Global Sage Era

Chapter 215

Chapter 212 Latent Invasion!

Many of these ten thousand races returned were scarred.

After returning to the lair, they immediately began to heal their injuries, accumulating strength for the next wave of offense.

In this case, the best course of action is naturally to take advantage of the situation to pursue them and prevent them from regaining their vitality.

But all this is impossible for the West Campus students in the 34th area. After this wave of monster siege is over, hundreds of his people will be killed in battle, which also hurts his vitality. I don’t even have the idea of ​​Minor World, because such a carelessness may wipe out the owner’s army!

Kuang Yuan looked at the side with eager eyes. If such a good opportunity attacked in the past, the cost would be less than half of the usual. The Martial Masters next to him were all ready to move. They all had judgments about the situation and knew what was the best. Good choice.

But in the end they still didn’t act, because the ancestors and the descendants of the Heavenly Order told them to stand still during this period of time, and at least not to touch these ten thousand races who would take the initiative to attack.

If you attack, then attack the other ten thousand races on the same route.

In the area from the border to the center, there are twelve nests along the way. Destroying these twelve nests is equivalent to opening up the two Minor Worlds. Practitioners can go back and forth in a few hours. .

“These lairs need to be kept. If they are eliminated now, it will speed up his recovery.”

Xu Sheng whispered, naturally he wouldn’t make such a choice. He can’t wait to draw more tens of thousands of people over, and he better be able to’borrow a knife to kill people’.

There is no benefit to killing the people of Minor World. There is no reward for destroying the Minor World. It will only waste time, so when he weakens his strength to the weakest, he will not act at all.

Half a year passed in a flash. In this half a year, ten nests were wiped out by the Practitioners!

The ten selected lairs are the weakest ones. Among them, only two have the strength of Gold Core. The only purpose of the choice is to create a path. As for rewards, it is not the first consideration for the time being.

There are only two nests in front of them. According to the current rhythm, it will take at least half a month to destroy them all.

Before starting to work on the eleventh lair, one night, a figure appeared in the queue. It was Yin. After solving the problems around Minor World, he rushed over to help.

Next, he might have to face the student of the West Campus. As Xu Sheng’s highest combat power, it is impossible for him not to participate in the war.

It is no exaggeration to say that he alone represents the small half of the entire Huntuo tribe.

Everyone also felt a kind of tension that was about to come. Under such circumstances, everyone began to prepare to adjust their own state to the best.

No one wants to confess his own life here. Life is always good. The purpose of fighting now is to improve the strength of own, and to seek a higher path while letting oneself and his family live better, instead of letting oneself go flat. life.

Life is beautiful, as long as you live, there is hope for everything.

The twenty-fourth wave of monster siege began.

Yuanhai had already prepared for it. He sent out his own cultivator. There were too many Practitioners killed in battle. If they continue to die, it will affect the speed of recovery. It is impossible for him to see this happen.

Although his strength is considered low to mid-range among the sixty people participating in this competition, it does not mean that he is weak.

Even if it is placed in the selection, he is an absolute strong, a genius that can be looked up to.

Now it is only because the specifications of the participants have improved again that he has become inconspicuous.

In terms of the intensity of the monster’s siege, many of the freshman freshmen at Qianjing University could not even survive the first wave.

Qianjing University also represents the highest level of freshmen every year, so it is also the case in Wuhua District, so it can maintain its own power under monster siege without losing too much, and the total number of people in the country is estimated to be only a few hundred.

In one evening, the sun in the sky glowed blood-red, Yuanhai looked from the top of own Minor World to the sky, only red in his eyes, which seemed to herald the next scene, which made him extremely dignified.

Various roars appeared.

The moment these roars appeared, his eyes became dangerous.

It’s them, so that the loss during this period of time is extremely huge!

Kill them!

The Practitioners in his Minor World immediately began to act.

However, since there is no large array of Practitioners’ Universe, it is much worse under various arrangements. When encountering those ten thousand races, they are often found weak points, and then some people die.

Death appeared very early, even a little earlier than before.

Yuan Hai’s eyes became severe, and there was a dangerous light inside.

“What’s the matter, why is the intensity so much higher than I expected this time?”

Now that the monster has attacked the city, some of the rules have been summarized by them. According to the development, the intensity of this time should be three points weaker than the last time, but now it gives him the feeling that it is a weak three point, which is completely comparable. The last few waves!

