Global Sage Era

Chapter 214

Chapter 211: You are standing in front, I’ll steal a home

The 34th area.

When Xu Sheng’s sight followed the Huntuo Practitioners, he found that the scene was not too different from the own area, and all kinds of lairs were attacking each other.

The Minor World of the students is generally in the middle position, surrounded by nests of various ethnic groups.

There is no strict division in terms of strength. These ten thousand clan nests are randomly distributed, and may be close to a Nascent Soul nest, where there is not even a Gold Core strength in the nest.

Huntuo Practitioners dispatched scouts to investigate as soon as they entered this area.

These scouts have quick legs and quick brains, and can guarantee their own safety to the maximum in the event of a crisis.

The information that the scouts brought back suddenly felt Kuangyuan’s mood, and the strength of the lair along the way was not very high.

The biggest plan to come to Area 34 is to solve the students of the West Campus. Taking advantage of the fact that he is being overwhelmed by monsters, he will attack suddenly and reduce a competitor.

“When I deal with others, it is estimated that some people in the West Campus are also thinking the same idea…”

Xu Sheng watched Huntuo’s Practitioners start to move under the command of Kuang Yuan, and couldn’t help thinking about this question.

Although monster siege will temporarily cause some trouble for everyone, but for students like Xiao Feng and Lu Shan, at most, it will slow down the pace a little. When the number of invading tens of thousands of people is almost consumed, they can proceed. Counterattack.

Except for the first few people, it is estimated that it is not easy for the students in the back to do this. At the very least, they have to wait for the monsters to consume most of the power to attack the city before they can carry out a strategic counterattack.

In a few years’ time, those who vacate their hands on the West Campus will definitely make plans for the next area.

What he has to do now is to solve a few opponents first when they are fighting each other.

“You all be careful. If you die here, it will be difficult to bring the body back.”

Kuang Yuan was very impulsive when he saw a few younger Practitioners. He blushed after killing a ten thousand clan and kept rushing forward. People like this are often the first to die.

Although he said poison in his mouth, he still didn’t want to see someone Death in his heart.

Here at this time, they will not be able to return to Minor World for at least a few years. If someone died in the battle, at most, they would burn the bones in a fire during the subsequent cleaning of the battlefield, and finally take the ashes back.

Bringing the corpse back and the ashes are completely different things.

The Huntuo tribe has not yet developed cremation. Basically, it is burial. If you don’t follow this tradition, you will be considered to be against the ancestors and disrespectful.

“I see, the old man.”

A few young people came back with their heads down. They were indeed in danger when they chased behind. They were almost killed by the tens of thousands of people over there. Unless the elders who followed were rescued in time, they would not be able to stand here now. .

The Huntuo tribe’s “old and new” is relatively complete. It is generally a one-by-one situation. Those old people who are very experienced will bring a few more, pass on the experience they have learned between life and death, and try their best. Enhance the survival rate of such young people.

[Record]: You killed the red-eared rabbit and obtained three hundred and twenty-one incense.

Information about various rewards appeared again, but the incense here was a bit less than what he had.

He has observed that the lairs he has encountered so far are relatively weak, but the aura left in the lair tells him that there was a strong presence before.

So where are these more powerful tribes?

He already had the answer in his heart.

Thousands of miles away from Xu Sheng, a pale white Minor World is standing here.

In the most central part of this Minor World, there is a city, which is not as large as Tongtian City, but the population living in it exceeds 50,000.

But at this time, these 50,000 people have sadness on their faces, and many of the people in the city are plain, and some of their relatives have died.

The delicate-looking young man looked at the top of the sky with a very ugly expression.

“Three hundred more dead, this monster siege is almost endless, and if this continues, my last bit of strength will be broken!”

He was very upset in his heart, what the school was doing, and the good things campus competition had now become like this. He didn’t even see the figure of the East Campus, and many of his people died.

The number of Practitioners above the Fourth Stage of his body refining is roughly 5,000, but this is the number under the monster’s siege, and now there are only more than 3,000 left.

The loss of the body of the ten thousand races can be used as a material to greatly increase the strength of the people in the next few years, but this is not something that can be transformed immediately. He originally calculated it, and waited to give all the surrounding lairs according to the rhythm. To solve the problem, you can go across the area to the side and look for opportunities to eliminate the East Campus students there.

But now this idea has basically been abandoned by him. What he wants now is to quickly siege this monster and then he can merge with other people in the west campus and then fight against the east campus as a whole.

