Global Sage Era

Chapter 216

Chapter 213 I will admit defeat and withdraw from this competition

The third area.

There is a light cyan Minor World here.

Around Minor World, there are many tens of thousands of peoples pouring in, and monsters are attacking the city.

But compared to the monsters attacking the city outside Yuanhai Minor World, the number here is more than half. Minor World citizens not only have time to deal with the invasion, but also occasionally take the initiative to attack and completely defeat the ten thousand races in a certain location. .

The creator of this Minor World was called Fang Su, who was the number one student on the Xianxi campus. He attacked 26 lairs and earned 4572 points.

If it weren’t for Xu Sheng’s existence, he would have absolute dominance in normal competitions.

Fang Su himself thinks that he is now ranked first among all people. He knows the progress of Lu Shan and Xiao Feng on the East Campus. One is twenty-three and the other is twenty-two. This gap will grow in the future. Come bigger.

“Huh? Someone is asking for help?”

Fang Su was watching his own people clean up the tens of thousands of races, planning the route of elimination in his mind, but found that a reminder on the Sage interface appeared.

This is what they have already agreed, and once someone’s situation is in danger, everyone will know it for the first time.

As Gao Sheng children, many of them actually know each other, and many of their parents are friends, so in terms of contact, they are far from the East Campus.

In the usual competition between the East and West campuses, the reason why the West Campus can win in most cases is also one of the factors.

After reading the news, Fang Su’s expression was a little weird.

“Xu Sheng actually invaded? How could he be possible!”

Before the start of the competition, he was very concerned about Xu Sheng. After all, he was the first ‘full score champion’. He also defeated all the top students in the East Campus in the selection of places.

But after the school started, it was a long time since I saw him go to the five towers, and the importance he attached to him had been lowered several times.

This time the East-West campus competition was also the case. The other party had no news. He thought it was a bad grade, so he didn’t have the face to say it, but who knew that he had been muffled across the region!

He naturally knows the difficulty of this!

At least the guarding boss lair to the east has to be solved, which is by no means easy.

Even according to the least calculation, to reach the Minor World in the neighboring area from own Minor World, at least thirty nests will be destroyed!

And he is only twenty-six till now.

What’s more, it is still in the stage of monster siege. He can’t think of how the opponent can resist the monster’s invasion on one side, but can also divide the troops to make a cross-regional raid.

Fang Su wanted to see very much in his heart, but now he was too far away, with more than 30 areas in full, and with the existence of a secret realm in the center, it was impossible for him to cross it.

Someone on the team channel was calling him, but in the end he just replied a few words, which basically meant that Yuan Hai asked for his own blessings and worked hard to support it, but there was no way to help here.

The 34th area.

Yuan Hai has been frantically attacking Yin and the others with his origin from just now.

But a thin layer of water film covers the top, no matter what kind of attack, it is impossible to break through this layer of water film that seems to be broken with a single poke.

Xu Sheng’s understanding of the law has recently improved, and it has reached 0.08%, which is definitely the first rank among all people.

Yuanhai is not weak, but his comprehension of the law is not as good as Xu Sheng. If the two fight against each other, he can still support Xu Sheng’s attack. Xu Sheng wants to directly attack his people with his origin, and he can also defend. live.

By the same token, when he wanted to use his origin to attack Huntuo Practitioner, what he did was useless, and because the offensive party consumed more of the origin, in such a short period of time, his consumption was nearly double that of Xu Sheng. It has exceeded three thousand points!

Yuan Hai’s current origin is only more than 50,000 points, which is one-fifteenth. It can be said that the foundation has been shaken. His heart is extremely anxious, but it is useless. Xu Sheng did not give him any chance at all.

“Xu Sheng, stay on the sidelines as a human being, and see each other well in the future.”

In a hurry, he shouted to Xu Sheng from the sky, wanting to make Xu Sheng change his mind and evacuate the people.

But Xu Sheng was very firm in his heart, and he did not respond to this sentence at all.

Now everything he does is in accordance with the rules, and is completely in accordance with the school’s meaning. This is not cruel, it is a kind of healthy competition.

There are not many opportunities to eliminate a competitor. With 30 to 29, their chances of winning here will be greatly increased.

Yuan Hai gritted his teeth, his eyes gushing out anger, The next moment a large amount of the source of gold is used again, arming the strength of his people, and ascensioning their various qualities to the highest level.

What can be greeted is a roar of beasts!

The ten thousand races felt the aura of sudden improvement, and each one seemed to be stimulated. They attacked even more crazily, and they were almost desperately fighting with the people of Yuanhai.

Under such circumstances, Yuanhai’s people died very quickly. Later, he even sent out the Practitioner of the third layer of body refining.

Yuanhai has more than 100,000 citizens, and the number of Practitioners is about 20,000, of which more than 10,000 are for body refining to the Third Stage. Such a Practitioner is not strong.

