Global Sage Era

Chapter 237

Chapter 233 Cooperation in competition (third more seeking subscription!)

The appearance of the second secret realm gate surprised everyone in the east and west campuses.

Judging from the position, they naturally knew that this door was opened by Fang Su.

But how did he do it?

Have you wiped out all the nests in your area?

“That Fang Su didn’t just wipe out all the lairs directly, right? This speed is faster, but it doesn’t do any good for the development of his Minor World, it’s a waste of hi.”

There is disdain in the words of the students on the East Campus. If this is the case, then Fang Su’s vision is too low.

The central secret realm is indeed important, but the lair of the ten thousand races is also important. Without those rewards, the own people cannot quickly improve their strength.

In time and space, there is an overly high comprehension of the law, but they are people who have no corresponding strength. Now they are one step faster than them, and they will gradually fall behind in the future. Only Xu Sheng’s approach is king!

“Impossible, Fang Su is not such a person!”

The people on the west campus did not listen to the cynicism of the people on the east campus at all. As the gap in points grew, they had gone from the upper hand to the current disadvantage.

Now it is not the West Campus taunting the East Campus on the World Channel, but the reverse!

There is also the popularity of the West Campus, but if it’s not for Xu Sheng, what are you guys.

Then I got a sentence from the East Campus, “Yes, we just have Xu Sheng, do you have one?”


The students on the West Campus were blushing, and they continued to argue with each other in words, but no matter what they said, everyone in the East Campus would say ‘Xu Sheng is our squad leader’.

Then everything vanishes.

Although the people in the West Campus don’t seem to admit it anymore, they also know very well that Xu Sheng was their biggest misfortune in this competition on the Middle East campus.

That person not only solved the nests around Minor World early, but also blatantly invaded the student area of ​​their West Campus, eliminated it early, and forced them to establish a non-aggression agreement with him.

This is a shame!

All the students in the West Campus were very tortured when they thought of this incident, but when Xu Sheng was there, they didn’t dare to touch him at all.

It was hard to get the other party to leave, but he didn’t expect to suffer such ‘slander’ from the East Campus!

If it were the beginning, Fang Su would be the first to open the secret realm door. Now everyone in the West Campus would only be triumphant, but now it is impossible. The current situation is that they are on the side of the East Campus.

Xiao Feng watched the news constantly being posted on the World Channel, but Fang Su’s various materials appeared in his mind, as well as the performance of the other party since entering the territory of the Ten Thousand Clan.

In all fairness, the opponent is a very powerful opponent. If it weren’t for Xu Sheng, he would not be able to beat him at all. Now that the other party has opened the door of secret realm, it must not be self-destructing the Great Wall. It must have found another way!

“What is the method…”

He frowned and thought, he naturally wanted to discover this way quickly. From the information Xu Sheng had told him before, he already knew that he could split his sub-consciousness and stay here, and it would not affect the strength of his people ascension. If a secret realm portal appeared before his eyes, he would enter without hesitation!

In front of the secret realm door, Fang Su glanced at Own’s people last and stepped into it.

“It’s not the same as I thought.”

Entering the secret realm, the eyes are full of darkness.

He tried his best to spread the law of own, and wanted to grasp the surrounding situation in turn, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t change the situation at all.

Contemplation appeared on Fang Su’s face, and then he took the own law back to himself.

Slowly, everything around him appeared in his consciousness.

Then he found… he was in the belly of some kind of creature!

His face changed slightly.

How can I know that I just came in and fell into a dangerous place, this central secret realm is really different from what is recorded in the book!

As a son of Gao Sheng, Fang Su was naturally well-informed. He was taught a lot of ‘common sense’ since he was a child, allowing him to deal with various emergencies as soon as possible.

But these common senses are not very useful in this central secret realm.

This is also no way, after all, endless Samsara is a true sage level existence, not a high sage can be involved.

Fang Su struggled here for a long time. After using all his energy, he finally found a weak point of this creature. He turned the power of the law of own into a long needle and pierced it fiercely. Then a burst of balloons was pierced. Voice, the pressure on his body lightened, and he separated from the belly of this creature.

What appeared before his eyes at this time was an irregular transparent creature, not of any kind, but a semi-regular existence.

“Is it condensed from the remaining power of the endless Samsara… It’s really difficult.”

Fang Su can feel that the core of the special creature in front of him is beneficial to him. After killing it, he can obtain the core, and then increase his understanding of the law of own.

