Global Sage Era

Chapter 227

Chapter 223 Pushing horizontally, 800 million incense!

Territory of ten thousand races.

Over time, all students have eliminated the monster siege.

According to their own strength, their own damage is also different, but everyone has a bottom line in their hearts. Once the people’s damage crosses this line, they will decisively lower their origin.

In general, everyone has more or less gained some strength growth. After fighting and tempering the people, the strength is also ascension a lot, and it is easier to enter the next one than before.

Fang Su of the West Campus is still the first to complete. He has now attacked 63 lairs, which is already very fast.

His strength has also been Ascension, the monster siege has little effect on him, he has hardly used the source, and all the rewards that he should get are obtained.

The next two people on the West Campus are Zheng Yuee and Tang Xiao. As the strongest three in the West Campus, these three have almost received recognition from most people.

Xiao Feng, Wu Su, and Lu Shan followed closely behind, and their strength was slightly weaker. This is also the normal contrast between the east and west campuses, and they usually come in this way.

There are more than three hundred lairs in the Ten Thousand Races in everyone’s area. At a normal rate, it will take more than 50 years to solve it, which is 16 days in Earth time.

Seven days have passed now, and it is already the end of September.

Naturally, Xu Sheng’s progress far surpasses the others. He has wiped out more than 100 nests ten years ago, and now the number of nests he wiped out is close to two hundred.

Even if you add up the top three of the West Campus, there are not as many nests destroyed.

With these two hundred lairs, his own 35 area is around one hundred and thirty, and seventy of the 34 tones he is currently in are eliminated.

The total number of lairs in the two areas is 712, so his current progress is 30%.

However, he has eliminated eight of the ten strongest Nascent Soul lairs. With his current strength, destroying those Foundation Building-level lairs is just like playing.

The Gold Core lair is also very easy to destroy.

The six major Gold Core combat powers are a terrifying force mainly standing at the forefront.

At this time, other students had just gone through the monster siege, and their strength had just resumed growth. Even the strongest Fang Su was just one Gold Core middle stage combat power and two Gold Core early stage combat powers.

Not to mention the strength of the Foundation Building underneath, there are even less than Gold Core, only two people, this is entirely because he concentrated more resources on the first three subjects.

This is the case with Fang Su. The others are at most two Gold Core early stages, and one of the Gold Core is still in the majority.

If you don’t consider the student’s use of the original support, Xu Sheng can almost wipe out any of them Minor World as long as he sends Yin out.

“This Ten Thousand Race Territory is really the treasure of our Huntuo human race. Since we came here, all of our strengths have improved rapidly, much faster than before!”

In the Huntuo tribe, Kuang Yuan, who is already a Martial Spirit powerhouse, sighed. Since he became Martial Spirit, the attributes of the Thunder Practitioner on his body have been reduced a lot. Has gradually failed to keep up with Kuang Yuan’s strength Ascension.

Under normal circumstances, with Kuang Yuan’s strength Ascension, he should also be able to comprehend the follow-up of the Way of Thunder, but the current situation is a time house of eighty years, so he has not been able to do this.

Everything in the world has advantages and disadvantages, and nothing is profitable without harm.

Yin glanced at the thriving Minor World. In the distance, the children grew up carelessly in Wu You. Their bodies were much better than a hundred years ago. Although they had never been cultivated, they had grown up with adults only by their own natural growth. The power of this is amazing.

“They don’t have the right weapon right now…and they can’t favor one another, just exchange it.”

Xu Sheng glanced at Kuang Yuan and the others below, and then summoned the equivalent of everything, from which he exchanged five Magic Treasures-level items.

Kuangyuan’s angry dragon Fang Tianji, Xuanyi’s Star spear, graceful Xuanhuangding, Qianmin’s landscapes and rivers, Xuanzheng’s Qinghong sword.

The exchange price of each piece is more than two million, and the total price is as high as 15 million incense!

With so many incense, even virtual Spiritual Roots can be exchanged for ten, but in order to train these people, he has already spared no expense.

By this time, they were equal to Yin in terms of weapons.

But after all, Yin still has people such as Spiritual Roots, so Yin’s training still far exceeds them.

Xu Sheng thought for a while, and exchanged Xuan Yi for the follow-up Thunder Legacy.

[Thunder Power·Martial King Realm]

Category: Heritage

Description: The way of thunder is endless, and there is no way for evil and evil in the world to hide

Exchange required: 24 million incense

The Martial King realm is equivalent to the cultivator’s transformation stage, so the price of various exchanges far exceeds Magic Treasures.

In general, the power of thunder is not a particularly expensive thing, because there are various strange forms of energy that are more powerful than it.

