Global Sage Era

Chapter 221

Chapter 217 Two Thousand Qi Sea Realm Practitioner! (Look for a monthly pass!!!)

Since Xu Sheng eliminated Yuanhai, he has received new information reminders almost every day, all of which were called by other people in the East Campus.

Everyone is considered to be acquaintances and classmates. Except for a few who don’t deal with or have grievances in their hearts, most people treat Xu Sheng with the same attitude as the real squad leader.

There is no way, strength is everything. Although they don’t get along much, they have been convinced by their two consecutive performances in the selection and competition.

The more genius people are, the more they know the importance of talent. At this stage, they already know how difficult it is to achieve Xu Sheng’s step, especially when taking the human path itself or without resources.

Unimaginable, unintelligible, unspeakable.

Even some people have doubts about their own way.

Is sacredness really better than humanity?

The cognition seems to have been wrong all the time, and they began to think about the road of human nature.

The difference between humanity and sacredness is not well understood by ordinary students, but for them, the advantages and disadvantages are all known.

Sacredness is to start quickly and easily pass the early stage, which naturally takes advantage of the college entrance examination.

If you feel that the sacredness is not good later, it is okay to wait for Realm to change the path-that is, the will is very strong at that time, and it is a very dangerous thing to change the path. It is not a special situation that will not change rashly.

Xu Sheng directly responded to the information sent by the classmates. However, he avoided all the questions that were too deep. In short, he let others know how strong he is now, but he did not know how to achieve this. One step.

He deliberately created a sense of mystery, there is no way, everything is equivalent and needs to be hidden.

The lairs in the 34th area are all in a melee at this time.

As guarding bosses, the four Gold Core-level lairs are also crushed in the state of melee. They will actively attack the neighboring lairs, treating them as their own things, or simply vent their desire to kill.

The fight between them will reduce the number of them, which is a waste for Xu Sheng.

Every time more ten thousand races were killed in the melee, the reward he got was one less, so he almost allowed the Huntuo race to solve the ten thousand races in this area as quickly as possible.

The general policy is to eliminate the neighboring lair, or weaken its strength so that it can’t take the initiative to take the initiative.

Of course, the goal is also placed on the guarding boss, as long as these four lairs are destroyed, there are more ten thousand clan lairs waiting for him to destroy.

Yin and Kuangyuan, as the only two Gold Core combat powers, played a huge role in this.

In the fourth year of coming to this area, Yin and Kuangyuan joined forces to kill the leader of Gold Core in a boss’ lair, and obtained a 50-year-old time house from it.

At this time, Wu Xu Sheng was temporarily left, and the other two decades, thirty years or so, were immediately used by Martial Masters.

Most of them are used for the accumulation of Ascension’s Realm, and a few have successfully made breakthroughs, becoming Foundation Building cultivator and Martial Master.

In the fifth year of coming to the 34th area, a Foundation Building cultivator finally appeared in the Huntuo tribe. This Foundation Building cultivator was almost at the end of his life when he broke through. This breakthrough allowed him to live more. a hundred years.

But his potential ends here. Under Xu Sheng’s observation, if there is no accident, he cannot enter the Gold Core realm.

If Xu Sheng wants to cultivate, he can naturally, but the incense consumed is millions. This Foundation Building cultivator is not in his consideration.

This is still in line with the human path, because resources are ultimately limited, and only a few goals can be selected for training. Under the same Cultivation Base, it is natural to choose people with better qualifications.

If you can’t beat them in terms of aptitude, then it’s okay to have differences in will and state of mind from ordinary people, but it’s a pity that such a person is harder to appear than someone with superior aptitude.

“You wiped out a nest and earned 214 points. Current points: 26571.”

Xu Sheng’s points are still increasing.

Current East Campus total points: 132,410.

West campus total points: 132109.

The East Campus has completed the overtake of the West Campus for the first time!

The biggest credit of this is naturally Xu Sheng’s.

The progress of students in the West Campus is generally one or two more than that of the East Campus. Calculated based on 300 points for a nest, the total extra is only between 15,000 and 20,000.

And Xu Sheng’s current points are more than 20,000 higher than the second place Fang Su, and this gap has naturally been wiped out.

Just when the points of the East Campus finally surpassed that of the West Campus, the entire team channel was fried.

“We finally surpassed them! Who said that the West Campus is the strongest? Our East Campus is the strongest!”

“Xu Sheng will always drop the gods! He alone is equivalent to almost a quarter of his points, too strong!”