I have been told that chance and crisis coexist in the secret realm of the central name. After thinking about only one thousandth of a second, Fang Su started his hand. The laws all over his body surged, and he appeared in front of the semi-regular creatures, and attacked them harshly. Boom!

The semi-regular creature let out a strange cry, Fang Su’s consciousness was blurred, and the whole person’s spirit became depressed, but he did not stop there, but continued to attack.

Under his constant attacks, this semi-regular creature couldn’t support it after all, and finally dissipated, leaving only an energy core. –

“See how many laws you can ascension me.”

Fang Su held this core in his hand and began to extract its power.

His law comprehension is now 0.07%, which is the result of his use of countless resources.

However, at his previous level, he couldn’t use too many precious resources. After all, the human body’s bearing capacity was limited.

And after he grasped this core, his law comprehension began to Ascension quickly!

After the core is completely dimmed, his law comprehension has reached 0.1%!

There was finally a trace of shock on Fang Su’s face. With such a terrifying Ascension speed, it’s no wonder Yuan Sheng said so much before!

And after Ascension’s understanding of the law, Fang Su also began to think about leaving here to find the next thing that was useful to him.

This is a treasure!

I want to get more things here!

“This breath…”

But he hadn’t walked out long before he felt a familiar breath in the south position.

It’s Xu Sheng!

Where is he!

However, has he become so strong? !

There was decisiveness on Fang Su’s face, and then he stopped thinking about it and moved to the west.

I am behind again!

“It seems that he has solved it. Ascension is very fast.”

After Xu Sheng solved another weird creature, he would take back a small consciousness that had been paying attention to the north.

Now his law comprehension is 0.01% again.

It has been three years since Fang Su came in.

The process of comprehension of the law, time is meaningless, maybe it’s just a moment in the consciousness, countless years have passed from the outside world.

No matter how fast the law is understood, it needs time to digest it, and time is the least meaningful thing.

For ordinary people, there is nothing to notice about the birth, old age, sickness and death that ordinary people worry about.

Both have a Sage interface and are in the same space, so they can be connected.

But after all, each other is still a competitor relationship, so there is no meaning to talk.

Maybe in the future you will become partners fighting side by side, but for now, it is most important to help your school district win.

As for the way to ask him to come in… even if the question is reached, it is useless, and there is no way for him to convey it to Xiao Feng.

“Three years have passed, and no third person has come in yet. It seems that he can’t tell the people on his campus.”

Xu Sheng has already made a judgment in his heart. It is normal for Fang Su to make such a choice. Once he tells the relevant information to the people on his campus, the East Campus will know in a very short time.

In terms of vision alone, the East Campus is definitely not as good as the West Campus, and Fang Su must believe in his heart that everyone in the West Campus will discover the laws that it contains more quickly.

The difference is very small, and the advantages that can be obtained are also very small, but this approach is undoubtedly the best when he is now in the lead.

We are already behind, but we have to narrow the gap through various methods.

“It’s worthy of being the number one person in the West Campus.” Xu Sheng was a little emotional. He has never underestimated a person from the West Campus. Fang Su’s opponent did make him a little bit pressured.

But what Xu Sheng didn’t expect was that Fang Su sent him a message through the World Channel only three months later.

This is also the first conversation between the two.

“Xu Sheng, if possible, I would like to exchange some information for you.”

Fang Su knew that Xu Sheng had come in earlier than himself, and he knew more about this secret realm.

The exchange of information can increase speed ascension own.

But the two are in a competitive relationship. If you ask directly, Xu Sheng will definitely not give it. Instead, there is no reason to refuse by means of exchange.

This is indeed the case. Even if the two are in a competitive relationship, they can make their own strength Ascension faster, and Xu Sheng doesn’t mind the exchange of information.

This is what the school emphasizes. The East and West campuses are ‘cooperating in competition’.

Not only Qianjing University, but also when it was in the third middle school and when Minor World blended, it was a competition and cooperation.

“You tell me the information you have obtained, and I will give you information of the same value according to the corresponding level.”

Since Fang Su took the initiative to bring it up, Xu Sheng’s right to choose.

Fang Su is a smart person, so he didn’t do too much entanglement. He just sent over the strange things he solved in a short time.

“I know all these pieces of information, and other information, I will give you corresponding information.”

After the screening, Xu Sheng sent a large piece of information to Fang Su.

There was no response there, Xu Sheng knew that Fang Su was already digesting the news quickly.

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