Global Sage Era

Chapter 243

Chapter 239 The confidence brought by 500 million incense! (Add more for the leader’s “full of water”)

Xu Sheng has always been very clear about the difference between cultivator and Practitioner.

The reason why Practitioner has today’s strength is entirely due to its huge population.

Calculated according to the total population, the competitive pressure of Practitioner is greater than that of cultivator.

As long as the cultivator can check out the Spiritual Roots, the subsequent upgrade is fairly simple.

Looking at the current cultivator advancement situation, the probability of practicing Qi to advance to the Foundation Building is almost 20:1, while the probability of Practitioner Qi Sea to Martial Master is 40:1!

The strength of Martial Master is almost capable of training Qi, so even in the current situation, if you can test the Spiritual Roots when you are young, it means that you will become a “human master” in the future.

Among the population of more than two million, there are only a few hundred people stronger than the cultivator during the Qi training period.

So if they can choose, many parents still want their own children to have Spiritual Roots.

And there is a very important point, having Spiritual Roots is equivalent to one more attribute!

Even if you don’t like being a cultivator, you can still cultivate the Cultivation Technique of a Practitioner and become a Practitioner!

The reverse is not possible.

Of course, now that the strength of the Practitioner has finally caught up with the cultivator, which is a good thing. For Xu Sheng, this is what he has been pursuing and what he wants to see most. With such a huge Practitioner strength, he has also done it. At the beginning, the goal set by myself, the two routes of Practitioner and cultivator developed simultaneously.

If light theory is a foreign war, Practitioner is definitely better than cultivator.

Practitioner repairs vitality and blood, pays attention to killing and cutting decisively, and will not be like a cultivator, which will protect oneself at critical times.

Xu Sheng never thought that he could always control the cultivator. When the Realm of the following cultivator continues to increase, the number will also increase by a million times. It is certain that most people will question his ancestor’s village, or even ‘heaven-defying’.

These are all normal things. Since I was in college, I have been taught the related only in the first 20 days of September.

For this reason, several examples are cited in the textbook, all of which are in the semi-sacred stage. Some people in Minor World use various methods to break the rules of Minor World, replace the existence of their ancestors, and become the will of Minor World.

Of course, the result will not be too good, because for Semi-Holy, this level is still too low.

But it will change the will of those semi-sages, and even many semi-sages and quasi-sages who originally took the road of human nature will change their course and take the road of sacredness.


The Yin who was cultivating in the quiet room suddenly felt a kind of throbbing in his heart.

At his current level, such throbbing usually means something unusual has happened.

But even if he thought about it again, he didn’t know what the source of the throbbing was.

In another place not far away, Kuang Yuan, who was in his residence, also felt the same feeling. He stood up from where he was, and patrolled left and right, but in the end he found nothing.

Under such circumstances, the two people’s thoughts came together, and they quickly walked out of their own residence, went to the other’s residence, and then met halfway through.

“Could it be that something is going to happen?”

“Is there an alien invasion?”

The two exchanged opinions. The Huntuo tribe has not been invaded by foreign races for decades. When they were in the territory of the ten thousand races, they took the initiative to destroy the nests of the ten thousand races. It has been too long since they had experienced the presence of foreign races near Minor World. NS.

“I don’t know.” Yin shook his head.

The entire Huntuo tribe was shocked by both of them, and countless powerful auras appeared in the tribe.

Except for a few cultivators and Martial Masters, most of the cultivators and powerful Practitioners live in the Huntuo tribe.

Except for underage children, the lowest realm in the tribe is Qi Sea realm. Compared with the average late stage of 18-year-old advanced body refining outside, the same age in Huntuo tribe has already increased to Qi Sea realm.

The people around Life are powerful elders, and it is very simple to get guidance. This is also the reason why people outside want to send their younger generations in.

If this is the case, the teenagers born in the tribe will naturally win at the starting line.

It seems a bit ‘unfair’.

But is it really unfair?

The reason for this situation is entirely because the ancestors of these teenagers stayed firmly in the tribe from the beginning!

Even today, there is no shortage of people who have moved out of the tribe. These young people have only accepted the shelter of their ancestors.

From a higher point of view, what these teenagers carry is the blood that was inherited from their ancestors!

The inheritance of human beings can be regarded as the inheritance of blood!

Time is meaningless, ignoring personal will, even if thousands of years have passed, Life is still in that bloodline, and it has never changed!

Xu Sheng watched the changes in the Huntuo tribe below from the sky, and sometimes pulled his eyes in and fell on Yin and the others.

Yin, Kuangyuan, Yuhua, Qianmin, Xuanyi, Xuanzheng, six more specific situations appeared in his eyes.

Sixty years have been the same, and the six people at this time have changed a lot from the past.

Both Yuhuan and Qianmin took apprentices, but only five people in total, three pill refining, and two refining tools, all counted under Yin’s sect.

Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng did not accept apprentices. The fate of master and apprentice had not yet arrived, and neither of them had any plans to accept apprentices.

Most of the other cultivators have been pointed out by Yin, not in the form of mentoring and apprenticeship, but in the mode of academy.

That is, three hundred years ago, Elder taught them the same things as children in his own house.

There is no mentorship, but they can grow.

“It’s more mature.”

Xu Sheng sighed in his heart. His eyes fell even more on Xuan Zheng below. Actually he is not more partial to him, but he is the youngest, and he is a generational difference from everyone else. It is not easy to get to this point. matter.

When Cultivation Base Ascension came up, Xu Sheng was more “inspired by the seedlings”. For a long time, Cultivation Base was in a stagnant state. Xu Sheng originally thought that he might not make progress during these sixty years. He has stayed before Martial Spirit. Thinking of seeing him this time, he has become a powerful Practitioner of Martial Spirit Realm.

In terms of strength, even Xuan Yi might not be able to beat him ten percent.

Of course, if you really win, Xuan Yi’s heart will only be happy, just as parents only hope that their own children will surpass themselves. Masters also hope that their disciples will be blue.

On the contrary, Yin and Kuangyuan have always been superior in strength by own disciples, and they still maintain the ‘dignity of a teacher’.

After reading Xuan Zheng, Xu Sheng took a closer look at Xia Yin again, carefully reading his situation from the inside to the outside.

At a glance, he immediately knew where Yin’s current situation was.

The real Realm, Yin is not far from Nascent Soul!

The reason why he has not yet begun to breakthrough is that he wants to emulate the Foundation Building and Gold Core and condense a Nascent Soul of the best quality!

Every Realm has a strong point. Yin has always been strong. If he can choose, he naturally doesn’t want to become weak in Nascent Soul. Not to mention that he can continue to leapfrog, at least he must have an absolute advantage in the same level.

However, after Xu Sheng’s investigation, it was discovered that Yin’s background was still a little bit worse.

The highest quality Nascent Soul is not so condensed, it is dozens of times more difficult than the first rank Gold Core!

The first rank Gold Core is just a ticket to condense the highest quality Nascent Soul!

If it hadn’t been the first rank Gold Core that was condensed in the first place, Yin now doesn’t even have to think about it. No matter how hard you try, the final result will only be failure.

“Let you polish it for a while.”

Xu Sheng muttered to himself, actually is not very anxious in his heart.

He glanced at his current number of incense, which has exceeded 500 million!

This is his full confidence!

There are so many incense sticks there, even if he piles it, he can pile Yin’s Realm!

But after the time house, Xu Sheng has already learned the truth that haste is not enough. Even if his own people seem to have enough strength at the moment, it is not a good thing in the long run.

Now that the competition has just ended, there is no major battle in the short term, and Yin’s strength is not required to ascension quickly. This period of time is a period of precipitation for Yin.

After all, even if he hadn’t seen Yin and others in 60 years, it didn’t mean that they had stayed in Minor World for 60 years.

During his absence, the extermination of the 10,000-clan nests in the 35 area has not stopped. It was Yin who led the people to eradicate the 10,000-clan dens one by one!

Even the last Nascent Soul Intermediate Lair was shot by Yin!

The method is the same as before, consuming the source to weaken the strength of the Nascent Soul Intermediate Leader.

This was when he split up his sub-consciousness, he had already entered the relevant commands in, and as long as the Huntuo tribe met the natural guardian lair, he would take action at a critical moment.

The strength of the guardian of nature’s lair is very powerful, and the speed of expansion is also very fast.

Yin didn’t save it to the end at all, and led the clansmen to the match at the middle stage.

He and Kuang Yuan studied the expansion trend of the guardian of nature’s lair in Minor World every day, and found that if it dragged on, the situation would become unpredictable, so he immediately took action without hesitation.

Yin has also been practicing for a long time, and Xu Cheng is not surprised to be able to make such a decision. This is also the point that he values ​​the most.

Below, Yin and others gradually dispersed after discussing to no avail.

Xu Sheng’s existence was not something they could detect. The throbbing at the beginning was only because of the connection between each other, and after decades of not seeing each other, Xu Sheng’s excitement caused a ripple in his mood.

However, it can also be seen from the side that the strength of Yin and others does have a substantial Ascension. If it is placed before, as long as he does not want to, Yin and others will not be able to perceive his existence.

Xu Sheng has seen the whole Minor World situation roughly.

There is only satisfaction in my heart now.

Even Spiritual Qi is naturally generated, which is a huge incense saving!

In some insignificant places, he doesn’t need to redeem the Spiritual Qi release anymore, only relying on the Spiritual Qi produced by Minor World itself.

There have also been some relatively inferior wonders, the effect is similar to that of Bu Lao Quan, and they all have the effect of enhancing physical fitness.

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