Global Sage Era

Chapter 235

Chapter 231 is too powerful

The strength of these serrated fish is not strong.

In other words, it is not powerful for humans.

They are the product of certain rules, even if the existence of the immortal level comes over, they will be directly swallowed by them.

But to Xu Sheng, they are a relatively powerful fish, and ordinary fish on the earth will have similar strength when they are here.

“These serrated fish are just the outermost creatures. The special aura contained in them is very helpful to me… Unfortunately, the effect is limited.”

Xu Sheng looked at the surrounding fragments with a pity, such a huge number, but it was of little use to him.

“Sawtooth fish, body fragments, capable of attacking spirit…”

He recorded the relevant information and told them after the people from the East Campus came in.

In any case, he is the squad leader of the champion class after all, and these serrated fish are useless to him, so if you can reduce their risks, let’s reduce them.

As for other things, he didn’t think more.

Although the effect of sawtooth fish is very low, it is still useful. Xu Sheng disappeared and it became easier and easier for them to disappear. Although he began to digest a lot of them at the same time, he used quantity to make up for the lack of quality, so that his understanding of the law was in Go towards 0.11%.

Territory of ten thousand races.

When Xu Sheng was feeling the Ascension own law in the serrated fish area, others were speeding up the extermination of the nest.

For this reason, many people have even begun to use their origins to attack the lair, even if they lack some rewards.

Xu Sheng’s entry stimulated others, and no one wanted to lag behind others too much.

Xu Sheng’s sub-consciousness is paying attention to the development of own people.

“The speed is a bit slow, need to… speed up…”

His figure appeared in the sky, and his thinking was a little stagnant.

However, in the past few months, the development of Minor World is not bad, and the Huntuo tribe has wiped out more than a dozen lairs.

The other nests in the 35 area are not to be feared. The key is that the last Nascent Soul middle stage nest is a bit troublesome. Even though the Huntuo people have deliberately avoided them, their range of activities is not much expanded. The surrounding nests All shivered under their attack.

This Nascent Soul intermediate nest is called the Nature Guardian’s Nest. The Nature Guardian is a half-elf, half-tree human creature. They are not keen on killing, but the protection of plants has reached a morbid degree.

And they have a talent for sowing seeds. As long as the footprint falls to a certain place, various plants will begin to grow, and then this will become their territory.

All creatures entering their territory must abide by their rules, and they are not allowed to harm plants!

If this is the case, it’s okay, but the expansion ability of these plants is so strong that they can cover a nest location in a few months, and then because the guardians of nature have no wisdom, they instinctively drive them to go to the periphery. , So that their territories continue to increase.

At the beginning, the territory of the guardians of nature was just their lair. On the map, it was a small green dot, but at this moment, the small green dot has become a green block, occupying 34 areas. One part of the area.

The reproduction speed of the guardians of nature is also related to the size of their own territory, so the strength of their lairs is also increasing.

According to this trend, if their expansion cannot be stopped in time, they will occupy the entire 35 area.

This is naturally not something that Yin and Kuangyuan can tolerate.

“What to do with this lair, if it is to be resolved quickly, it needs to be resolved as soon as possible.”

Kuang Yuan pointed to the map. The large part marked on it was just a lot of Huntuo Practitioner’s field survey and mapping, and a lot of manpower and material resources were invested.

In addition to the natural guardian lair, the nearly two hundred other lairs that still exist are also marked one by one according to their strength, and there is an order above, which is the order in which the Huntuo human race is about to be wiped out.

The last night of the night practitioner gave Yin a lot of insights. At this time, he looked at this map and did not speak for the first time.

If he meets directly, he doesn’t have any confidence. Although he has some sentiments, he is still some distance away from the Nascent Soul middle stage. It felt that the ancestors no longer looked at them, and temporarily went to a far place.

Not only Yin, but Kuangyuan, Yuhua and others also feel this way.

Even some ordinary people from the Huntuo clan who are not even Practitioners have a slight feeling.

Therefore, many people even thought that their ancestors didn’t want them anymore, and felt that they had accidentally done something wrong and caused the ancestors to be not young, so they set up a memorial tablet at home to worship them day and night.

“Let’s stop them from the outside. Although this trend of expansion is not as fast as ours, it will make us more damaged if it continues like this.”

Yin made a decision, Yin nodded, and then sent out various messages for the Huntuo Practitioners to take action.

