Global Sage Era

Chapter 222

Chapter 218 People Spiritual Roots, Gold Core late stage!

In Minor World, Yin is cultivating in a quiet room.

As the nests were wiped out, he also gained more insights in his practice.

Although Gold Core’s small Realm breakthrough is also difficult, it is not as good as the big Realm’s transformational changes, so his accumulation is getting more and more sufficient, and he is slowly approaching the Gold Core late stage.

In Yin’s eyes, even if his strength has entered the Gold Core late stage, it is impossible for him to be Nascent Soul’s opponent, at best he can run away in the opponent’s hands.

The reason why he has this idea is because his knowledge of Nascent Soul Realm is derived from “Do One Work”. In addition, he also feels the truth in the territory of ten thousand races. Nascent Soul Realm breath.

But after all, feelings are just feelings, and after all, I don’t know the extent of the gap between the two.

But everything is different in Xu Sheng’s eyes.

Foundation Building is the perfect Dao foundation, Gold Core is the first rank Gold Core, cultivation technique of cultivation is also the best choice (if he doesn’t do a good job, he would have replaced it for a long time), and Magic Treasures, The three talents loaded, the various Medicine Pill refined…

Combining so many conditions, it is completely possible to break the wrist with some Nascent Soul early stage opponents.

In the Nascent Soul lairs in the 34th and 35th areas, there are ten Nascent Soul leaders among them. Although there are Nascent Soul middle stages, there is only one in each area. The remaining eight are Nascent Soul. early stage.

After evaluating all aspects, Xu Sheng came to the conclusion that it is possible for Yin to kill them head-on under the condition of perfect performance.

Of course, the premise of all this is Yin breakthrough to the Gold Core late stage.

The Cultivation Base of the pure Gold Core middle stage is a bit weak.

“What is Tao? Mountains and rivers, each place has its own unique Taoism…”

Yin frowned and thought that he was looking for a way to break through to the late stage. Although he has not yet felt the opportunity to break through, he can already prepare early.

Xu Sheng watched his every move from the top. Although there are currently six people who are currently focused on training, Yin still occupies a slightly higher position than that.

No way, the first time is always impressive.

As one of his first qualified subjects, no matter how powerful genius he will appear in the future, Yin’s position cannot be replaced.

First come, last come is so incomprehensible.

Xu Sheng glanced at his current incense.


[Sage interface]


[Incense]: 12.34 million



After exchanging the Ninth Stage battle body, he wiped out several nests and harvested a wave of incense. Now he is rich again.

When you have money, you have to think about how to spend it.

Xu Sheng wondered, Nascent Soul’s lair will eventually be destroyed, and he also somehow expects what rewards Nascent Soul’s strength ten thousand races will give.

But the biggest problem with the Nascent Soul lair is that the leader of Nascent Soul Realm must be eliminated to have the possibility of annihilation.

To eliminate the leader of Nascent Soul Realm, in his current situation, he can only train Yin to the Gold Core late stage Realm, which is the minimum standard.

But the Gold Core late stage is not so easy to cultivate. Now Yin has obviously encountered a bottleneck, or the opportunity has not yet arrived, and there is no possibility of breaking through to the Gold Core late stage.

Even if he took out the fifty-year time house reserved for Yin, it would just let him sit in it.

There are often cultivators who accumulate the Cultivation Base to the apex early, but the so-called chance is not enough, and they will sit for tens of hundreds of years, and finally emerge at the end of their lives.

There are also many solutions to the situation like Yin, such as the direct exchange of breakthrough Medicine Pill, or all special inheritance.

But it is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish.

These are not fundamental methods, they will deplete Yin’s potential.

The best way is naturally to shoot from Yin itself.

Where is Yin’s weakness?

Spiritual Roots!

The nine-inch virtual Spiritual Roots is already very strong, but in the entire Spiritual Roots system, it is not even the middle class, and the qualifications are at best the middle-aged posture.

And as soon as the Spiritual Roots level is Ascension, Spiritual Roots will naturally come.

I have never heard of any bottleneck for those peerless geniuses. When others kept trying to get through Heavenly Tribulation and even finally fell, the geniuses had already been promoted through Transcends Tribulation.

So Xu Sheng’s sight was on Spiritual Roots.

The exchange of human Spiritual Roots is 20 million incense, this time is the shortest state, the speed of absorbing Spiritual Qi is actually about the same as Yin’s virtual Spiritual Roots at this time.

But the Cultivation Base of the cultivator is never determined by the speed of Spiritual Qi cultivation alone.

The essential difference between human Spiritual Roots and virtual Spiritual Roots will make those illusory opportunities come, and they will immediately enter the breakthrough state.

“Twenty million incense…If you don’t count as a talent, the others will not add up to you.”

Xu Sheng shook his head, looked at Yin below, and made a decision in his heart.

The incense has been left unused, and as the Huntuo Practitioners have wiped out more and more people, his incense has also increased.

Finally, the incense broke through 20 million and can be exchanged for Spiritual Roots!

