Global Sage Era

Chapter 236

Chapter 232 The law comprehension soars! (Add more for the leader’s “full of water”)

On the southern periphery of the central secret realm, in a certain area, the various fragments that were originally there have disappeared.

Among them was a figure swallowing these fragments at a speed like a whale.

At a certain moment, he suddenly stopped devouring, and his surroundings returned to calm.

“Now that it has reached its limit, no matter how much it swallows, there can be no ascension.”

Xu Sheng saw that he finally reached the comprehension level of 0.11%, with a smile on his face.

Calculating the time, he has been in this central area for eight months, and this half a month has given him a substantial Ascension.

If you let him out now and use the same origin value, others will be far from their own opponents.

Before entering the central secret realm, the comprehension of own law was 0.08%, and the others were at 0.07% and 0.08% at most. This kind of strength is now one level worse than himself.

“The progress of Yin and others is good, but unfortunately I can’t convey too much information.”

From the other side of Xu Sheng’s sight, he could see that Yin was leading the Huntuo human race to wipe out the lair of the ten thousand races in the 35 area.

As the main body, he can share the vision of the sub-consciousness and at the same time slightly manipulate the movements there, but because it is too far away, the impact that he can do is limited.

The central area looks very close to the Wanzu area, but in fact the two are not in the same dimension at all, and the distance is unreasonable.

After staying in this area for eight months, the harvest was about the same, Xu Sheng set off for other places.

As he moved forward, a path gradually appeared in front of him.

There are tall walls on both sides, very depressing, and both the front and the back are in the shadows.

If someone with claustrophobia came here, they would probably be irritated and mad, but Xu Sheng was not affected much. His firm will was no longer affected by this kind of trail.

I don’t know how long it has been.

A light group suddenly appeared in front of him, and after Xu Sheng entered the light group, various pictures and sounds poured in.

What appeared before his eyes turned out to be a world of birds and flowers.

There was the fragrance of various flowers and plants in the air, and he looked down, it was extremely real.

Compared with the previous serrated fish area, the real world in front of him made Xu Sheng feel a little angry.

But a deep intuition reminded him that this place is definitely not a good place.

So where exactly is this place?

“Human breath…”

A huge eye opened, and it looked to the south.

That is a place where its power escapes, and it is the trace left after it once touched the World Tree and fought with it.

In its sight, there is a huge tree that penetrates the sky and the earth, rooting in nothingness, and giving birth to Ling Xiao.

There are countless spaces hanging on its trunk, which are the fruits of its growth, which continue to rise and die with the wind blowing in nothingness.

The roots of a few are extremely luxuriant, and the whole looks green and lush.

But its own breath is a bit scary, it has no malice, it just absorbs all nutrients instinctively.

The huge eye slowly closed again.

It is just a surviving consciousness and cannot last for long.

Xu Sheng walked in this world of birds and flowers, and his sense of danger became heavier and heavier.

There are birds flying by, and wild bees roaming.

There are no intelligent creatures here, but there are a lot of life.

I closed my eyes and felt for a while, there was a flow of law, but there was no order and it was very chaotic.

“What the hell is this world is absolutely abnormal!”

Suddenly, irritability surged in Xu Sheng’s heart.

In his induction, everything changed after he came to this world.

Under the influence of some strange factors, the steady state of mind can no longer be maintained.

This kind of irritability has not appeared for a long time, but now, it is not under his control at all.

He speeds up his own speed and keeps appearing in various places in this world.

The suppression is not high, so he can teleport.

Finally, after taking the whole world almost away, he had a rough judgment of the world.

The next moment, he closed his eyes.

The body disappeared in place.

Abandoning the shackles of the body, he integrated his own consciousness into the whole world as in the territory of ten thousand races.

And at the moment of integration, he’sees’ where he is now-on one of the branches of a huge book.

In a world like this, there are a total of thousands of trees on this tree.

“World Tree…No, it’s just similar.”

Xu Sheng had an idea in his mind, but was quickly abandoned by him. The strength of the World Tree is not low, at least higher than the endless Samsara where he is now.

There are many world trees, and it takes a long time to grow. Now this world tree looks like a pirated copy.

For the existence of the endless Samsara level, it is not difficult to simulate, even for him, human beings with only 0.11% law comprehension can also simulate the development of the world tree.


Just when Xu Sheng saw this World Tree, it also knew that it could no longer hide, and a large amount of black mist poured through the branches into the World Fruit where Xu Sheng was.

In just a very short time, the world where Xu Sheng lived has become pitch black.