As the Nascent Soul Intermediate Lair, Nature Guardians have the highest racial quality. Even compared with the night practitioners, they are not bad at all, and even have the upper hand. They have the ability to recover quickly, as long as they can’t be treated on the spot. Kill, you can recover at the fastest speed.

The speed of extermination of the ten thousand races in area 35 began to accelerate, and Xu Sheng’s subconsciousness became delighted after seeing this situation.

It will only act in accordance with the logic set by Xu Sheng in advance, and it will not be possible to make a decision that is too complicated.

However, when the Huntuo tribe is in danger, he will also cast his source to help. Of course, its fineness and power are far inferior to Xu Cheng’s body. Upper hand.


In another area, the human race that is completely different from the Huntuo human race’s spirit and spirit is fighting with the ten thousand races in front of them.

On the sky above, Xiao Feng was watching his own people.

In this area of ​​his, the number of nests that have now been destroyed has exceeded one hundred, and the speed of such annihilation has nearly doubled the original!

If you look closely, you can find that the human races below are surrounded by the original power surging, directly strengthening their strength.

The Gold Core lair that he faced was of intermediate level. According to the strength of his people, it would have been difficult to destroy it, but now, it is as powerful as a bamboo, and the speed of destruction is extremely fast.

“Not fast enough…the rewards can still be discarded!”

Xiao Feng’s eyes shone sharply. Xu Sheng now has no idea how many opportunities he has obtained in the central secret realm, and they are still entangled with these ten thousand races here.

Naturally, he was very envious in his heart, and he also wanted to directly comprehend the Ascension own law.

Having a higher understanding of the laws can also increase the speed at which you can improve the laws of Minor World.

“Xiao Feng, what’s going on with you?”

In the team channel, other students are looking for Xiao Feng. Xu Sheng is no longer there. His opinions will greatly influence everyone’s decision.

This is equivalent to the deputy squad leader. Although there is no deputy squad leader in the champion class, everything Xiao Feng has done is equivalent to the deputy squad leader.

The various performances since the Ten Thousand Clan Territory has convinced others, and the formulation of various plans has made many people feel at ease.

Even more, some people asked for advice when they encountered problems that they didn’t understand, and he responded one by one.

“My speed hasn’t changed much, have you noticed on the west campus? Is there any change?”

“They are pretty honest there. Although the progress is not as fast as ours, they don’t mean to invade.”

Xiao Feng nodded when he saw it. He always worried that after Xu Sheng was no longer there, the West Campus would take the opportunity to invade. If this was the case, then they would not have changed much. At least he would never keep in touch with him anymore. Xu Sheng.

The function of the Sage interface has always been very powerful, but since Xu Sheng entered the portal, they couldn’t communicate anymore.

There is a kind of thin film which is blocking the transmission of information, and only after entering the central secret realm can the information be obtained again.

“Xu Sheng told me before that he left a sub-consciousness. There should be no problem with the development of his Minor World… Otherwise, without him, the gap in points cannot continue to widen.”

Xiao Feng has a clear understanding of the strength of the two campuses.

Without Xu Sheng’s presence in the East Campus, it would be impossible to compete with the West Campus.

There really isn’t much thought on the West Campus.

Someone once suggested in the team’s voice that Xu Sheng is not here now, and he simply did not abide by the agreement, but he was directly rejected by Fang Su.

In his heart, whether he wins or wins, he must be fair and honest. Now Xu Sheng is ahead of himself and others, and he has entered the central secret realm and started to comprehend the Ascension own law at a fast speed, but these people are thinking about these things here. Has fallen behind a lot on the level.

When Xiao Feng was thinking about it, he was also predicting certain situations in his heart.

If that portal will only appear when all races in the area are destroyed, then the difficulty is too high. If he is a school, he will not only set up this method.

Maybe there are other routes that can also enter the central secret realm!

But Xiao Feng was not sure what he thought was correct.

At the moment, the Ten Thousand Clan Lairs in the total destruction area is undoubtedly the most correct approach. This path has been proven, and it is completely accessible.

“Xu Sheng… I didn’t expect that I would meet an opponent like you so soon.”

Fang Su’s eyes were extremely deep, and there were many complex emotions in them.

From small to large, even among Gao Sheng’s descendants, his talents were the best. His reason was that he was able to stay the same age in the nest, and his family also placed great expectations on him, hoping that he could surpass them. Become a true saint being!

But I didn’t expect to encounter such a strong opponent when I first entered the university.

Powerful enough to make him helpless!

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