Global Sage Era

Chapter 212

Chapter 209

“Boy, I said you are still hesitating. Kneel down and apprentice your teacher.”

“Old Xuan clan, Xiao Zheng still doesn’t want to apprentice a teacher.”

In the Huntuo tribe, two figures, one big and one small, are talking.

The big one is not someone else, but Xuan Yi, whose status has soared. Even though there are already five people in Wuying Realm, this does not hinder his status in the clan.

In front of him, the eleven-year-old boy Xuan Zheng has wise eyes. Although he is not tall, he is very well-measured in his gestures, and he is no different from an adult.

His Cultivation Base is similar to that of most young people in their twenties. The Cultivation Base of the Seventh Stage is definitely a top performer at his age. According to many people’s estimates, he may be in the 14th Five-Year Plan. You will be able to break through into the Qi Sea realm when you are 18 years old, and will greatly refresh the family record.

Xu Sheng looked funny on the sky.

Xuan Yi, the kid at the beginning, wanted to follow the example of Kuang Yuan and investigate Xuanzheng for a period of time, but he didn’t know that Xuanzheng was much more mature than he was before. After the ignorant stage, his rapidly growing mind made him know even if it was. It’s nothing if you don’t apprehend a teacher.

Needless to say, Xuan Zheng is smart. In addition to asking Kuang Yuan for advice, he occasionally goes to Yin. It can be seen that he is curious about the cultivator method, but it is a pity that he can’t cultivate without Spiritual Roots.

Of course, if Xu Sheng wanted to, he could spend 1.5 million incense to exchange virtual Spiritual Roots for him, but after observing for a period of time, he found that Xuan Zheng is actually more suitable for the path of Practitioner.

His wisdom is very suitable to take over Xuan Yi’s current position, as the main line of commander Universe.

Xuan Yi is still more suitable to be a general character, leading the charge.

Xuan Yi is somewhat similar to Kuang Yuan, but not exactly the same. Kuang Yuan possesses the power of Dingding and is extremely brave in frontal fights. No matter what the situation, his mentality will not change at all. Such a state of mind is nothing. Everyone has it.

“You kid, there are so many people in the tribe who want to worship me as a teacher, don’t know what it is!” Xuan Yi said’viciously’, her expression becoming very scary.

However, Xuan Zheng’s expression did not change in any way. He already knew from his subtle expressions and movements that everything about Xuan Yi was just pretending, just to make himself worship him as a teacher.

If only talking about Cultivation Base and status, Xuan clan old man is definitely enough…but his personality is too unstable. The best Master in his heart should be like the big clan old man. He doesn’t speak much, and is always calm. Clouds are pale.

A faint sadness floated in his heart. If he could, he really didn’t want to choose the Xuan clan as his own Master.

“Well, Xuan Yi, come back quickly, Master also pays attention to fate, you can’t force it.”

Kuang Yuan’s voice sounded in Xuan Yi’s ears, and Kuang Yuan, who had been observing from behind, finally couldn’t stand it anymore. If this continues, his own face will be lost by Xuan Yi!

On the other side, Yuhuan, who had just practiced a pot of pill, covered her mouth and smiled in the pill refining room. From this point of view, Junior Brother Yi’s apprenticeship plan seemed to be unworkable.

Yuhuan has already accepted a few children. Although there is no official status as a teacher and apprentice, some Cultivation Techniques of pill refining have also been handed over to them. Maybe there will be several excellent pill refining teachers among them in the future. .

Farther, the cultivator and the Practitioner have their own things, and everything is harmonious and stable.

This is also the scene of Minor World when there is no battle, and everyone cherishes the rare leisure.

But after all, this kind of time is rare, and every time I come back, it usually takes three to five days to repair. Once the time is up, he will start a new battle.

The Huntuo tribe adopts a voluntary form. Every time it is going to expedition, it tells everyone the matter, and then those who want to go come and sign up.

Going out to get more resources, and the spoils obtained on the battlefield also have limited options.

Those who have participated in the expedition have improved their strength much faster than those who have not participated, so when it comes to the back, almost everyone is rushing to sign up.

Given the huge number of Practitioners of the Huntuo tribe, the determination of candidates for each expedition is also a lot of work.


In the territory of Ten Thousand Clan, Xu Sheng’s periphery of Minor World, all kinds of lairs are still attacking each other.

In just one year, the strength of many lairs has been expanded by nearly one-half, and they will also multiply, and their own strength in devouring the flesh and blood of other races, Realm, will also increase.

The five Nascent Soul-class lairs at the top of the food chain, the strength of the Nascent Soul within the ten thousand clan has not changed much, with their current level, it is difficult for the ordinary ten thousand clan to have a substantial ascension to them.

They are more to stay in their own nest, if there are no long-eyed provoking, most of them will lie lazily in their own nest to bask in the sun.