He knows his own situation, and in the face of this situation, if anyone suddenly runs over to attack him, it will be difficult for him to escape.

“Hey, how can the monster’s siege force this time be a little bit smaller than I expected…”

Suddenly, when another monster siege was repelled, and hundreds of thousands of corpses remained outside Minor World, he discovered such a thing.

Then there was joy. Could it be that the strength of these ten thousand races is a little less than what you guessed, and they finally don’t have enough numbers?

He thought about it, and he felt that he had become more motivated. If that was the case, then such hard times could finally pass!

“The strength is not as good as Mo Fei, probably the middle and lower reaches of the second echelon.”

Not far away that the student hadn’t seen, several scouts from the Huntuo tribe were carefully inquiring about intelligence.

Crossing from the border all the way to here, the suffering of these scouts is not what ordinary people can imagine, and only when they are marching in the form of lone rangers can they avoid the lairs of the ten thousand races until their present position.

They can see, which means Xu Sheng can also see.

After Xu Sheng carefully looked at the situation in this Minor World, his thoughts became extremely vivid.

The situation in this area in front of me is the better one I expected!

The students in this west campus are not strong enough, there will be many possibilities to be eliminated!

The way of elimination is naturally to collapse Minor World. In addition, if the loss of the opponent becomes very large, and if it continues to affect the foundation of own, he can also apply for withdrawal.

All are allowed!

Xu Sheng didn’t care what the other party’s choice would be, as long as he could get rid of people.

However, he did not dare to press too hard. The students all have the ability to apply the source. Even if he can use the source for protection, some damage is still unavoidable. As long as there is a little carelessness, it may be the death of hundreds of people. , The scene was very scary.

Kuang Yuan, who was in the queue, quickly got Xu Sheng’s decree, and after respectfully saluting, he began to make various arrangements.

The ancestor didn’t want to suffer too much damage. He himself had the same idea. It would be best to eliminate all the enemies here without damage-this is naturally just thinking about it, and it can’t become a reality.

The waves of monster siege cannot be mercilessly endless. After all, its power comes from the circle of ten thousand nests outside Minor World.

The number of 10,000 races in each nest is basically between 3,000 and 5,000. According to the calculation of 30, all the available numbers are 100,000.

The number of each attack ranges from several thousand to ten thousand. Normally, one-fifth to one-fourth of the force is lost each time. The current wave has been carried out for the twenty-fourth time, almost every six months. It’s coming once.

This also gave the students some time to breathe, otherwise their current casualties would have increased several times.

In the twenty-four waves of attacks, Su Rian lost a small amount each time, ranging from a few hundred to more than one thousand. However, the total number of people who died was more than 10,000, and the number of people who died was 20,000. Go, occupy a fifth to a quarter of the entire monster siege lair.

Calculated in this way…then the monster siege from just about to the middle stage stage.

Xu Sheng didn’t have any schadenfreude in his heart, because the 34 regions experienced at the moment were experienced by all other regions.

In such a situation, the students of the East Campus will not be relaxed. If no luck, the people at the bottom of the ranking may not even be able to survive this monster’s siege phase.

Thinking of this, Xu Sheng almost subconsciously called out the Sage interface, and then clicked on the team channel.

“What’s going on on your side? The situation on my side is stable. Give me a while, and I will be able to organize a counterattack!”

“More than half of the ten thousand races on my side have not been wiped out… I feel that I am more ill-fortuned.”

“You send me your location, there are only a half of the Ten Thousand Clan on my side, and when it is resolved, go to your side”-Xiao Feng.

When Xu Sheng saw the news from Xiao Feng, a smile appeared on his face. Xiao Feng is still very reliable.

But I’m not bad. Although I didn’t say it on the team channel, I’m doing real things now.

Only one person has touched other people’s area, as long as you find an opportunity, you can eliminate this person!

The twenty-fifth wave of monster siege has arrived.

Xu Sheng looked at the relatively perfect number of Ten Thousand Races lairs, there were some old, weak, sick and disabled. Naturally, he would not let this good opportunity go. He immediately issued a heavenly order to let Kuang Yuan take the Huntuo Practitioners to take them. Copy it from the old nest.

“When you come back and find that the own nest is gone…it should be a big surprise.”

Xu Sheng laughed and watched the third lair being pushed flat by the Practitioners, feeling very comfortable in his own mood.

When the fifth seat was pushed, the good luck finally ended and the invading races came back. Seeing this situation, Xu Sheng quickly asked the Huntuo Practitioners to withdraw. If he could sneak attack him, he wouldn’t be hard-headed!

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