In this way, Yin and Kuangyuan’s training can be regarded as the same level of money.

Xu Sheng put more than 30 million incense on both of them.

And the four others including Yuhuan didn’t even arrive at ten million.

There is no other way around this, and you have to pay attention to one first come first.

After getting the various things that Xu Sheng exchanged, Kuang Yuan and others were naturally grateful.

Each weapon is ‘tailor-made’ according to their situation, not to mention that they are completely suitable for themselves, and they can continue to be used even if they arrive at the next Realm.

However, just like Yin at the time, they couldn’t fully demonstrate the power of Magic Treasures at this time, and they needed a lot of energy each time they used it.

The exchange price of all things was close to 40 million points, so the incense on Xu Sheng was gone at this time.

He is used to it, anyway, the next wave is a big harvest.

Boom boom boom~

The sound of the continuous expansion of the boundaries of Minor World.

As the strength of the Huntuo human race became stronger, Xu Sheng’s Minor World had already exceeded two hundred li, and now he was heading for three hundred li.

More land means a larger living area, and several locations suitable for building cities have appeared.

After twenty years of development, the number of the Huntuo race has already exceeded 200,000, and it has reached 270,000!

With such a huge population, Xu Sheng pays more attention to the distribution of Spiritual Qi. Under his control, people have begun to bathe in a hundred times the concentration of Spiritual Qi.

It’s not that he gave up these people, but that the positions chosen by these people are too tricky. If you increase the concentration of Spiritual Qi for these people alone, it will undoubtedly be a waste.

When these people chose their place of residence, they did not notice the decrease in the concentration of Spiritual Qi, but in the end they chose. They were prepared to bear it. Xu Sheng would not stop them, nor would they take special care of them.

If the area of ​​Minor World is converted into square kilometers, it has already exceeded 20,000 square kilometers. If the concentration of one hundred times is completely covered, it will consume more than two million incense each year!

This is not the maximum consumption!

With the improvement of the strength of the Huntuo people, some places have been able to withstand higher concentrations of Spiritual Qi!

For example, Yin and others, even if it is two hundred times or three hundred times, can completely bear it!

Counting it down like this, three million incense sticks can’t be beaten every year!

According to the ten-thousand-clan territory, staying for 60 days is close to 200 million!

He would certainly not be so “prodigal”. Through his various controls, the Spiritual Qi consumed in the last 60 days was about 70 million, which is a 70% reduction in consumption.

The amount of incense that can be obtained in a single area is about 500 million. Now Xu Sheng has two. After counting the points, he can get about 700 to 800 million incense.

It looks like a lot, but it is too far away from the Second Stage of the Ninth Stage battle body. To redeem the Second Stage, he estimated that the entire area of ​​the West Campus should be shot down.

Such a thing is definitely impossible…time is too late.

Thirty areas, more than 10,000 nests, even if he destroys one a day, it will take nearly thirty years.

“I really want time to pass more slowly…” Xu Sheng whispered a little regretfully.

The most pitiful thing in this world is that I have the strength, but time is completely forbidden.

In addition to this, own energy can not be completely spent on destroying all races. According to the old sage, their most important Ascension is still in the central secret realm, where their laws will be greatly increased.

The importance of law comprehension has already been demonstrated. A sufficiently high law degree will provide stronger’off-field support’ to his people, just like when he came to the territory of ten thousand races, even if he knew his own people’s The strength doesn’t have much advantage when facing Ten Thousand Clan, and he doesn’t panic at all, because if he can’t beat him, he can directly lower the law. Anyway, Xiantian is invincible.

In the final analysis, this peripheral area of ​​the Ten Thousand Races territory will not affect their personal safety, but only affect the people and Minor World.

The central secret realm is the place that may pose a fatal threat to their bodies.

Although the Central Secret Realm has not told them how to enter the school, they are all geniuses. Based on some clues they have obtained, they have speculated several possibilities.

Either wipe out all the lairs in the area, or destroy a special lair, or find a special place…

There are several possibilities. The first one is the most unlucky. Everyone except Xu Sheng didn’t want this to be the case.

Only Xu Sheng can quickly achieve this right now, so it doesn’t matter.

The Huntuo race began to continue to destroy the tens of thousands of races.

More than two thousand Qi Sea realm Practitioners, led by six Gold Core level combat power, completely pushed past the entire 34 area.

Almost every nest cannot last for a day, and on average, one nest can be wiped out in three days.

Such a speed is naturally amazing, but who makes the ten thousand races in each nest at most only ten thousand? Such a number, a Practitioner can not be divided into a few, let alone Yin and others in front of those Gold Core The aftermath of the first-level ten thousand clan battles is a big shock!

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