Global Sage Era

Chapter 244

Chapter 240: Master and Apprentice Inheritance

After returning to the pill refining room, Yuhua’s thoughts still stayed not long ago.

Until the girl next to her spoke and awakened her.

“Master, what pill are we going to practice next?”

This girl was dressed in a green dress and looked charming and lovely. Although her appearance was quite different from that of Yuhuan, her temperament was three-point similar.

The girl is Yuhua’s three apprentices. She is twenty-eight years old. The Cultivation Base is also polar, only the first stage of Qi training.

Her parents died in the battle when she was in the territory of the Ten Thousand Clan, and she saw her original shadow from her, so she loved her especially.

The first two apprentices are both males, one is 40 to 5 years old, the other is 30 to 7 years old. Although they have not yet married, they have both experienced outsiders.

The place of experience is the monster world. As a resource world, there is no monster in it, but there are various powerful Demonic Beasts, which is a good place for experience.

The territory of the Yaozu world is very large, not only the cultivator loves it, but the Practitioner also loves it very much.

However, there is no common language between the cultivator and the low-level Practitioner. In the eyes of the cultivator, those Practitioners cannot understand the own way.

Practitioners above Wu Ying are different. Although they are following different paths, they also have their own opinions. Many places can make them understand and treat each other equally.

Most of the Practitioners who go to the Yaozu world to experience are Practitioners outside of the Huntuo tribe. In order to obtain enough materials to purchase the weapon Medicine Pill, they are very keen to fight in the Yaozu world.

During this period, there were also some frictions with the indigenous peoples. After all, the current Huntuo people and the indigenous peoples are not the same group of people before. When there are conflicts in their interests, conflicts will inevitably occur.

It would be okay if the aboriginal tribes can be integrated into the Huntuo tribe, but the most deadly point is that the two cannot be integrated. The simplest example is that every time Xu Sheng exchanges inheritance and talents for the Huntuo tribe, the aboriginal tribes cannot enjoy it. .

Once the two are combined, the born child will not be able to enjoy this blessing.

This is a contradiction that cannot be reconciled.

But feelings are the most uncontrollable thing.

Some Practitioners inevitably have feelings with the indigenous human races when they experience in the monster world.

What follows is naturally the overall ethical situation, which is even more complicated than that shown on TV, to the extent that screenwriters dare not think so.

The parents and relatives of the young Practitioner naturally refuse to own their children to combine with the indigenous peoples, so the children born will have no talent at all, which is unacceptable to them.

The native tribes didn’t care at all. After all, even if the children born could not enjoy the shelter of their ancestors like the Huntuo tribe, their talents were much better.

However, in the latter part of the situation, the entire family of indigenous peoples are often killed. After several times, all the indigenous peoples are screaming, and there is no need for the people of the Huntuo people to scream. Produce emotions.

Of course, not all Huntuo tribes are so cruel. Strictly speaking, such Huntuo tribes actually occupy a minority, and there are many choices to respect their children. After all, there are more than one child in the family, who want to pass on blood. No, there are others.

These men and women who have married or married aboriginal human races are not allowed to return to Minor World later, and eventually remain in the monster world, and eventually become a part of the indigenous human races and are completely assimilated.

For this, Xu Sheng also did not stop.

After all, apart from not being able to enjoy the various exchanges of own, there is no difference between the indigenous human race and the Huntuo human race, both of which are ‘human races’.

Of course, why the aboriginal people can’t provide incense is still not clear to him, he guessed that it might be related to the creation of his own?

As the own people, the Huntuo people contained a trace of own blood in their bodies at the beginning of their birth. From this point of view, their identity as an ancestor is beyond doubt.

With the help of World Stone to develop Minor World, that is, to integrate Blood Essence, everything in Minor World is marked with its own mark.

“Rejuvenation pill, with your current pill refining level, there should be 30% hope.” Yuhuan replied after thinking about it for a while.

Rejuvenation Pill is a medicine pill suitable for Qi training on the first to fourth levels. It is in high demand in the current Huntuo tribe.

At the same time, the Practitioner can also be used, which can speed up the circulation of qi and blood, and also speed up the cultivation speed in a short time.

But after all, it is the Medicine Pill for cultivator. The effect of Practitioner is far inferior to that of cultivator. A large part of the medicine power is wasted. Few Practitioners go back to buy or redeem this Medicine Pill.

The girl’s face was happy: “Great, I can finally refine the Rejuvenation Pill!”

Once she can refine the Rejuvenation Pill, then she will be able to help Han Big Brother’s cultivation, she thinks this day has been a long time.

But she didn’t dare to try without the Master’s lead. She still respected Yuhua in her heart.