Xu Sheng’s breath also disappeared.

But at this moment, there was a loud bang, and the whole world fruit exploded, and Xu Sheng’s figure appeared directly from it. After he appeared, his figure swelled to the same height as the world tree!

For him, the growth of body shape started with random thoughts, and the pirated world tree in front of him, taking advantage of him just coming out of the serrated fish area, shaded him and made him unconsciously said.

Now the irritability in his heart has disappeared, and after coming out, the influence of this pirated world tree on him has disappeared.

“Humph, see if I can’t kill you!”

Xu Sheng showed badness in his eyes, and a large amount of the power of the law gathered and turned into a soaring rain waterfall, watering down the pirated world tree in front of him!

This is the rain of laws!

Every drop contained Xu Sheng’s will. As soon as it fell, the pirated World Tree made a human-like and inhuman cry, and the traditional fog resounded through this area.

The rain of law lasted for a long time, and the fruits of the world on the branches of the world collapsed one by one, and then the branches began to wither and fall off.

In the end, only the bare trunks of the pirated world were left.

Xu Sheng looked at the middle of the World Tree, where there was a heart that radiated light.

With a movement of his mind, the force of law directly penetrated the protection of the bark, and took this heart into his heart.

“The fluctuations are very intense, and the effect should be good.”

Xu Sheng smiled. The strength of this pirated world tree is not strong. The only troublesome thing is the ability to confuse, so that at first he thought he had come to a normal area, but now it doesn’t affect it anymore. NS.

Swallowing the heart of the tree in one bite, countless illusions struck.

Then came the power of various laws.

Xu Sheng’s law Ascension speed is terrifying speed Ascension, 0.12%, 0.13%, 0.14%…0.17%!

The heart of the world tree is ascension, Xu Sheng’s 0.06% understanding of the law!

“It’s so fun!”

Xu Sheng let out a sigh of relief and looked at the time. Unknowingly, more than half a year had passed.

Now he has been in this central area for a year and a half, which is half a day when converted into earth time.

The comprehension of the law has also been 0.09%!

At this rate, less than one planet that only needs earth time, the own law can comprehend more than 1%!

But he doesn’t know if it can go so smoothly in the future, he doesn’t know everything in this central secret realm, his eyes are completely blackened, and he bites the bullet and rushes forward.

Don’t blame the school. Only weak chickens like them came in this central secret realm. The stronger ones couldn’t pass through the portal and would only be blocked.

Xu Sheng continued to move forward.

“If you want to break this central area, you need to go to the most central location.”

He raised his head and looked at the central position, his sight penetrated this space, but was eventually blocked in a certain place.

The central secret realm is generally just one place.

It’s just that the level of strength is too high, so they can’t see clearly. If you change to Sage, you can see it all at a glance.

In the next time, Xu Sheng moved forward while paying attention to the development of Minor World.

He is also trying his best to convey some information, although only a small part of it can be accepted, but it is not bad.

Time flies quickly, and five years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past five years, Xu Sheng has seen some weird existences, and his comprehension of the law has also increased a bit, reaching 2%.

The speed of this progress was much slower than at the beginning, and his thoughts were shattered.

I thought that the Sawtooth and World Tree I encountered at the beginning were the most outstanding things, but I didn’t expect that the law insights they provided were relatively high.

Many of the things he encountered only add up to 0.01% of the law’s comprehension.

“Xiao Feng, they are probably coming soon.”

A message from Xiao Feng appeared in Xu Sheng’s sight. It contained the latter’s description of the current situation in the East Campus.

Because of his entry, Xiao Feng and others have accelerated their own speed. From the beginning of the 100,000 nests per year, it has reached 30 per year.

At present, the number of nests of ten thousand races that have been wiped out has exceeded two hundred and fifty, and it will only take another five years to wipe out the nests in the entire area publicly and come in to join him.

But at this moment, Xu Sheng suddenly felt something and looked towards the north.

A huge portal appeared.

He is no stranger to this portal, it looks like the gate of secret realm!

It’s just that he was looking at it from the outside, but now it has become inside.

From a location point of view, Fang Su opened the door of this secret realm!

“Has he found a new way?”

Xu Sheng murmured to himself, in the message sent by Xiao Feng, there is also the progress of the West Campus, knowing that Fang Su’s progress is about the same as him, even if there are more, but at most a few. According to this situation, it is absolutely impossible to open the secret realm now. The door.

“That’s good… this area is too big, I can’t explore it all alone.”

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