Xu Sheng asked people to come over and check it up close. Of course, he wanted the idea of ​​hitting these Nascent Soul lairs. If they can be wiped out, then in the own area, you can basically walk sideways, don’t worry about Minor World’s possibility. Was invaded.

The current situation of other people’s Minor World is the best example. Every monster invaded by a monster has completely stagnated development. Compared with a few years ago, there is not only no Ascension, but also a slight decline in strength.

He is different, his strength is still rapidly ascending, so that the time to destroy a lair of ten thousand races is faster than before. If it is in a hurry, he can eliminate 25-30 lairs in a year. .

However, this is a great burden for the Huntuo Practitioners, and some resistance will arise in their hearts. During the war of extermination, they may lose their lives without checking them. Xu Sheng did not want to see such things happen.

“Be careful. Gold Core exists in several lairs this time. If you accidentally provoke it, even if there are big Elders and big clans, the casualties will definitely not be light.”

In front of a hill, Xuan Yi waved everyone to stop. On the distant plain, thousands of different kinds of ten thousand races were fighting desperately.

Xu Sheng also looked at the ten thousand races fighting each other. In his eyes, these ten thousand races were like wild beasts fighting each other. They didn’t have the slightest technology content, and they all relied on instinct.

When the tens of thousands of races on the plain were almost fighting each other, Xuan Yi took the Huntuo Practitioner with them when they were scarred!

The thunder attack came up, these ten thousand races couldn’t even react at all, they were already killed.

At the same time, various messages appeared on Xu Sheng’s Sage interface, and own incense increased by more than 100,000.

For the death of more than ten million people, Huntuo Practitioner paid the price of injuries to more than a dozen people, which can be said to be a blood gain.

Practitioner is still easy to get injured. In fact, according to their strength, the territory of the ten thousand races is not suitable for them. After all, many of these here are ten thousand races with the strength of cultivator.

However, there are too many people who want to exercise. In addition, Kuang Yuan has been propagating in the tribe that Practitioner will grow up in the killing. The more killings, the more people can break through between life and death. This statement makes everyone feel I felt so convinced that it affected them and made them crazier one by one during the expedition.

Except for the incense, the more various materials Xu Sheng now has in the village, a small part of it has been used by him, but more of them are still useless and left in the warehouse by him.

In fact, the best way to use these materials is to exchange them with other people. Anyway, the effect of incense on them is only to exchange various cards in the real world, and then Ascension own the power of Minor World.

There is no ability like him that can be transformed into strength in real time.

But he didn’t dare, because this matter was illogical, and a normal-minded person would not exchange all kinds of rare materials for incense. It didn’t make sense to say so.

Because Xu Sheng’s ‘has a ghost in his heart’, it’s definitely impossible to do such a thing, so he can only watch as his own supplies are hoarding more and more, and many have no chance to see the sun.

Two years have passed in the blink of an eye. Xuan Zheng is thirteen years old. His strength has improved a little faster than everyone expected. Now he is the Practitioner of Ninth Stage. It only takes a year or a half to see this situation. Be a Qi Sea realm Practitioner.

Although Qi Sea realm Practitioner is not a big deal in the territory of ten thousand races, a possible fourteen-year-old Qi Sea Practitioner is still very meaningful. At the very least, many ordinary people see hope, and the tribe is getting stronger and stronger. There is no way to Ascension own strength.

In the past two years, Xu Sheng did not deliberately speed up the extermination of the lair, only advancing at an ordinary speed, but that’s it, now he has eliminated more than 98 transcendents, which is only the last two from the 100 mark. .

The incense accumulated by Xu Sheng also increased by 10 million again, reaching 30 million.

Thirty million incenses can already be exchanged for some good things in the equivalent of everything, such as Magic Treasures that are higher than the Heavenly Seal, or the cultivation inheritance above Nascent Soul.

Xu Sheng had considered several Cultivation Techniques for Yin. Some of these Cultivation Techniques were cheap and expensive. The cheap ones only cost seven or eight million incense, and the expensive ones cost 50 million, even though his current reserves are not enough.

“Doing a Work” is a cultivation technique that is neutral and peaceful. Although the realm that can be repaired stops at Nascent Soul Realm, it lays a solid foundation for the follow-up Realm. Such things cannot be done by ordinary Cultivation Techniques. of.

There were a few more time houses, and Xu Sheng assigned them to Yin and Kuangyuan. The final result was an extra Foundation Building cultivator and two Wu Ying.

There were also two people who died during the breakthrough process, and one person was no stranger when he first came out, but after a few months his spirit collapsed and became a useless person.

Xu Sheng was about to go to the 99th lair, but suddenly found someone looking for him.

When I clicked it, I found that it was sent by Murphy.

“Help Xu Sheng, you are also the squad leader anyway, take part in the affairs of the squad! Now everyone has suffered heavy losses, and the number of monsters attacking the city is still increasing, as if there is never an end!”

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