Global Sage Era

Chapter 226

Chapter 222 Martial Spirit, Six Gold Core!

The effect of the group time house shocked the Huntuo tribe.

With such a powerful effect, almost everyone wants to enter.

Yin and Kuangyuan are also moved in their hearts. Such a place where many people can enter is equivalent to the Ascension process that greatly increases the strength, and unlike a single time house, it is a heavy test of individual will.

But the time house was given by the ancestors, and they couldn’t ask for anything.

Xu Sheng above the sky was helpless after knowing their thoughts, he didn’t even have a group time house in his hands!

But there are other Nascent Soul lairs that can be wiped out, and I believe they can also be obtained there!

After only half a month after the ghost lair was eliminated and repaired, Xu Sheng issued a heavenly order for them to attack the second Nascent Soul lair.

In fact, the most important thing is Yin’s situation. As long as Yin’s injury recovers, he can quickly move his heart.

In order to make Yin’s injury quickly healed, he also exchanged the equivalent of everything for him to use. In addition, there were other rewards that could accelerate the recovery of the injury, all of which were given to him.

The rewards for killing thousands of races are caused by various things. Some are materials, some are Medicine Pill, some are weapons and armors, and some are some kind of inheritance. Although these things are not directly cost-effective to turn into incense, Xu Sheng also It’s impossible to put it there. From the beginning, he placed most of these rewards in the warehouse of the Huntuo tribe, allowing Yin and others to choose suitable objects to distribute them to quickly Ascension the strength of the Huntuo tribe. .


In Minor World, Yin summons Yuhua and Qianmin in front of him.

Because the two apprentices have been pill refining and refining in the tribe, they have never entered the time house. Cultivation Base is only Realm in the middle stage of the Foundation Building.

After all, it has been so long since they broke through to the Foundation Building. Even though most of the energy was spent on pill refining and refining, Realm Ascension has also been a small stage, and now it is not far from the late stage of Foundation Building.

In fact, both of them have enough insights about Tao. As long as they concentrate on cultivation for decades, they can make a logical breakthrough and start preparing for the Gold Core period.

“You two are ready. In the next time, you follow me to wipe out the lair, and you can temporarily let go of things on your hands.” Yin’s tone was very flat.

“The disciple obeys.”

Both Yuhuan and Qianmin salute respectfully, and they will always complete the instructions given by Yin.

Xu Sheng in the sky shook his head and laughed.

Although he didn’t say it clearly, he knew that Yin meant to bring the two by his side, so that they could also get the opportunity to enter the time house.

In the words of Yuhua and Qianmin, the two people’s moods are enough to use the single time house, and the strength of Ascension before the war is also good.

With a wave of his hand, the two time houses landed in front of Yuhua and Qianmin. After a daze, they bowed to the sky and then walked into the time house.

Both of Xu Shengfang’s two time houses are 30 years old, and they are considered to be the most time house. It is not that there is no highest one, but in his estimation, even if it is the highest 50-year time house, it is impossible for them to share. breakthrough.

As he expected, when Yuhua and Qianmin came out of the time house, although they had successfully entered the Foundation Building late stage Realm, they were still far from the breakthrough Gold Core….

The destruction of the second Nascent Soul lair soon began.

The general process replicated the ghost lair last time, but because there was no restraint relationship, Yin paid a heavy price when beheading the leader of Nascent Soul on the opposite side, but before he could react, Xu Sheng had already flicked his fingers. , The restoration items exchanged from the equivalent of everything were used on him.

Recovering a Gold Core late stage cultivator item is countless among the equivalence of everything. He chose a gel without any side effects. Although it is a bit more expensive, it costs 40,000 incense, but it can ensure that Yin can quickly regain combat power.

Since a few months ago, other people have eliminated the surrounding nests one after another, and started to move to a wider area. In Xu Sheng’s idea, although he is not going to enter the student area of ​​the east campus, he does not plan to enter the student area of ​​the west campus. It is possible to fight for it. There are only ten Nascent Soul lairs. Even if all of them are out of the group time house, there are only ten. This can’t satisfy his appetite at all.

Group time houses are naturally good things. If there are ten 100-year houses and ten people enter at the same time, the effect will be the same as if ten people enter ten single time houses for 100 years.

This Nascent Soul lair brought him about five million incense, so his current incense once again broke through ten million.

The remaining six Nascent Soul lairs have the same strength as the two, so the incense received will not be too far apart. With the addition of the last two Nascent Soul middle stage lairs, Xu Sheng’s incense will exceed 50 million.

But for him now, fifty million incense sticks can’t be exchanged for anything temporarily. It’s so embarrassing to look down on the cheap ones, and can’t afford to exchange them for the expensive ones.

This second Nascent Soul-class lair was also led by a group time house, but its time scale was slightly longer, reaching 105 years.

After thinking about this time house, Xu Sheng gave it to Yuhua and Qianmin to use it.

The two are brothers of the same discipline, and they have a lot in common in their practice, and they are more likely to enter the time house and make breakthroughs together.

They already knew about the group time house from Xuan Yi, so they walked in without hesitation.

Yin watched the two walk in, his eyes fluctuated slightly.

The familiar sight reappeared.

Just a blink of an eye when Yuhua and Qianmin walked in, the time house had already begun to dissipate, and then two breaths of Gold Core Realm came out.

Both of them entered the Gold Core realm.

Xu Sheng took a look, but he sighed in his heart. It is a pity that both of them are third-rank Gold Cores. Although the first rank is impossible in their situation, the second rank still has a chance. It seems that the time house has affected them. .

Of course, at his level, Gold Core’s ranks have little influence, as long as he wants to, he can make up for their shortcomings at a cost.