“All things level… redeem!”

Xu Sheng exhaled everything equivalently, and then issued an order to it.

【People Spiritual Roots】

Category: Gain category

Description: Can make the target 100% owner of Spiritual Roots, ignoring his previous state

Exchange required: 20 million incense

Twenty thousand incenses were drawn out at once, and the incense column of Xu Sheng’s Sage interface became bare again.

But he has no ideas anymore, anyway, he will earn it back soon, the territory of ten thousand races is good!

A little aura appeared in his hand, and then he was flicked by his fingers and fell on top of Yin’s head.

This aura has no substance, and mortals can’t see it at all.

And when it appeared in the quiet room, the Yin in the cultivation didn’t feel any.

The light spots merged with him, making his two roots more transparent, from his virtual Spiritual Roots level to the human Spiritual Roots level!

People Spiritual Roots are the real midstream in the entire Spiritual Roots system, even among those small-thousand-world cultivators, they are already good fairy seedlings.

As for the Spiritual Roots and the Spiritual Roots, the former can still be seen from time to time, while the latter is almost impossible for the entire continent for thousands of years.

Once Spiritual Roots appear for a day, you can basically reserve a Mahayana position in the future, which can protect the sect for thousands of years and dominate the mainland.


Yin has experienced a change in Spiritual Roots. Although this change is not the same as the last one, he soon knew what the change was in his body.

The gratitude in the heart is beyond words. The ancestor treated himself this way, and he didn’t know how to repay him.

[Tribe people]: Yin

Destiny Level: Hong Tier 3

Age: Two hundred and forty two

Spiritual Roots: People Spiritual Roots (one inch one)

Talent: Ninth Stage battle body, blood battle body, blood bath body

Roots: quasi-xuan level

Comprehension: fifth rank

Luck: light red

Ability: Do a job

Realm: Gold Core middle stage

After acquiring Spiritual Roots, Yin’s data has also changed.

Compared with when he was born, it was totally upset.

Even if it is compared with the argument, this kind of talent is actually not much worse.

But the data on paper can’t explain everything. The most important thing that Xu Sheng looks at is his state of mind and will. In terms of these two, even the most enchanting genius, they may not be comparable to him.

Qualifications can be changed through external conditions, but mood cannot be changed.

Even if it is Xu Sheng, it is extremely difficult to forcibly Ascension a certain person’s state of mind.

It’s like a paper cup. You have to have the hardness of an iron cup, which is naturally difficult.

After Yin initially adapted to Spiritual Roots, Xu Sheng’s voice appeared in his ears.

“I will send you into the time house, are you willing?”

“Yin, hope.”

Yin didn’t hesitate at all. Just a moment ago, the ‘chance’ that had never been sensed suddenly appeared. He had a foreboding that the time house was where his chance was.

After Xu Sheng heard the response, he waved his hand and a house of time fell.

[Time House] (Single): Allow a certain citizen to enter the time house and experience the vicissitudes of life in an instant

Current ratio: 50 years

This is the time house where Xu Sheng currently has the highest number of years. It seems that the highest output in the territory of the ten thousand races is 50 years.

Not many people can afford the 50-year time house.

There is a big gap between 50 years and 30 years, or even 45 years. Sometimes it may overwhelm a person, and it may be a light straw.

Yin stepped into the time house.

The moment after entering the time house, everything changed.

The concentration of Spiritual Qi around is as real as it is, and the perception of Dadao has become much easier.

But there is no sound, the world is terribly quiet.

This land is very empty, even if he stretches Spiritual Sense in one direction, it does not reach the end.

“Gold Core late stage should be no problem, but I don’t know how far it will go.”

Xu Sheng looked at the time house. He was still very confident in Yin. If he asked him if he believed that Yin would sit in the time house, he would definitely shake his head without even thinking about it.

Did not let him down, after Yin walked into the time house for a breath, the time house dissipated out of thin air, and then a deep breath of Yuezhi came out.

Gold Core is late stage, and it has already gone nearly one-third of the way!

Seeing Yin whose eyes became more vicissitudes below, Xu Sheng smiled with relief on his face.

“Xie Anzu.”

The first time Yin walked out, he bowed deeply in the direction of the sky.

His ancestors have given him too much help. From when he was young, he has become a Gold Core cultivator, and he has not changed.

Although Yin did not have the idea of ​​mortal dynasty sergeants dying for their confidants, if the ancestors had anything to do by themselves, he felt that he would not refuse it with a high probability.

Xu Sheng sensed his thoughts and couldn’t help laughing. Yin really wanted to be right. He really needed him to do something.

He has been watching the Nascent Soul lairs for a long time, and he wanted to kill one to see what the rewards are.

I used to suffer from no Nascent Soul level of combat power, now Yin has broken through to the Gold Core late stage, and finally has the power of a battle, you can try!

As for the other combat power in Nascent Soul’s lair, the 2,000 Qi Sea Practitioner is not a vegetarian!

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