“No matter how many points he is, he is a member of our East Campus. The current results are created by all of us together!” Xiao Feng typed in the team channel. Xu Sheng’s contribution is naturally the greatest, but for now Everyone’s efforts still accounted for the bulk, which also proves that there is a lot of people and power.

Xu Sheng looked at these happy messages and felt that his mood had also improved.

Although he is more to get incense, but there is also an idea to win the competition.

He has not yet reached the stage of exemption, and still has a desire for victory.

How many changes have been made here on the east campus, and how angry there is on the west campus.

They absolutely cannot accept such a result!

For many years, in the competition between the east and west campuses, the west campus has not been overtaken. They do not allow this to happen.

So then they all started desperately, and began to intensify their efforts to wipe out the invading ten thousand tribes. At this time, the number of ten thousand tribes was already running out. For example, Fang Su and others, there were only single digits left around. The lair, it only takes another year or a half to get out of the quagmire, and really choose the lair you like to attack as you like.

For this reason, even paying some damage is not hesitating, but it does not use the original source to bombard, so even fools cannot use the behavior of the prodigal. They still value the rewards and can greatly increase their own strength.

The desperate efforts of the West Campus made the points increase rapidly, but only a few days later, the points were overtaken back.

The East Campus is also not good at seeing it. How can it keep the lead and lose its seat for a few days? They are not willing.

In this way, the students on the East Campus began to work hard.

The monster siege, which was supposed to last for a year or more, ended half a year ahead of schedule under such circumstances.

And the ‘initiator’ of all this has not been affected in the slightest, or is slowly carrying out annihilation of the ten thousand races in accordance with the own rhythm.

Every year, more than 10,000 babies are born in the Huntuo tribe.

Now in Xu Sheng’s Minor World, the number of people has reached 300,000!

There are 300,000 people, of which 130,000 Life is in the city, and the other 170,000 Life is in the village.

In contrast, the talents of Life’s people in the village are generally lower, and since a long time ago, there have been requirements to settle in the city, and you need to meet the standard before you can live in it.

Tongtian City still has a population of 100,000. This is something that cannot be changed. The available land around it has already been used up. Now only low-level residents can be eliminated continuously, so that the overall quality of the city’s residents will be ascending.

Xu Sheng couldn’t change all of this.

Even in reality, the bigger the city, the higher the entry barrier.

A very simple truth.

Everyone wants to have more resources, but the resources are always limited, and it is destined that only a small group of people can enjoy it, so it needs to be screened.

Some people may say that it is unfair, why those with good talents can walk better than them.

But this is how the world operates. It is the most basic underlying logic. Even Sage cannot change this.

If resources are allowed to increase infinitely, but the population’s need for resources will always be faster, the two will never reach a harmonious situation.

Five years have passed since the [Ninth Stage battle body] was loaded. During these five years, the number of Qi Sea realm practitioners that appeared every year was far higher than one hundred, close to the number of two hundred.

So in just five years, the number of Qi Sea realm Practitioners in the entire Huotuo tribe has doubled to two thousand!

Similarly, the people of the Hong class have finally begun to appear one after another. Although their qualifications are not heaven-defying, they are much higher than the ancestors of the wild class. The most direct response is to appear on Spiritual Roots.

Spiritual Roots appear every year, and now there are more than fifty people with Spiritual Roots in the entire Huntuo race!

The comparison with Qi Sea’s 2000 is indeed not worth mentioning, but after all, the cultivator needs to be matched by a sufficient population. With the number of the Huntuo tribe of only 300,000, there can be more than 50 Spiritual Roots, which is already extremely High probability.

If it is someone else, their number of people may be more, but the number of cultivators may be less than half of Xu Sheng’s!

You have to know that these are all students of Qianjing University, and you can imagine what the current situation of the students in those ordinary schools is!

Xuan Zheng was finally eighteen years old.

At the age of eighteen, Realm has reached the Qi Sea Fifth Stage.

And also has the ability to leapfrog!

Even the Qi Sea Seventh Stage Practitioner in the tribe is not his opponent in the fight!

However, he still hasn’t become a master and apprentice with Xuan Yi, which makes Xuan Yiqi’s teeth itchy, and every time he sees Xuan Zheng, he has to pump Xuan Zheng’s ass.

Poor Xuan Zheng has grown up, but he still doesn’t have the ability to resist in front of Xuan Yi, the elder of the clan. He can only say griefly every time, “I will get revenge,” and then naturally Xuan Yi is more ruthless. Of the ass.

Dignified Wuying, playing a Qi Sea realm Practitioner is much easier than pinching a little chicken.

Xu Sheng laughed whenever he saw the place where these two living treasures were together.

It’s really better to be blue than blue.

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