In the next few days, Yuhuan took the girl to refine the rejuvenation pill. The girl’s talent is not bad. Although it is not a virtual Spiritual Roots, it also has a length of nine inches and six. It is one of the most talented people in the tribe. one.

Xu Sheng has been watching them pill refining, which is also a novel experience.

Although he has experienced similar scenes many times in the central secret realm, he is not “with his own eyes” after all, and he still feels a little bit worse.

Not to mention that there is a difference in the sense of substitution.

Just like a basketball game, no matter how good other national teams are, no matter how many games they watched, they didn’t see how exciting their national basketball team was.

The final refining of the girl failed. She was still too young. Although her talent was good, her mood was a little worse.

Looking at the piles of black ash in the furnace, the girl’s face was full of frustration, and she even lowered her head not to look at the Master’s side.

Yuhuan smiled on her face, and comforted: “Xiaoxue, don’t be sad, your brothers and others also failed the first refining. They have not persisted for as long as you can do. Now it is beyond your reach. I expected it.”

“Really?” The girl raised her head in surprise, and her previous frustration was wiped out.

“Of course it is true.” There was still a slight smile on Yuhua’s face, soft to the extreme, like a lake of autumn water, the lake glowed.

In fact, the girl is far from doing as well as the two seniors. Although the two failed for the first time, they quickly found the reason for own failure, and then quickly refined a qualified rejuvenating pill.

On the girl’s side… Yuhuan already knew that she didn’t have any sentiment in her heart.

Naturally, she wouldn’t say it. The little apprentice own has a lack of confidence. If she doesn’t give her confidence, she will only lose confidence in pill refining, which is not a good thing.

Seeing the smiling girl below, Xu Sheng couldn’t help but shook his head, Yuhuan was Yuhuan, she was still so gentle.

Time is like water. Two hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye. The little girl of that year has also become the Master of the three cultivators, but her gentle heart remains unchanged.

In her daily life, Yuhua seldom kills. Even in the territory of ten thousand races, she only does auxiliary work.

Of course, she will not be indecisive when necessary, as long as the Ten Thousand Clan threatens the Huntuo Clan, she will be born fiercely!

When she should be gentle, her temperament is bloody, and she should never hesitate when she should be decisive. This is what Xu Sheng likes her most.

The six people that Xu Sheng focuses on now are not the best in terms of qualifications. The appearance of many younger generations in the Huntuo race has already surpassed them in terms of qualifications.

But why does Xu Sheng keep nurturing them and never change his own ideas?

The reason is that each of them has own characteristics, which is the so-called ‘shining point’.

Each of the six people has a completely different personality, and their handling of people and things is also very different, but the heart remains unchanged.

They are upright, they are high-spirited, in them, Xu Sheng has instilled his own will, as if looking at the six of them, he is also with them!

After watching Yuhua’s side, he moved his gaze to the mixing room on the other side.

Qian Min has only two apprentices, and not both of these apprentices are in the refining room.

One is the refiner and the other is the formation master.

The two lines of Qianmin Refining Device formation have been followed together. It has always been difficult to make progress, and he has paid far more than others, but he has not fallen behind. In terms of concentration, even Yin is not as good as him.

It is this two hundred years as a day that gave him the current Cultivation Base.

Two of his disciples also inherited his focus, one specializing in formation and the other specializing in cultivation.

The two are in their forties. The current Cultivation Base is in the middle stage of Qi training. Although it is not strong, it is very practical. According to this situation, it is not impossible to advance to the Foundation Building or even the Gold Core in the future.

In terms of xinxing, Yuhua’s three disciples are worse than them. Although Yuhua gave her apprentices the warmth of a spring breeze, she was still inferior to Qianmin in terms of training.

There is no other way. In terms of personal wisdom, Qian Min has always been better than Yuhuan, and the latter knows this too well.

Fortunately, the two have a Master like Yin. During their growth, they did not have the slightest bias, which made the relationship between the two extremely good, and there was no contradiction from childhood to adulthood.

But Xuan Yi’s contact with them gradually diminished.

There is no way, the cultivator’s time concept is still different from that of the Practitioner. Maybe they have closed door training for more than a few years, but the Practitioner needs to go to various places to experience own Cultivation Technique.

Practitioner’s Cultivation Technique can’t be cultivated in a quiet room. It must be constantly improved in the fight to wipe out all the weaknesses in it.

Pay attention to the coexistence of strength and skill.

The cultivator is to press people upright, if you can’t stop it, you can’t stop it.

“Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng, the two boys, have had a relaxed life…heh.”

Finally, his gaze fell to the south of the tribe, Xu Sheng couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed. This way of getting along with the master and the apprentice… is also interesting and tight.

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