The next moment, the original source was used by him, he couldn’t help it.

Own’s children died in a short period of time. Dozens of people died. These were all Practitioners above the fourth level of body refining. Now he has only more than 3,000 people.

There are still many waves of monster siege behind, if at the current speed, I am afraid he will not be able to hold on to the end!

As soon as the source was used, the situation was immediately reversed, and the offensive of the tens of thousands of races that was madly breaking through into the Minor World was suddenly frustrated, and the hundreds of thousands of races that had fallen into the deepest were directly wiped out.

Of course, the ten thousand races that were directly erased did not provide Yuan Hai with any rewards. He was equivalent to wasting his origin in vain. If it wasn’t for no choice, he didn’t want to use this method at all.

Ten thousand races are not afraid. Once they enter the state of monster siege, each one will be in a frenzy, and will only retreat as long as certain conditions are met.

At this time, although one-fifth of the number was wiped out by Yuanhai’s origin, the remaining four-fifths are still breaking through to Minor World.

Yuan Hai’s attention was completely attracted by these ten thousand races. He hadn’t noticed at all. Through the darkness, a shadow of the western position was constantly approaching.

Xu Sheng’s gaze followed Yin and the others. Yin and the others were now wrapped in his water source, so that they could conceal Yuanhai’s perception.

He has used this method many times in the selection of places, and he is already familiar with it.

Don’t say that you are not paying attention, even if you pay attention, he is sure to hide the trace.

When the Huntuo race had approached the position of Sanli, Yuan Hai still did not realize that a greater danger had come.

He is still fully focused on the ten thousand races, which is what he used to do twenty-three times.


He felt a gap in a location on the west side suddenly, a piece of own Minor World was torn apart, and all the spiritual plants that existed there were destroyed.

“what happened?”

There was a blank look in his eyes, and this unexpected thing made him wonder how to react for a while.

But soon, as the line of sight gathered, the appearance of thousands of Human Race Practitioners was revealed.

At the moment it was revealed, his face changed drastically and he realized what had happened.

Xu Sheng in the thirty-fifth area has invaded!

Naturally, he couldn’t believe it. He didn’t know how Xu Sheng could reach himself even when monsters attacked the city, but there was no time to think about it. Huntuo Practitioners were not only stronger than those of the ten thousand races, but were also more disciplined. It was also very good, because the people he met were simply collapsed.

The reason why Yuanhai knew that Xu Sheng had invaded for the first time was because in the two areas next to him, Xu Sheng was the one with the human race, and the other was a foreign race. This judgment is very simple.

“Xu Sheng!”

Yuan Hai roared above the sky.

Xu Sheng, who was on the other side, immediately understood what the other party meant, and he was calling himself.


Xu Sheng knows all the people in all sixty regions. After all, everyone has a channel voice and has already summed up some information.

A huge face appeared in the sky.

His face was full of fright and anger, and felt a chill when Xu Sheng chose to invade at this time.

He naturally knows why Xu Sheng chose to invade at this time, and ask himself, if the same situation, he would also choose to invade at this time.

The only doubt he has now is how Xu Sheng could invade himself, doesn’t he want to own Minor World?

Yuan Hai never thought that Xu Sheng might have cleaned almost all the lairs of the ten thousand races in his area, because it was completely impossible, even Fang Su, the fastest progressing in their west campus, was only twenty-six. It’s just a nest.

“You actually chose to invade me. Do you want to live with me?” Yuan Hai’s voice was very loud, but it only appeared in Xu Sheng’s ear.

Xu Sheng smiled on his face and said relaxedly: “Abandon your useless attacks. Since I let my subjects appear here, it proves that my mind is very firm. I advise you, if you don’t want your subjects to lose too much It was too bad and even the Minor World collapsed, so let’s just surrender now.”

“Don’t think about it! Your people are now in my Minor World, and I have an absolute advantage.”

Both are shaking each other’s minds with words.

For example, the battle between them is a comprehensive examination. Words are also a very important weapon. If you can dispel the opponent’s fighting will, you can at least make yourself a few percentage points of success.

“You come to save me, Xu Sheng has taken my area, and now the twenty-fourth wave of monster siege is going on again, I may not be able to hold it!”

While Yuan Hai was engaged in a verbal struggle with Xu Sheng, he had already posted a message on the team channel in private!

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