Now I have sent out the Practitioners of the Third Stage, which proves that he is already poor. You must know that many of these Practitioners are still half-old children.

But there is no way!

Many of the remaining human races in Minor World are ordinary people, and it is impossible to kill them in the face of ten thousand races. Even if a large number of people gather, it is only a gift to ten thousand races. Any one with Qi Sea realm strength Can kill them all in the form of mowing.


In a gap in the west, Yin used all kinds of powerful methods, Yuanhai’s children fell into a film, and the strength of the Gold Core middle stage is too strong, even if he now owns the Gold Core early stage in the polls. It is impossible to change the situation at all.

Huntuo Practitioner has strength and discipline, and the casualties caused are not comparable to the ten thousand races. Yuanhai’s strength is rapidly weakening.

Along the way, I saw a lot of valuable spirit beasts, and if appropriate, Yin and others put them away.

They will not give up anyone who can prompt the strength of the Huntuo human race.

Xu Sheng was so relieved to see from above that his own incense has not been enough. Although these spirit beasts are not valuable, they are worth hundreds of thousands of incense in total.

The Minor World that attacked Yuanhai didn’t have any rewards, and these spirit beasts were the biggest subsidies.

Xu Sheng is arranging for Yin and others to find the wonders. If it is all the wonders that are suitable for taking away, then one may be worth a lot of incense, and it will be the biggest gain.

However, Yuanhai hid it well, and he didn’t see any spectacle until it was close to the hinterland.

“Xu Sheng, I hate you for being incompatible!”

The roar kept reverberating in Xu Sheng’s ears, and Xu Sheng treated it as a breeze from beginning to end, without any reaction.

Watching own people continue to be eliminated, the fruits of hard work are destroyed, no matter who is going crazy.

Yuan Hai had never imagined that one day he would experience all of this. His long-standing pride was completely defeated by the man in front of him and his people!

East campus, Xu Sheng!


The roar of the Ten Thousand Clan is even more crazy.

All of the ten thousand races have participated in the previous wave of attacks, and the previous wave has been severely frustrated at this time and can escape.

But today, the alien world in front of them is completely different. They feel that this is an excellent opportunity to eliminate all aliens in this Minor World directly!

The madness of the Ten Thousand Clan offensive made the Huntuo people happier. The pressure on their offensive was reduced again. As long as they followed the Ten Thousand Clan, they could give Yuanhai’s people a few tricks at a critical time.

Although it was a sneak attack, the sneak attack was extremely comfortable. So far, there have been countless Practitioner deaths.

Needless to say, cultivators can release Taoism at will, while also looking for some materials suitable for their own cultivation.

This attack has been completely regarded by them as an acquisition of resources, and they are thinking in their hearts that if there is such an opportunity next time, they must come over.

Yuanhai’s cultivator and practitioner continued to die.

Many Practitioners did not actually lose their lives, but were seriously injured. If they are treated in time, they can still get their lives back.

However, the Huntuo Practitioners uphold the humanitarian spirit and directly help them end their suffering as soon as possible, which is a kind of great kindness.

“Don’t you admit defeat? If this continues, your Minor World will collapse.”

Xu Sheng finally took the initiative to speak.

Hit this level now, you can already shake the opponent’s mind.

The essence of his offense is not killing. As long as the elimination result can be achieved, it doesn’t matter whether Yuanhai’s Minor World collapses on him.

What he cares more about is the lives of his own people. Going forward, if the casualties continue to increase, Yuan Hai will definitely fight desperately. At that time, under his’mortal counterattack’, even if he would not hurt his muscles and bones, he would Two or two pieces of meat were bitten off.

Everyone is a student of the same grade. Although he has to be stronger now, he has not yet reached the level of dimensionality reduction, so he can reduce his own casualties.

no respond.

There was deathly silence over Yuanhai.

But even in silence, Ten Thousand Clan will not stop, and Xu Sheng will not stop. Soon, his cultivator is generally dead, and the remaining number of Practitioners above the Third Stage is less than one thousand.

More than 10,000 people died in this monster siege.

It can be said that corpses are everywhere.

Just when Xu Sheng thought it was impossible for the other party to admit defeat, he suddenly heard an extremely indifferent voice.

“I admit defeat and withdraw from this competition.”

It was Yuan Hai’s voice. After undergoing such a tragic blow these days, he seemed to have grown a lot all of a sudden.

Just as soon as he said these words, a loud voice rang in Xu Sheng’s ears.


Immediately afterwards, all the students in the sixty areas heard a sentence.

“In area 34, Yuanhai of the West Campus has withdrawn from the competition, and currently there are 29 students left on the West Campus.”

There is no emotion in the voice, but no matter who it is, he knows the speaker is Gao Sheng Yuan Susong for the first time!

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