Yuxu, Qianmin, Xuanyi, Xuanzheng, plus the previous breakthrough to the Gold Core late stage, at this time, among the objects Xu Sheng focused on training, only Kuang Yuan was still standing there.

Kuang Yuan was the first to use the Time House. Even though Wu Ying’s entry into Martial Spirit was a new path, it was extremely difficult, but so long was enough time for him to accumulate his heritage.

Xu Sheng chose a 50-year single time house.

Entering the time house again, Kuang Yuan had no joy or sorrow in his heart.

During this period of time, his mood grew again, and the reason was the growth of his disciple Xuan Yi’s strength.

The kid who used to be generous at this time has grown to a strength comparable to his own, making him sigh that time is like water.

Although the time in the house is vicissitudes of life in an instant, for the experiencer himself, every minute and every second is a real experience.

Wuying Realm is to condense the heroic soul in his Dantian rush, and use the heroic soul to bless own various abilities.

Martial Spirit, on the other hand, turns one’s heroic soul into a spirit body. This process is called ‘infusion’.

The spirit body has also changed from nothingness to an existence that can be manipulated, and its own consciousness is in it, which is actually somewhat similar to the Nascent Soul of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Just in response to that sentence, three thousand avenues, different routes lead to the same goal.

For the first thirty years, Kuang Yuan was in a state of concentration, preparing for breakthrough.

Countless insights have turned in his heart, and everything he has experienced is constantly playing back. Those memories, good or bad, have become his precious wealth, turned into firewood and burned, and provided him with the power to instill heroic souls into spiritual bodies. .

“My way, never advance!”

Kuang Yuan’s eyes were extremely firm.

Although he is a great lucker, he has never given up because of this. Even if he does not have the luck that he has now, he will still not give up during the repeated experience and stick to it.

Year after year is like turning a page, and the time in the time house soon comes to the forty-fifth year.

In this year, Kuang Yuan’s accumulated momentum finally reached its apex, and the accumulated power also promoted the changes of the heroic soul, making it a spiritual body quickly.

Sitting on the ground, a substantial spirit body gradually appeared on Kuang Yuan. If the heroic soul of Wuying Realm is only somewhat similar, then the spirit body of Martial Spirit Realm is exactly the same as itself from the inside to the outside. At the time of the Practitioner, even if the body is destroyed by the enemy, the spirit body can still be attached to some equipment when it escapes, and even seize the body that fits.

Regarding the changes in the soul, that is, the biggest difference between Martial Spirit Realm and Wuying Realm. The Practitioner has finally changed from a solo body to a body and soul.

The time house disappeared, and Kuang Yuan’s figure appeared from it.

Xuan Yi and the others who were waiting outside just watched it hurriedly, but under this look, they were suspicious on their faces.

This… Is it breakthrough or not?

At this time, in their feelings, Kuang Yuan didn’t have any aura, completely like an ordinary person who hadn’t been cultivated.

Only a faint smile appeared at the corner of Yin’s mouth… This kid, as expected, never disappoints.

A smile appeared on Xu Sheng’s face in the sky, naturally no one could see it better than him.


[Tribe People]: Kuang Yuan

Destiny Level: Hong Tier 1

Age: 252 (80 years in the Time House)

Spiritual Roots: None

Talent: Ninth Stage First Stage, Bloody Body, Bloody Body

Roots: Xuan-level eighth rank

Comprehension: Xuan-level eighth rank

Lucky: Gold

Ability: Way of Thunder

Realm: Martial Spirit early stage (Gold Core middle stage combat power)


Kuang Yuan is at the same level as Realm’s Yin strength, so his strength at this time is equivalent to the Gold Core late stage of the ten thousand races. With various means, he does not need Yin to go up alone when attacking the Nascent Soul lair. The other Gold Cores can be followed, and one person can hit four or five.

Ten days later, the attack on the third Nascent Soul lair also verified this conjecture. It was obviously stronger than the first two, but the speed was faster, and the whole process was almost destroyed.

The leader of Nascent Soul is still the group time house, with a time scale of 110 years.

The three in a row are group time houses, and it is basically certain that the Nascent Soul class is all group time houses.

This time the group time house is for five Martial Master Realm people. With a large number of people, even if their aptitude is average, the probability of breakthrough is greatly increased.

The end result is that Xu Sheng has three more Martial Master Dzogchens and one Wu Ying Dzogchen.

Another person failed when he tried breakthrough, which made people feel embarrassed.

Following this trend, the five Nascent Soul early stage nests at the back were also attacked one by one, and some Gold Core nests were added in the middle as an adjustment.

The strength of the Gold Core lair was no longer worth mentioning in Xu Sheng’s eyes.

The five time houses that came out at the back have a total time scale of 560 years, and a total of 28 people have entered, including ten cultivators.

One of the ten cultivators was the third cultivator in the Foundation Building period, and the other nine were in the Qi training period.

The third Foundation Building cultivator successfully reached the late stage of the Foundation Building. Four of the nine people became the Foundation Building cultivator. Two of them failed to make a breakthrough, and the three of them had reached the end of their lives and sat in the house of time.

One person is special.

That is the declaration of contention.

He entered three of the five time houses and spent 40 years in total. This kind of intermittent entry allowed him to fully digest the experience he gained in the battle against the ten thousand races, so his strength continued to advance by leaps and bounds on the Wuying Realm.

early stage, middle stage, late stage… Great Perfection!

With such a thing as the Time House, he became the sixth Gold Core combat power in the Huntuo race at an astonishing speed!

In terms of strength, even at the same Gold Core level, Xuan Zheng is far inferior to the three of Yuhuan, Qianmin, and Xuan Yi, but his qualifications are there. After he lacks experience, he will never be worse than them!

As the creator of all of this, Xu Sheng has always been ‘flicking away his clothes, hiding his merit and fame’ from beginning to end!

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