, and his mouth was constantly whispering. He didn’t even notice his own. His voice became more and more urgent as the area occupied by Xu Sheng expanded!

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